Hello all,
Tonight is obviously the last knight shift post ever. Tears will be shed, hopeless sobs will be shared, but most of all hugs and kisses will be dished out.
But first, I want to talk about The Avengers. I got to watch this movie this afternoon, and for a rainy day in Chicago that's kind of perfect. Let me first say this movie was fucking awesome, I'm dropping the F-Bomb because it was so cool that it was vulgar.
I've been calling it an appetizer to the Dark Knight Rises, but truth is that movie is a 7-course meal, and I am full if you catch my drift. That movie oozed insane SFX, epic battle scenes, hot ladies, hilarious one-liners, and above all some good "old-fashion" ass-kicking, with a sprinkle of an overwhelming amount of inspiration. Let's not forget to mention the amount of Cleveland in that movie, there was a lot.
Mark Ruffalo as the Bruce Banner, was essential, perfect casting after the whole Ed Norton debacle (who I also like very much). RDJ always gets it, and in this movie he kills it, which is not different from any other movie he is in. Tom Hiddleston freaks me out, well played sir. Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans are the roles they play. Samuel L. no one comes better.
That all-star cast all tied together by the very talented Joss Whedon, there is no chance that movie was a flop. It was epic, and the Dark Knight Rises will be just as good if not better. Therefore making this summer the greatest movie block-buster summer in the past 92 years (There is little to no evidence supporting that claim, so please don't look that up).
Still the Avengers brought in over 200 million this weekend which shatters Harry Potter's record. These guys come together to fight a evil that threatens the planet Earth. They inspire others to help, and stand up to those who vow to do evil. That is something that I want everyone to know, if there's one message I can get through to people, and if you never take anything else away from this blog or me, please let it be this.
I've spoken before about how I want people to be Batman and Superheroes, but all I really want is people to be good. Just stop being such cynical assholes, and stop being so god damn mean to one another. In the words of Frank from God Bless America "Why have civilization anymore if we no longer are interested in being civilized?"
We created superheros for a reason, because we wanted to believe that there could be someone out there who was better than all of us. Fuck religion, put that aside for right now. We wanted someone like us, someone we could relate to. Unfortunately, that gave us an excuse for being shitty, if someone else was great to pick up the scraps and do what was right we didn't have to. We've been shitty for far too long, and we need to stop, because that's why so many people get killed. Too many of us are being shitty, and you want to know how shitty we are.
We all think if a zombie apocalypse comes, we're gonna be the exception that fights off zombies. Probably not, I'll probably be a zombie first day. I'll just get too tired of zombie and let one of those bastards bite me. We're not that special, but it's alright. As long as we strive to be special I think we got something going for us, just don't stop trying because then we get people like Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton, and that crazy leathered woman who took her kid to the tanning booth. If I try for the rest of my life, I'm okay with that. Be better than the people we think we can be. Be better than the people we already know we are.
I'm going to leave you with this clip from God Bless America, and if you don't want to see it after this that's fine, but take something from it.
I don't know what I will do with my life now, but I know I don't want to be shitty anymore. I think in cliches all the time, I just try and verbalize them in a more realistic way. I probably don't succeed, but as long as the point gets across I'm okay with it.
I appreciate all of you that read this, and I hope in so many ways that I somehow made a moment in any of your lives better. If I haven't then I'm sorry for wasting your time, but I appreciate you sticking in there til the end.
Thank you,
For one last time...
Night, Nite, Knight
Jarrad A. Quadir
A journal of not just things that happen during the graveyard shift at the IC, but the inner workings of the mind of a Knight Ranger - Jarrad Quadir
Monday, May 7, 2012
Friday, May 4, 2012
Bouncing Ideas
Hello all,
Tonight is my second to last post, in many show finales this would be the time where the characters sat around possibly in an area where the power went out, or there was a storm warning, pretty much anything that prevented them from leaving where they were at, and had to only each other to talk to which would then lead to a night reminiscing about the best times of past days or in their case episodes.
There are no characters, this is not a show, and I don't remember have the stuff I talk about. Mainly because I'm pretty sure I've put every "kosher" thought I've ever had up on this blog, no wonder I repeat myself so damn much. I think a grand total of like 13 things, and all of those have come out in some way or another.
All 13 are extremely important to me though, and so I chose to share them with you, also I'm a extremely awkward and embarrassing person as well as charming and happen to be decently fond of my hair, so I felt the need to share all of these things with you as well, because I hope that you get some enjoyment from my moments of pain, but truth is I've fallen so much I've become pretty good at it. I'm kind of awesome at falling, so I may try to be a stunt man.
A stunt man would be cool, mainly because you always will have a good story to tell, and people will probably think you're a pretty interesting person, but also because Gosling was a Stunt Man... Driver, in Drive. Gosling doing anything makes it cool.
Quick pitch for a movie idea: Ryan Gosling and Ryan Reynolds star in a comedy, action, drama as brothers, who return home for one weekend to collect their dad's ashes and belongings, only to be sucked into an alternate universe where they realize what life would have been like if they hadn't had a falling out all those years back. It's called Parallel Ryans.
I'm thinking about pitching it to Mandate since they are going to waste money on a movie like LOL, why not put some towards a movie that can at least have two of fiercest guys in Hollywood in them.
I also think a good series of movies would be where we take some of the most classic romantic movies of our generation and re-cast them with two guys. Titanic, The Notebook, Dear John, Pretty Woman, etc. This could be the million dollar idea I've been waiting for. Then reverse that, We take Broke Back Mountain and make it about a man and woman who just can't quit each other, and each of them were in a gay relationship prior to that.
These are just ideas, that is all, feel free to steal them.
I finish finals today, sort of, and I hope the rest of you have a great weekend.
Monday morning will be the last post of the Knight Shift, I will be hanging up my badge and moving on worse and sadder things.
Night, Nite, Knight,
Tonight is my second to last post, in many show finales this would be the time where the characters sat around possibly in an area where the power went out, or there was a storm warning, pretty much anything that prevented them from leaving where they were at, and had to only each other to talk to which would then lead to a night reminiscing about the best times of past days or in their case episodes.
There are no characters, this is not a show, and I don't remember have the stuff I talk about. Mainly because I'm pretty sure I've put every "kosher" thought I've ever had up on this blog, no wonder I repeat myself so damn much. I think a grand total of like 13 things, and all of those have come out in some way or another.
All 13 are extremely important to me though, and so I chose to share them with you, also I'm a extremely awkward and embarrassing person as well as charming and happen to be decently fond of my hair, so I felt the need to share all of these things with you as well, because I hope that you get some enjoyment from my moments of pain, but truth is I've fallen so much I've become pretty good at it. I'm kind of awesome at falling, so I may try to be a stunt man.
A stunt man would be cool, mainly because you always will have a good story to tell, and people will probably think you're a pretty interesting person, but also because Gosling was a Stunt Man... Driver, in Drive. Gosling doing anything makes it cool.
Quick pitch for a movie idea: Ryan Gosling and Ryan Reynolds star in a comedy, action, drama as brothers, who return home for one weekend to collect their dad's ashes and belongings, only to be sucked into an alternate universe where they realize what life would have been like if they hadn't had a falling out all those years back. It's called Parallel Ryans.
I'm thinking about pitching it to Mandate since they are going to waste money on a movie like LOL, why not put some towards a movie that can at least have two of fiercest guys in Hollywood in them.
I also think a good series of movies would be where we take some of the most classic romantic movies of our generation and re-cast them with two guys. Titanic, The Notebook, Dear John, Pretty Woman, etc. This could be the million dollar idea I've been waiting for. Then reverse that, We take Broke Back Mountain and make it about a man and woman who just can't quit each other, and each of them were in a gay relationship prior to that.
These are just ideas, that is all, feel free to steal them.
I finish finals today, sort of, and I hope the rest of you have a great weekend.
Monday morning will be the last post of the Knight Shift, I will be hanging up my badge and moving on worse and sadder things.
Night, Nite, Knight,
Thursday, May 3, 2012
The Dark Knight is Rising
Hello all,
Due to the recent release of the newest Dark Knight Rises Trailer and the recent finding of a Ticonderoga Black Pencil (which is the pencil I imagine Batman using if he needed to use a pencil), this post will be dedicated mostly to that.
First, Let's watch. (Warning this is a trailer, but may reveal more than you wish to know.)
That was awesome, however like I said, it revealed way more than I wished to know. However again, There's no doubt in my mind that this movie will be way beyond any thoughts that I have or think of. However once more, I feel like I may have started to understand Nolan so much, that I may in fact know what he will do which would be sad for me.
This trailer reveals a lot about what's going to happen, there are far more conclusions that I can draw just from this trailer, but like the Dark Knight, I hope it doesn't reveal all, there are like 20 story plots from the 2nd installment, and so I'm hoping there's like 40 for this one. I don't know what the run time for this movie will be, but anything short of 5 hours I will be disappointed.
Bane is a clever witty guy, not the dumb ass portrayed in the 90's movie, as Poison Ivy's crack-addicted, misfit, reject, lackey.
One thing I know, is Tom Hardy has massive, clown-like shoes to fill following the Joker, and Heath Ledger's academy award winning performance. So even if he dies, knock on wood, he'll come off more pathetic for trying to pull the sympathy card as opposed to a tragic death, like Heath Ledger's.
I have much faith in this, like I've said a million times before, and I greatly look forward to its release seeing as I'm fairly certain that I was born to watch this movie. That is my goal in life, and I'm about to fulfill in a couple of months.
Now with this trailers release, it is time I start preparing the final stages of my ceremony. A ceremony that involves a re-watching of both batman movies at least 100 times each, a batman home-made costume complete with a grapple hook and batarangs, the candle light sacrificing of a bat (stuffed animal optional, but live preferable) so as it's spirit is reincarnated into mine, and finally a re-creation of both movies, where I star in every role (I will not do Lucius Fox in black face to show I'm politically correct, and also I will prepare for the role of Rachel Dawes in the Dark Knight by punching myself in the face repeatedly).
Also, the Avengers is coming out Friday, and I'm tremendously less, but still extremely excited to see that. Superhero movies could be the greatest invention since the peanut butter.
This is completely unrelated and poorly transitioned portion to this post, but has anyone else notice that guys who look like stereotypical gym rats are always walking with a limp, and have a look on their face like their constipated.
I feel like they look cooler, I just want to know why that works so well for them, If I tried that people would ask me if I had some sort of disorder.
Just a thought, Have a good day everybody.
Night, Nite, Knight,
Due to the recent release of the newest Dark Knight Rises Trailer and the recent finding of a Ticonderoga Black Pencil (which is the pencil I imagine Batman using if he needed to use a pencil), this post will be dedicated mostly to that.
First, Let's watch. (Warning this is a trailer, but may reveal more than you wish to know.)
That was awesome, however like I said, it revealed way more than I wished to know. However again, There's no doubt in my mind that this movie will be way beyond any thoughts that I have or think of. However once more, I feel like I may have started to understand Nolan so much, that I may in fact know what he will do which would be sad for me.
This trailer reveals a lot about what's going to happen, there are far more conclusions that I can draw just from this trailer, but like the Dark Knight, I hope it doesn't reveal all, there are like 20 story plots from the 2nd installment, and so I'm hoping there's like 40 for this one. I don't know what the run time for this movie will be, but anything short of 5 hours I will be disappointed.
Bane is a clever witty guy, not the dumb ass portrayed in the 90's movie, as Poison Ivy's crack-addicted, misfit, reject, lackey.
One thing I know, is Tom Hardy has massive, clown-like shoes to fill following the Joker, and Heath Ledger's academy award winning performance. So even if he dies, knock on wood, he'll come off more pathetic for trying to pull the sympathy card as opposed to a tragic death, like Heath Ledger's.
I have much faith in this, like I've said a million times before, and I greatly look forward to its release seeing as I'm fairly certain that I was born to watch this movie. That is my goal in life, and I'm about to fulfill in a couple of months.
Now with this trailers release, it is time I start preparing the final stages of my ceremony. A ceremony that involves a re-watching of both batman movies at least 100 times each, a batman home-made costume complete with a grapple hook and batarangs, the candle light sacrificing of a bat (stuffed animal optional, but live preferable) so as it's spirit is reincarnated into mine, and finally a re-creation of both movies, where I star in every role (I will not do Lucius Fox in black face to show I'm politically correct, and also I will prepare for the role of Rachel Dawes in the Dark Knight by punching myself in the face repeatedly).
Also, the Avengers is coming out Friday, and I'm tremendously less, but still extremely excited to see that. Superhero movies could be the greatest invention since the peanut butter.
This is completely unrelated and poorly transitioned portion to this post, but has anyone else notice that guys who look like stereotypical gym rats are always walking with a limp, and have a look on their face like their constipated.
I feel like they look cooler, I just want to know why that works so well for them, If I tried that people would ask me if I had some sort of disorder.
Just a thought, Have a good day everybody.
Night, Nite, Knight,
Monday, April 30, 2012
Nursery Rhyme
Tonight, I will completely make a nursery rhyme from scratch. I will try to rhyme a lot through this If I can, I use to do this with someone way back when, but haven't in a long time, and if they remember then that's just smile material.
So to that person, I dedicate this one to you.
I reused a lot of rhymes, but whatever, that shit's hard. I'm not even sure if that made sense, but it took me 30 minutes, and I'm happy with that.
I also want to say, that I'm honored to have Chris "Capades" Cady aka "Knight Ranger Jr." with me tonight, sharing the responsibilities. He's doing a damn, fine job.
Night, Nite, Knight,
Tonight, I will completely make a nursery rhyme from scratch. I will try to rhyme a lot through this If I can, I use to do this with someone way back when, but haven't in a long time, and if they remember then that's just smile material.
So to that person, I dedicate this one to you.
In a land not to far away at all,
lived a small child who never really knew nothing at all.
Through the nights and days they played anyway,
Never caring about the world that would constantly lay.
They never knew anything about who or what they were from
And instead didn't question for they believed it be dumb.
They lived their lives, one day at a time,
Never carrying the worries like the guilt of a crime.
The world was in peace, and forever we knew,
That no one could ruin it, not even the blues.
Until one day, the wicked drew near,
And soon the others would petition to clear.
Never before had so much time had passed
The wicked had begun their most evilest of tasks.
Strangers and tide from distant sands,
No longer remained far as they traveled the lands.
Bringing with them little hope and cheer,
They did nothing better than tear down the queer.
The strange that is, the out-casted and shunned,
For they are the ones who are forced run
Out of town, out of sight for no one can bear
The witness to the wicked that can't seem to share.
The child weeps in all that it knows,
Which remember is none and no one else shows.
The child sees not of the woed and weak,
The child sees hope when he stands on his feet.
The child ran throughout all of the land,
Reminding the world that it so possibly can.
And with the words of a saint, the others returned,
for the day was lost but the night remained theirs.
Back in the distance, The wicked retreated,
Where it had to be saved, where it had to be treated.
For the young child had won, but nobody cared,
Because the young the child was stricken the strangest declared.
The small child was no boy nor girl, but a person of land
For the child knew the greatest secrets of man.
They knew all, which was none,
for the measure of know is simply one.
One child, one story, one day told in time,
One message, one song, one nursery rhyme.
I reused a lot of rhymes, but whatever, that shit's hard. I'm not even sure if that made sense, but it took me 30 minutes, and I'm happy with that.
I also want to say, that I'm honored to have Chris "Capades" Cady aka "Knight Ranger Jr." with me tonight, sharing the responsibilities. He's doing a damn, fine job.
Night, Nite, Knight,
Friday, April 27, 2012
The End is Near
Dear people,
Today was very possibly my very last day of class ever. As far as I know at this point, I will not be going back to school ever again. It was so bland, as if were like J.D.'s last day at Sacred Heart. In the words of Dr. Cox "It's just another day."
That is how it felt though, not much feeling here or there about anything in particular. It was literally just another day. When I was in my last class late at night, I was quite for a good portion of it, really trying to take it, because even though I wouldn't think it was the class part of college that I will miss, I'm sure that I will at some point.
I miss classes from Freshmen year, when it was alright to not know what you wanted to do with your life. Class in general is usually a fairly boring time, even if you are interested in the class, something about the weekly commitment to pay attention becomes a bit of hassle even on your best days.
Today was a hassle, I think if I wasn't such a memory whore and nostalgia snob, I probably would've skipped my last class. But, I wanted that memory. I wanted to know what we did, and who was there, and what it was about. Truth was, it wasn't very interesting and I knew it wouldn't be. Bruce Japsen talked about how to blog, which to any person born after 1990 would clearly know how to do. If I can do it, then it can't be that hard. It doesn't take much, but he talked to us about our finals and all other lose ends were tied up.
That's how it ended, nothing special at all. I will be continuing this blog into next week, and then my final entry of the knight shift will be on Monday, May 7th. I have a total of 4 more posts, not including this one, because I picked up another shift, before my last one. I will be shedding my armor on the battlefield that is the Information Commons, dropping my sword and shield, only to stand amongst the living of those who will continue forth without me. I'm picturing King Leonidas at the end of 300, and if that's not narcissim at its finest than I don't know what is. I should probably start working out more for that moment, and I feel like I may get some strange looks, but it will totally be worth it. I'll be standing on the first floor where that statue is, and then I'm gonna need about 60 Persians with bows and arrows to be on the second floor in aiming position, ready for my last word to release a blackout of arrows upon my body.
It will be my final post, and it will be sad, but also joyous because this has been my year, and out of everything I've done and been through in college, I would chalk this blog up there as one of the few things I'm quite proud of (mainly my consistency).
I'm sort of hoping for a Conan O'Brien end of the Late Night Show finale, but I can't expect perfection, so I'm just gonna go for the 300 cliche ending. I'm sure I will be repeating myself (like I always do) in that post, with similar things in this post, but I assure you that one will be much more different and better mainly because it has to.
Anyway, take for granted your final moments if you have them, if you are continuing on in your studies then cherish the ones you've got and hold onto them forever because well remembering is a fantastical part of being human.
Also a very shitty part, but that's not really important right now.
You all take care till next time.
Night, Nite, Knight,
Today was very possibly my very last day of class ever. As far as I know at this point, I will not be going back to school ever again. It was so bland, as if were like J.D.'s last day at Sacred Heart. In the words of Dr. Cox "It's just another day."
That is how it felt though, not much feeling here or there about anything in particular. It was literally just another day. When I was in my last class late at night, I was quite for a good portion of it, really trying to take it, because even though I wouldn't think it was the class part of college that I will miss, I'm sure that I will at some point.
I miss classes from Freshmen year, when it was alright to not know what you wanted to do with your life. Class in general is usually a fairly boring time, even if you are interested in the class, something about the weekly commitment to pay attention becomes a bit of hassle even on your best days.
Today was a hassle, I think if I wasn't such a memory whore and nostalgia snob, I probably would've skipped my last class. But, I wanted that memory. I wanted to know what we did, and who was there, and what it was about. Truth was, it wasn't very interesting and I knew it wouldn't be. Bruce Japsen talked about how to blog, which to any person born after 1990 would clearly know how to do. If I can do it, then it can't be that hard. It doesn't take much, but he talked to us about our finals and all other lose ends were tied up.
That's how it ended, nothing special at all. I will be continuing this blog into next week, and then my final entry of the knight shift will be on Monday, May 7th. I have a total of 4 more posts, not including this one, because I picked up another shift, before my last one. I will be shedding my armor on the battlefield that is the Information Commons, dropping my sword and shield, only to stand amongst the living of those who will continue forth without me. I'm picturing King Leonidas at the end of 300, and if that's not narcissim at its finest than I don't know what is. I should probably start working out more for that moment, and I feel like I may get some strange looks, but it will totally be worth it. I'll be standing on the first floor where that statue is, and then I'm gonna need about 60 Persians with bows and arrows to be on the second floor in aiming position, ready for my last word to release a blackout of arrows upon my body.
It will be my final post, and it will be sad, but also joyous because this has been my year, and out of everything I've done and been through in college, I would chalk this blog up there as one of the few things I'm quite proud of (mainly my consistency).
I'm sort of hoping for a Conan O'Brien end of the Late Night Show finale, but I can't expect perfection, so I'm just gonna go for the 300 cliche ending. I'm sure I will be repeating myself (like I always do) in that post, with similar things in this post, but I assure you that one will be much more different and better mainly because it has to.
Anyway, take for granted your final moments if you have them, if you are continuing on in your studies then cherish the ones you've got and hold onto them forever because well remembering is a fantastical part of being human.
Also a very shitty part, but that's not really important right now.
You all take care till next time.
Night, Nite, Knight,
Monday, April 23, 2012
Spring Cleaning
Hello all,
I don't think I can string together a thought long enough to write a well thought out post, so this is just some Spring cleaning shit of whatever I'm going to talk about.
I am currently struggling to write a paper right now, but this week will be epicly awful if I don't do it. If anyone has any scholarly thoughts on James Baldwin and lovely tale Sonny's Blues I would just love to hear it. James Baldwin is a black, possibly homosexual, writer in the 1950's, who grew up in the Harlem ghetto. The only way this man could be more oppressed would be if he were in fact a woman. The story takes place in the ghetto of Harlem, and yet I still can't make these connections. There is something clearly wrong with me. I think I just may need to power through it, and put off that paper until tomorrow...
It's not that it's not interesting, it's more so I don't care. It's not really my fault though. There is very well 2 weeks left of what is possibly the longest plan of my life. 22 years of knowing exactly what I was supposed to do next...and now what? That is one terrifying reality check.
This paper as well as many other things may prove to be the end of me, which really wouldn't be too bad. Go out right before the end of college, I couldn't think of better time. I definitely don't want to live forever, going out young would be kind of cool, as long as it would be cool and some freak accident.
Not that I want to die anytime soon, but if it was gonna happen soon, maybe it should before I do all this work. I know I'm not lucky enough to go out like Harry Stamper.... that Armageddon reference was way over due. It felt good.
In other news, I watched God Bless America tonight. I absolutely loved it. Joel Murray killed it...literally, he messed up a lot of people. There were moments during the movie I was skeptical of the message, but by the end I was fully supportive. I guess that's nothing new, because from the first time I saw the trailer I was fully behind it, except now I have legitimate reason to be.
I won't go into any details about the movie, but I strongly recommend that you watch it. I actually watched another Bobcat Goldthwaith movie the other day. The World's Greatest Dad, didn't even know he directed it til the end, but they definitely had similar feels, with very different endings. Bobcat is actually in this one, so it's sort of cool. His voice isn't very ridiculous either, which I was blown away by.
I've been playing a lot of Pokemon Red....not much more to say about that.
Hope everyone is doing well. I only have a handful of these posts left. I promise the remaining few will be much better than this shitty one. Take care, fun flights, and don't the boogie man bite bite bite.
Night, Nite, Knight,
I don't think I can string together a thought long enough to write a well thought out post, so this is just some Spring cleaning shit of whatever I'm going to talk about.
I am currently struggling to write a paper right now, but this week will be epicly awful if I don't do it. If anyone has any scholarly thoughts on James Baldwin and lovely tale Sonny's Blues I would just love to hear it. James Baldwin is a black, possibly homosexual, writer in the 1950's, who grew up in the Harlem ghetto. The only way this man could be more oppressed would be if he were in fact a woman. The story takes place in the ghetto of Harlem, and yet I still can't make these connections. There is something clearly wrong with me. I think I just may need to power through it, and put off that paper until tomorrow...
It's not that it's not interesting, it's more so I don't care. It's not really my fault though. There is very well 2 weeks left of what is possibly the longest plan of my life. 22 years of knowing exactly what I was supposed to do next...and now what? That is one terrifying reality check.
This paper as well as many other things may prove to be the end of me, which really wouldn't be too bad. Go out right before the end of college, I couldn't think of better time. I definitely don't want to live forever, going out young would be kind of cool, as long as it would be cool and some freak accident.
Not that I want to die anytime soon, but if it was gonna happen soon, maybe it should before I do all this work. I know I'm not lucky enough to go out like Harry Stamper.... that Armageddon reference was way over due. It felt good.
In other news, I watched God Bless America tonight. I absolutely loved it. Joel Murray killed it...literally, he messed up a lot of people. There were moments during the movie I was skeptical of the message, but by the end I was fully supportive. I guess that's nothing new, because from the first time I saw the trailer I was fully behind it, except now I have legitimate reason to be.
I won't go into any details about the movie, but I strongly recommend that you watch it. I actually watched another Bobcat Goldthwaith movie the other day. The World's Greatest Dad, didn't even know he directed it til the end, but they definitely had similar feels, with very different endings. Bobcat is actually in this one, so it's sort of cool. His voice isn't very ridiculous either, which I was blown away by.
I've been playing a lot of Pokemon Red....not much more to say about that.
Hope everyone is doing well. I only have a handful of these posts left. I promise the remaining few will be much better than this shitty one. Take care, fun flights, and don't the boogie man bite bite bite.
Night, Nite, Knight,
Friday, April 20, 2012
Damnit, Hollywood
So this movie LOL is being made, don't really know why, but I do know this, if God Bless America had a gun and had to shoot down one movie in the world, it would be this one. The sad part about this, is that it is a remake. Which means it was made before, probably didn't do so well, and then made again, because Gee that seems like a good idea.
I have not seen this movie, obviously because it hasn't been regurgitated back up yet, but I really feel that this movie isn't getting much deeper than its trailer.
I don't know who or what thought this would be a good idea, but I'm fairly positive that if this the Hollywood standard these days, I'm not really sure I want to be apart of it anymore. The saddest part about this movie is that it may turn out to be the most "real" movie that is released ever.
I talked before about how movies set in real time are suppose to mirror "real life," but they don't. This may be the one exception, because I have a strong feeling this is exactly how life is. It is this shallow, overly dramatic, shitty, constantly connected via social networking, with little human connections and the ridiculous yet non-vital problems of the everyday life of a teenager.
This movie is kind of genius, because it literally is as cliche as the rest of the world. There can't be any one original line in this that you haven't heard before. I bet on your Facebook creeper feed you can find most of the dialogue from this movie, and not to be a total ass, but it's probably coming from teenage girls. It's a movie about everyday life, and just how crappy we are as human beings, and how shallow we can be about just about anything and everything.
The reason why movies make things more fantastic, is because our lives are shitty, and we don't want to watch them. They put beautiful people in the same situation as us normal shitty people, and just spit it back out to us. Its movie that's been in the making for the past ten years, we've all helped write this script, and now we have to painfully sit through its reality. That is the ultimate form of capitalism, we have been exploited to the point of where they steal our ideas from how we live and then sell them back to us. Touche Hollywood.
I don't know if sad is the write word to describe it, but I'm going to assume that Miley Cyrus when accepting this role, believed it to be earth-shattering because A.) She's going to make bank to play basically herself B.) She is fully aware of just how accurate this script may be, and believes it to be so unoriginal in life that it is in fact original for a movie, and C.) There is possibility for a sequel called "ROFL" and a third installment call "LMFAO."
I can't honestly condone this movie, for the sole fact I don't want people spending money on something they could watch anywhere, anytime by just watching people. If you want to waste your money give it to me, and I'll go see it for you. I'll be your Jesus of this movie, I will put all your pain on me that you would have endured from watching this movie.
I just made a joke about this, so I will use it now. This movie is the Comic Sans font of all movies. That's what I leave you with.
Night, Nite, Knight,
So this movie LOL is being made, don't really know why, but I do know this, if God Bless America had a gun and had to shoot down one movie in the world, it would be this one. The sad part about this, is that it is a remake. Which means it was made before, probably didn't do so well, and then made again, because Gee that seems like a good idea.
I have not seen this movie, obviously because it hasn't been regurgitated back up yet, but I really feel that this movie isn't getting much deeper than its trailer.
I don't know who or what thought this would be a good idea, but I'm fairly positive that if this the Hollywood standard these days, I'm not really sure I want to be apart of it anymore. The saddest part about this movie is that it may turn out to be the most "real" movie that is released ever.
I talked before about how movies set in real time are suppose to mirror "real life," but they don't. This may be the one exception, because I have a strong feeling this is exactly how life is. It is this shallow, overly dramatic, shitty, constantly connected via social networking, with little human connections and the ridiculous yet non-vital problems of the everyday life of a teenager.
This movie is kind of genius, because it literally is as cliche as the rest of the world. There can't be any one original line in this that you haven't heard before. I bet on your Facebook creeper feed you can find most of the dialogue from this movie, and not to be a total ass, but it's probably coming from teenage girls. It's a movie about everyday life, and just how crappy we are as human beings, and how shallow we can be about just about anything and everything.
The reason why movies make things more fantastic, is because our lives are shitty, and we don't want to watch them. They put beautiful people in the same situation as us normal shitty people, and just spit it back out to us. Its movie that's been in the making for the past ten years, we've all helped write this script, and now we have to painfully sit through its reality. That is the ultimate form of capitalism, we have been exploited to the point of where they steal our ideas from how we live and then sell them back to us. Touche Hollywood.
I don't know if sad is the write word to describe it, but I'm going to assume that Miley Cyrus when accepting this role, believed it to be earth-shattering because A.) She's going to make bank to play basically herself B.) She is fully aware of just how accurate this script may be, and believes it to be so unoriginal in life that it is in fact original for a movie, and C.) There is possibility for a sequel called "ROFL" and a third installment call "LMFAO."
I can't honestly condone this movie, for the sole fact I don't want people spending money on something they could watch anywhere, anytime by just watching people. If you want to waste your money give it to me, and I'll go see it for you. I'll be your Jesus of this movie, I will put all your pain on me that you would have endured from watching this movie.
I just made a joke about this, so I will use it now. This movie is the Comic Sans font of all movies. That's what I leave you with.
Night, Nite, Knight,
Monday, April 16, 2012
High Expectations
I would like to start off this post to let everyone know we are within 100 days of the release of the Dark Knight Rises. My geese are bumping at the mere thought of it. For some reason or another I have recently had knightmares about the movie being bad. That scares me, because my knightmares are more likely to come true than my dreams. That does not have a double meaning, so please don't take that as a depressing shot at my life.
I have high hopes, and that's probably why I'm so scared. It's difficult for things to live up to your expectations, especially when you set them ridiculously high. The one thing I know is that if the world is to end December 21st of this year, I sure am ecstatic that the Dark Knight Rises release is before it. Because if I die, I need to die with the knowledge of what happened in that movie.
Our expectations tend to ruin some pretty awesome moments, movies, things, friends, etc. They can ruin just about anything if they get carried away.
Disney Channel original movies for example. In the late 90's and early 2000's, some of the best DCOM's were made. Luck of the Irish, Brink, Smart House, Johnny Tsunami, Horse Sense, etc. They were so good, I'm insanely stunned that they weren't academy-worthy. Then they started to suck, and you could see it, because they weren't released as often. It went from once a month, to once every few. Then that stupid High School Musical happened, and I knew that it was the end of quality family viewing as I had known it.
It was what I looked forward to most in life at that point, which in retrospect is insanely pathetic to admit, also starting to question many life choices after that. That's for another time.
Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century taught me what it would like to be a teenage girl who lived in space and had a thirst for adventure. I would have no idea without that movie! These are important lessons in our life that I dread the thought of where I would be without them today. Probably in some ditch somewhere, being a scientist with a career to look forward to or something lame like that.
I had mega-high expectations for these movies, but they always delivered and why? Because they were relevant, they made sense, they treated their audience with a certain amount of respect. As if we were intelligent viewers, watching an educational experience. Now, we have digressed to the point of idiocy. Cheap laughs from everyone, and sometimes those are great, but not always. It's making us dumb.
So I encourage you set your expectations high, because they should be. We need to expect better from others in order to push ourselves forward. I'm not saying it's always going to be great, and we're always going to succeed. You know how I feel about failing, but if we don't try then what's the point of even getting up?
Don't ever have high expectations for this blog. I need the bar set low on this, you can expect better things from me outside of this, but let's leave this at a kindergarten "color in the lines" expectation.
With that being said, Christopher Nolan, I have the utmost respect for you, and am fully confident in what this movie will be. However, my expectations along with billions...yes, billions, is set so high for this Dark Knight Rises, I expect a slightly better quality of film then any given Disney Channel Original Movie ever made. That includes Alley Cats Strike and Mom's got a date with a Vampire.
Night, Nite, Knight,
I would like to start off this post to let everyone know we are within 100 days of the release of the Dark Knight Rises. My geese are bumping at the mere thought of it. For some reason or another I have recently had knightmares about the movie being bad. That scares me, because my knightmares are more likely to come true than my dreams. That does not have a double meaning, so please don't take that as a depressing shot at my life.
I have high hopes, and that's probably why I'm so scared. It's difficult for things to live up to your expectations, especially when you set them ridiculously high. The one thing I know is that if the world is to end December 21st of this year, I sure am ecstatic that the Dark Knight Rises release is before it. Because if I die, I need to die with the knowledge of what happened in that movie.
Our expectations tend to ruin some pretty awesome moments, movies, things, friends, etc. They can ruin just about anything if they get carried away.
Disney Channel original movies for example. In the late 90's and early 2000's, some of the best DCOM's were made. Luck of the Irish, Brink, Smart House, Johnny Tsunami, Horse Sense, etc. They were so good, I'm insanely stunned that they weren't academy-worthy. Then they started to suck, and you could see it, because they weren't released as often. It went from once a month, to once every few. Then that stupid High School Musical happened, and I knew that it was the end of quality family viewing as I had known it.
It was what I looked forward to most in life at that point, which in retrospect is insanely pathetic to admit, also starting to question many life choices after that. That's for another time.
Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century taught me what it would like to be a teenage girl who lived in space and had a thirst for adventure. I would have no idea without that movie! These are important lessons in our life that I dread the thought of where I would be without them today. Probably in some ditch somewhere, being a scientist with a career to look forward to or something lame like that.
I had mega-high expectations for these movies, but they always delivered and why? Because they were relevant, they made sense, they treated their audience with a certain amount of respect. As if we were intelligent viewers, watching an educational experience. Now, we have digressed to the point of idiocy. Cheap laughs from everyone, and sometimes those are great, but not always. It's making us dumb.
So I encourage you set your expectations high, because they should be. We need to expect better from others in order to push ourselves forward. I'm not saying it's always going to be great, and we're always going to succeed. You know how I feel about failing, but if we don't try then what's the point of even getting up?
Don't ever have high expectations for this blog. I need the bar set low on this, you can expect better things from me outside of this, but let's leave this at a kindergarten "color in the lines" expectation.
With that being said, Christopher Nolan, I have the utmost respect for you, and am fully confident in what this movie will be. However, my expectations along with billions...yes, billions, is set so high for this Dark Knight Rises, I expect a slightly better quality of film then any given Disney Channel Original Movie ever made. That includes Alley Cats Strike and Mom's got a date with a Vampire.
Night, Nite, Knight,
Friday, April 13, 2012
Urban Legends
Urban Legends could be some of the creepiest most sadistic pieces of folk lore ever told. They're are sort of the here-say version of Unsolved Mysteries except they are usually false and far more messed up, not to mention you don't get that smoky, low-toned voice of Robert Stack narrating them.
We've all heard urban legends, and many of us probably didn't even know it. Bloody Mary, Roommate Murder, Express train to Hell (which was done in an episode of Hey, Arnold!)That's probably a good thing, because if we don't know they are an urban legend they are still insanely creepy, and we probably are going to lose sleep. All the urban legends I know, I know are fake, but yet I still lose sleep over them If I think about them enough. It's like a scary movie, doesn't matter if they're not real, they were believable enough for me to sleep with the light on and an air-soft gun under my pillow all night for 6 straight days.
Are You Afraid of the Dark is a good show that sort of banks on the whole urban legend story-telling. A bunch of kids just sit around a camp fire telling the creepiest most frightening stories. That show scared the shit out of me, and I guarantee if I watched it again today. My fear would only be more intense seeing as how I've learned nothing in life, and people only scare me more.
One of my favorite urban legends, is the Clown Statue one. Those of you who don't know what that one is, let me please ruin your nights sleep.
A babysitter is watching a couple of kids one night during their parents date night. There is a clown statue in the living room, where she is watching TV. She is freaked out by this clown statue, as any self-respecting sane person would be, because no one has a fucking clown statue in their living room. She calls the Dad, and asks if she can cover it because it is freaking her out. Her Dad tells her to get the kids, go next door, and call 911. She does, without questioning it. She calls the Dad when she is next door, and he explains to her how the kids had been complaining about a clown watching them when they slept, breathing heavily over them, and that they (the parents) just chalked it up as adolescent nightmares. Turns out this guy was a homeless who just happen to hide in the attic and would only come out at night, to watch the kids sleep.
If you are not shitting yourself with fear, then you clearly have issues because I just scared myself typing that. In one version, I was told the clown was a midget, which actually increased the terror of that story to the point where I had repeating nightmares of midgets at the circus.
So when I said, I've been woken up by a Firby at 4 in the morning, after swearing on my life I took the batteries out of that thing 6 years ago. I mean that is truly one of the most terrifying things I have ever experienced. Not to mention that its go-to catch phrase was "You're my friend." Fuck you, Firby. I honestly mean that.
There are hundreds, and if you want to be scared more, by all means look them up. Here are 5 that are also apparently true : Touch me with your mouse ;)
Urban Legends are far more terrifying because by far your imagination is your valuable tool and also your most dangerous. When you watch a scary movie or show, your imagination is limited because they've visualized the story for you, but with words, that can leave a lot up for interpretations. Enough to make you go mad, lose sleep, and want to never see a midget again.
I know they're "fake" but we can't prove something like that will never happen. I mean there is shit that hasn't happened, but it doesn't mean it won't or can't. I know we've proved ghosts "wrong" about a million times, but there are hundreds of situations where we can't. Aliens are definitely real, urban legends can be too! That solely is what makes them so terrifying...the waiting. The wait for one messed up freak to follow through with these things. If anything it's only giving psychos ideas as to how to freak people out. I don't want to be the one they test it on. I will cry like a little girl, and from past experiences that is not an attractive look on me.
Damn you urban legends for your rising possibilities!
This is another site for urban legends. Good luck, sleep tight, if you can... muehehehehehe (evil giggle).
Happy Birthday Capades and Flow, you guys rock my socks on. You are both now irrelevant, welcome to the club.
Night, Nite, Knight,
Urban Legends could be some of the creepiest most sadistic pieces of folk lore ever told. They're are sort of the here-say version of Unsolved Mysteries except they are usually false and far more messed up, not to mention you don't get that smoky, low-toned voice of Robert Stack narrating them.
We've all heard urban legends, and many of us probably didn't even know it. Bloody Mary, Roommate Murder, Express train to Hell (which was done in an episode of Hey, Arnold!)That's probably a good thing, because if we don't know they are an urban legend they are still insanely creepy, and we probably are going to lose sleep. All the urban legends I know, I know are fake, but yet I still lose sleep over them If I think about them enough. It's like a scary movie, doesn't matter if they're not real, they were believable enough for me to sleep with the light on and an air-soft gun under my pillow all night for 6 straight days.
Are You Afraid of the Dark is a good show that sort of banks on the whole urban legend story-telling. A bunch of kids just sit around a camp fire telling the creepiest most frightening stories. That show scared the shit out of me, and I guarantee if I watched it again today. My fear would only be more intense seeing as how I've learned nothing in life, and people only scare me more.
One of my favorite urban legends, is the Clown Statue one. Those of you who don't know what that one is, let me please ruin your nights sleep.
A babysitter is watching a couple of kids one night during their parents date night. There is a clown statue in the living room, where she is watching TV. She is freaked out by this clown statue, as any self-respecting sane person would be, because no one has a fucking clown statue in their living room. She calls the Dad, and asks if she can cover it because it is freaking her out. Her Dad tells her to get the kids, go next door, and call 911. She does, without questioning it. She calls the Dad when she is next door, and he explains to her how the kids had been complaining about a clown watching them when they slept, breathing heavily over them, and that they (the parents) just chalked it up as adolescent nightmares. Turns out this guy was a homeless who just happen to hide in the attic and would only come out at night, to watch the kids sleep.
If you are not shitting yourself with fear, then you clearly have issues because I just scared myself typing that. In one version, I was told the clown was a midget, which actually increased the terror of that story to the point where I had repeating nightmares of midgets at the circus.
So when I said, I've been woken up by a Firby at 4 in the morning, after swearing on my life I took the batteries out of that thing 6 years ago. I mean that is truly one of the most terrifying things I have ever experienced. Not to mention that its go-to catch phrase was "You're my friend." Fuck you, Firby. I honestly mean that.
There are hundreds, and if you want to be scared more, by all means look them up. Here are 5 that are also apparently true : Touch me with your mouse ;)
Urban Legends are far more terrifying because by far your imagination is your valuable tool and also your most dangerous. When you watch a scary movie or show, your imagination is limited because they've visualized the story for you, but with words, that can leave a lot up for interpretations. Enough to make you go mad, lose sleep, and want to never see a midget again.
I know they're "fake" but we can't prove something like that will never happen. I mean there is shit that hasn't happened, but it doesn't mean it won't or can't. I know we've proved ghosts "wrong" about a million times, but there are hundreds of situations where we can't. Aliens are definitely real, urban legends can be too! That solely is what makes them so terrifying...the waiting. The wait for one messed up freak to follow through with these things. If anything it's only giving psychos ideas as to how to freak people out. I don't want to be the one they test it on. I will cry like a little girl, and from past experiences that is not an attractive look on me.
Damn you urban legends for your rising possibilities!
This is another site for urban legends. Good luck, sleep tight, if you can... muehehehehehe (evil giggle).
Happy Birthday Capades and Flow, you guys rock my socks on. You are both now irrelevant, welcome to the club.
Night, Nite, Knight,
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Our Sad Truth
God created man because something other than just dinosaurs and animals had to inhabit earth. Things were too good, and clearly God needed a species that would come along and fuck shit up.
He had dinosaurs, but clearly their way of life was just working way to well. The circle of life was making incredibly way to much sense, and there was too much order without enough chaos. So what happened, God sent an asteroid to strike the earth and kill all the dinosaurs, because honestly a world without chaos is just simply boring enough to take a giant ass asteroid and erase what was working. Then God creates other species and other things that eventually evolve into humans, or something like that.
The world graduates to Earth status once we've become smart enough to realize that their are other planets, and we move forward together as mankind. A world that is intellectually brilliant, common sense stupid, and wasteful as all hell.
We've become too smart for our own good, we make inventions to make life easier not more efficient, not smarter, but simpler. We don't have to work to live anymore.
I'm becoming deathly afraid we're getting to the point of just existing, and before any of us know it we will end up like those people in Wall-E, which isn't necessarily a bad thing depending on how you look at it. We stress ourselves out to the point of bad health, both mentally and physically when in reality, the only pressure we have, we get from ourselves. We've been our own worst enemy for quite some time.
We destroy ourselves and everyone and everything around us, with small moments of greatness. Yet we are judged on these moments so frequently, and our ability to succeed is what makes us humans smarter than any other creature.
Unfortunately, that is a truly fucked up way to look at ourselves. We see failure as such a negative in society, and we should make it avoidable at all cost although there is like a million elementary school posters that tell us to try, try, and try again. Which is ironic because the same institution doesn't really give you the option to try, try, and try again, it's more like try, fuck up, and lose. All the most important people in history have told us that failing was apart of the process, yet we don't listen.
"Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it." Do you remember this? Because even though we talk about it being alright to lose and fail we don't actually believe it. I don't want to fail, because of so many things, the most obvious is succeeding makes life easier. But also you're done with it, people aren't disappointed, there is no conflict, it was worth the money, and you move on.
Because failure to me entails, a pissed of father, a wasted shit load of money, a disappointed group of people, and the ultimate act of self-loathing which includes, but not limited to, tears, drool, and the fetal position.
So instead of failing, we succeed any way we know how. Does not matter how unethical it is, or how much we cheat, lie, and steal to do it, we will "succeed." For that success we will be praised and loved. That is our sad truth, no matter how much we want to believe that it's okay to fail.
If this post doesn't make sense, I'm sorry. I'm wired in a strange way, and thoughts are coming from any and every direction.
All jokes aside, Loyola lost a student this past week, 18-year-old Joseph Suh. Although I didn't know him, I was deeply saddened to hear about his passing. I don't have much to say other than my condolences go out to his family and friends. And to Joseph, life really does suck sometimes, I don't know where you are right now, but I sure hope it's a lot better of a place than here.
Night, Nite, Knight,
God created man because something other than just dinosaurs and animals had to inhabit earth. Things were too good, and clearly God needed a species that would come along and fuck shit up.
He had dinosaurs, but clearly their way of life was just working way to well. The circle of life was making incredibly way to much sense, and there was too much order without enough chaos. So what happened, God sent an asteroid to strike the earth and kill all the dinosaurs, because honestly a world without chaos is just simply boring enough to take a giant ass asteroid and erase what was working. Then God creates other species and other things that eventually evolve into humans, or something like that.
The world graduates to Earth status once we've become smart enough to realize that their are other planets, and we move forward together as mankind. A world that is intellectually brilliant, common sense stupid, and wasteful as all hell.
We've become too smart for our own good, we make inventions to make life easier not more efficient, not smarter, but simpler. We don't have to work to live anymore.
I'm becoming deathly afraid we're getting to the point of just existing, and before any of us know it we will end up like those people in Wall-E, which isn't necessarily a bad thing depending on how you look at it. We stress ourselves out to the point of bad health, both mentally and physically when in reality, the only pressure we have, we get from ourselves. We've been our own worst enemy for quite some time.
We destroy ourselves and everyone and everything around us, with small moments of greatness. Yet we are judged on these moments so frequently, and our ability to succeed is what makes us humans smarter than any other creature.
Unfortunately, that is a truly fucked up way to look at ourselves. We see failure as such a negative in society, and we should make it avoidable at all cost although there is like a million elementary school posters that tell us to try, try, and try again. Which is ironic because the same institution doesn't really give you the option to try, try, and try again, it's more like try, fuck up, and lose. All the most important people in history have told us that failing was apart of the process, yet we don't listen.
"Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it." Do you remember this? Because even though we talk about it being alright to lose and fail we don't actually believe it. I don't want to fail, because of so many things, the most obvious is succeeding makes life easier. But also you're done with it, people aren't disappointed, there is no conflict, it was worth the money, and you move on.
Because failure to me entails, a pissed of father, a wasted shit load of money, a disappointed group of people, and the ultimate act of self-loathing which includes, but not limited to, tears, drool, and the fetal position.
So instead of failing, we succeed any way we know how. Does not matter how unethical it is, or how much we cheat, lie, and steal to do it, we will "succeed." For that success we will be praised and loved. That is our sad truth, no matter how much we want to believe that it's okay to fail.
If this post doesn't make sense, I'm sorry. I'm wired in a strange way, and thoughts are coming from any and every direction.
All jokes aside, Loyola lost a student this past week, 18-year-old Joseph Suh. Although I didn't know him, I was deeply saddened to hear about his passing. I don't have much to say other than my condolences go out to his family and friends. And to Joseph, life really does suck sometimes, I don't know where you are right now, but I sure hope it's a lot better of a place than here.
Night, Nite, Knight,
Monday, April 2, 2012
This is not what I ordered...Oh...you...don't...care.
Once again, I am back for another epic night of talking about something that probably is very relevant and you can most likely think about when you probably should be thinking of something else.
I've been writing a health care article for my health care reporting class, which is weird to me that I actually got some work done during this job...also, that I'm in a health care class. In recent news, Obama's health care plan is now being reviewed by the Supreme Court to decide whether or not it is unconstitutional, and apparently they can strike down parts of the bill, not the whole thing. In more recent news, I honestly don't care
I think it's relevant and makes sense that what happens will affect all of us, but I don't want to know the process leading up to it. Health care is dry, plain and simple and probably because it's so political, which also is dry. Regardless of what I say or do, I'm still not going to be their number one priority.
I'm all about knowing what goes on in our country and understanding the "process" of getting shit done, but with all these rules and restrictions that are put on anything and everything you just get fed up with it and say "Screw it, I'm watching TV."
I wish fixing a problem was easier than it seems, but truth is even if a bill is good and we know that it will do what is best for our country, individuals agenda's will block it because they didn't get what they want. That is just the most annoying part of government.
Don't take this as I know what I'm talking about, because I don't. I don't know what bills are best for our country, but I do know that stupid shit gets thrown onto what are considered good bills (I use to know the term for it, but have long since forgotten), and they get rejected for the small shit that's just tagging along.
Our government is run like the DMV, I know this comparison has probably been done in about a thousand stand ups across the country, but all I can imagine when I think of government is waiting for hours in line only to get to the front and realize you didn't get the right form, because instead of trying to explain your predicament to the woman when you first got there hours before, she jumps the gun and tells you what form you need, which turns out to be the completely wrong one because its not like its her job to help you correctly the first time.
We all make mistakes I get it, but when I'm trying to explain my problem, and you tell me that it's this form without fully hearing me out, and you're wrong, it's just enough anger to contemplate the pros and cons of murder.
Great story from a few weeks ago. I've used my AOL email for years (I know that's ancient of me), and I checked it numerous times daily. One day, I go to check it, and it's been cancelled. I call the number they provide me with, and when I talk to the guy on the phone, he can't tell me anything about the cancellation because my name is not on the administration account that made my screen name. My mom's was because I've had since I was 14!
So now, even though I'm 22, I have to call my mom to ask her to call them so I can access my primary email account. Super awesome customer service, thanks for being so protective of my shit that you cancelled without giving me any sort of warning. I hope AOL goes bankrupt, because now they are trying to start charging people to use their service...Does anyone else want to tell them that email is free? That no one will pay to use a service they've offered for free for years? That companies like Google and Yahoo don't charge you to use their email service because they are thriving businesses? No, well I would hate for them to find this out down the line, but let's not give them any warning, because apparently they don't care to give any warnings, they sure are a spontaneous group.
I can't blame them though, we live in a country where depending on how much you pay depends on what kind of customer service you get. Megabus, terrible customer service, but what the hell do they care? People are still going to buy their tickets because they are cheap. Netflix, was cheap, then they started charging out the ass to use their service, and all they said was sorry. At least an apology was nice.
What I've gathered from this Health care shit, the DMV, AOL, Netflix, and Megabus is just because you pay to use someone's service doesn't mean you get treated with dignity and respect, what matters is the money you are willing to dish out to get better customer service.
That's our country, still don't get it, but apparently it makes sense to some people. My guess is that one percent that people still tend to be bitching about, and some other people who probably don't like anything I have to say.
At the end of the day, they should know that they've won, and should be proud. It's simply tiring arguing with idiots, because if there is one thing I've learned it's that Idiots are the most energized people in the world, and have the ability to argue forever.
Have a great week, and good...
Night, Nite, Knight,
Once again, I am back for another epic night of talking about something that probably is very relevant and you can most likely think about when you probably should be thinking of something else.
I've been writing a health care article for my health care reporting class, which is weird to me that I actually got some work done during this job...also, that I'm in a health care class. In recent news, Obama's health care plan is now being reviewed by the Supreme Court to decide whether or not it is unconstitutional, and apparently they can strike down parts of the bill, not the whole thing. In more recent news, I honestly don't care
I think it's relevant and makes sense that what happens will affect all of us, but I don't want to know the process leading up to it. Health care is dry, plain and simple and probably because it's so political, which also is dry. Regardless of what I say or do, I'm still not going to be their number one priority.
I'm all about knowing what goes on in our country and understanding the "process" of getting shit done, but with all these rules and restrictions that are put on anything and everything you just get fed up with it and say "Screw it, I'm watching TV."
I wish fixing a problem was easier than it seems, but truth is even if a bill is good and we know that it will do what is best for our country, individuals agenda's will block it because they didn't get what they want. That is just the most annoying part of government.
Don't take this as I know what I'm talking about, because I don't. I don't know what bills are best for our country, but I do know that stupid shit gets thrown onto what are considered good bills (I use to know the term for it, but have long since forgotten), and they get rejected for the small shit that's just tagging along.
Our government is run like the DMV, I know this comparison has probably been done in about a thousand stand ups across the country, but all I can imagine when I think of government is waiting for hours in line only to get to the front and realize you didn't get the right form, because instead of trying to explain your predicament to the woman when you first got there hours before, she jumps the gun and tells you what form you need, which turns out to be the completely wrong one because its not like its her job to help you correctly the first time.
We all make mistakes I get it, but when I'm trying to explain my problem, and you tell me that it's this form without fully hearing me out, and you're wrong, it's just enough anger to contemplate the pros and cons of murder.
Great story from a few weeks ago. I've used my AOL email for years (I know that's ancient of me), and I checked it numerous times daily. One day, I go to check it, and it's been cancelled. I call the number they provide me with, and when I talk to the guy on the phone, he can't tell me anything about the cancellation because my name is not on the administration account that made my screen name. My mom's was because I've had since I was 14!
So now, even though I'm 22, I have to call my mom to ask her to call them so I can access my primary email account. Super awesome customer service, thanks for being so protective of my shit that you cancelled without giving me any sort of warning. I hope AOL goes bankrupt, because now they are trying to start charging people to use their service...Does anyone else want to tell them that email is free? That no one will pay to use a service they've offered for free for years? That companies like Google and Yahoo don't charge you to use their email service because they are thriving businesses? No, well I would hate for them to find this out down the line, but let's not give them any warning, because apparently they don't care to give any warnings, they sure are a spontaneous group.
I can't blame them though, we live in a country where depending on how much you pay depends on what kind of customer service you get. Megabus, terrible customer service, but what the hell do they care? People are still going to buy their tickets because they are cheap. Netflix, was cheap, then they started charging out the ass to use their service, and all they said was sorry. At least an apology was nice.
What I've gathered from this Health care shit, the DMV, AOL, Netflix, and Megabus is just because you pay to use someone's service doesn't mean you get treated with dignity and respect, what matters is the money you are willing to dish out to get better customer service.
That's our country, still don't get it, but apparently it makes sense to some people. My guess is that one percent that people still tend to be bitching about, and some other people who probably don't like anything I have to say.
At the end of the day, they should know that they've won, and should be proud. It's simply tiring arguing with idiots, because if there is one thing I've learned it's that Idiots are the most energized people in the world, and have the ability to argue forever.
Have a great week, and good...
Night, Nite, Knight,
Friday, March 30, 2012
Star Grill Saved My Life
So last night, I sort of witnessed the shooting that happened down by Granville and Broadway. I was going home from the bar, so I had been drinking. Please, it is important that you keep that in mind. Throughout this whole story, because there are definitely holes, and that's one reason I think I would be no help to the police.
So I'm walking back and of course I'm hungry. Alcohol makes anyone hungry, so I make the wonderful, never regretful decision to go to Star Grill. I go in, get the usual, and leave. It takes about 10 min, I know because for some odd reason, I was completely aware of the clock, probably because I was starving and was waiting for my damn food.
I leave and set off down Broadway towards Granville. The whole time I was walking, the only thing I could focus on was my food, that's all I cared about. Just strutting along, smelling that "aroma a la star" which has that perfect mix of awesome wrapped in a thick,sad layer of sadness. I get to right around the "Antique Mall" area, and I hear a "pop," look up a bunch of people scatter down side streets, and the two cars in the middle of the road, one pedestrian car and one taxi take off. The taxi pulled up right by me, and got out. The other car, just sped off.
I think the other car was the target, but once again I remind you I had been drinking. I'm not sure what I saw, but I want to say I saw a guy pull a gun back when he scattered. Another part I'm a little fuzzy on, is whether they were at Granville or Rosemont. I want to say Rosemont, but apparently it was Granville. I'm not sure, about many things. The only things I am sure about are the sound, the cars, and the food.
I talked to the Cabby and he was fine, and he had some "dent" in the back of his car. I don't know if that means it got shot, or he did that some other time, and now is gonna try and bank of that insurance.
I do want to say, that the email we received today about it, confirmed my experience, but more so this part of the email definitely was important
So last night, I sort of witnessed the shooting that happened down by Granville and Broadway. I was going home from the bar, so I had been drinking. Please, it is important that you keep that in mind. Throughout this whole story, because there are definitely holes, and that's one reason I think I would be no help to the police.
So I'm walking back and of course I'm hungry. Alcohol makes anyone hungry, so I make the wonderful, never regretful decision to go to Star Grill. I go in, get the usual, and leave. It takes about 10 min, I know because for some odd reason, I was completely aware of the clock, probably because I was starving and was waiting for my damn food.
I leave and set off down Broadway towards Granville. The whole time I was walking, the only thing I could focus on was my food, that's all I cared about. Just strutting along, smelling that "aroma a la star" which has that perfect mix of awesome wrapped in a thick,sad layer of sadness. I get to right around the "Antique Mall" area, and I hear a "pop," look up a bunch of people scatter down side streets, and the two cars in the middle of the road, one pedestrian car and one taxi take off. The taxi pulled up right by me, and got out. The other car, just sped off.
I think the other car was the target, but once again I remind you I had been drinking. I'm not sure what I saw, but I want to say I saw a guy pull a gun back when he scattered. Another part I'm a little fuzzy on, is whether they were at Granville or Rosemont. I want to say Rosemont, but apparently it was Granville. I'm not sure, about many things. The only things I am sure about are the sound, the cars, and the food.
I talked to the Cabby and he was fine, and he had some "dent" in the back of his car. I don't know if that means it got shot, or he did that some other time, and now is gonna try and bank of that insurance.
I do want to say, that the email we received today about it, confirmed my experience, but more so this part of the email definitely was important
"Campus Safety wants to take this time to remind everyone that it is imperative that you remain aware of your surroundings at all times. Stay alert and able to recognize behaviors that may be considered suspicious or unsafe. "
It is important to understand, how I followed none of these guidelines when I was walking home...alone.... at 2:40 in the morning with some of the most desirable pieces of food available to students.
The reason I say Star Grill saved my life is because had I not gotten it, maybe just maybe I would've been down by that intersection whenever that shit went down. Maybe I would have gotten shot (which is sort of a messed up fantasy of mine). Not fatally shot, just through the shoulder or something of my left arm, missing anything really important. I don't like playing the victim, but the sympathy and story alone would be so truly epic how could you not love it. I guess the actual getting shot part might be undesirable to most.
If I would have died, probably no one would have known until like 4 days later just because that's my guess. Anyway, I don't find the incident a laughing matter, I find my stupidity hilarious, but people did get shot and that's never a good thing (they are alright, apparently).
Still, I guess I should uphold Campus Safety's reminder and actually encourage people to do everything they say, and don't succumb to the temptation of staying healthy and avoiding that late night snack, because god knows where I would be right now without Star Grill.
It saved my life, and I owe it everything. I dedicate this post to it and all other awesome fine late night open establishments that may have saved other nights.
Let's make food not war!
Up with philly cheese down with bashing knees!
Pro-Grease, Anti-Decease!
All those and well that's about it there isn't a food and gang terminology crossover, even though you think there would be. Even those are a giant stretch, I admit it.
Be safe, watch yourself, and eat food because fat people are entirely to lazy to be violent.
Night, Nite, Knight,
Monday, March 26, 2012
Appropriately Unreachable
Dear everyone,
I've been re-watching a lot of Scrubs recently, and one of the best things about that show is the soundtrack. Those of you who are not fellow "Scrubers," first off should change that immediately, and secondly understand the greatness behind some of their song selections.
Often when it comes to movies and TV the right music can make a scene great, but it's really phenomenal, when the right scene can make a song great. Most people don't know this, but The Fray's "How to Save a Life" got its recognition in one of Scrubs best episodes of all time "My Lunch."
One of the best scene in Scrubs history...the history of the world even, involving Dr. Cox, J.D., and some sad things. I don't want to ruin it for those of you who plan on watching it. The scene was so powerful and moving along with the song complementing it perfectly, you can't ask for a better combination of passion and emotion.
Joshua Radin's "Winter," became famous in another popular (and ever so good) episode "My Screw Up." Not only launching the song, but his career as a musician.
This post isn't about Scrubs though and their great music selection, it is about one song in particular and more so what that song means. In the episode "His Story III," which revolved around the point-of-view of the Janitor, Neil Flynn, instead of JD (which is the norm). The song in that episode is Augustana "Boston."
Now, I don't know anything about this band, other than this song. Whatever else I've heard, I didn't care much for. Regardless, if you like the band/song or not is irrelevant, this song definitely brings about interesting ideas to think about it, and for me it was sort of the this appropriately unreachable dream.
The sort of dream that you'll never follow through with because it means losing so much, but you could if you really wanted to be that guy or girl, but in some ways you think it could be amazing if you ever actually went through with it. This song is that dream.
This guy talks about leaving the place he's been his whole life, where he's been established and known and go off to somewhere where "no one knows my name" (This song is the complete opposite of the "Cheers" theme song). About leaving your comfort zone and going somewhere uncomfortable, where you know no one, and you can start fresh. It's all about having no obligations to anyone or anything, and never having to worry about keeping in touch with people or visiting people, but just living your life on your own terms. It does sound sort of selfish, but incredible at the same time.
I'm not sure how deep the guy from Augustana was really going in the song, but in my mind I thought of it much like the "Into the Wild" with Chris McCandless. (Which I talked about with ANNE! on Wednesday, gotta love it when things come full circle).
If you read the book or saw that beautiful ass movie, he's sort of the extreme of that dream. He really goes out of his way so no one really knows him, and/or can contact him. He burns his social security card and all his money, and just disappears. That is some liberating shit right there. Taking yourself off the grid.
Maybe it's because graduation is approaching, and the reality of life after school is starting to sink in that I'm feeling this way, but I know that I've had this mind-set for a long time, ever since the first time I read that book, which I think was middle-school.
Like I said, it's a ridiculous dream because I never would do it. There's too many people in my life I actually care about, that did so much for me, that to disappear would only be seen as selfish. I'm lucky in a lot of ways, and when you are that lucky you can afford to think this way, but I know not everyone is. It's easy to see the glamor in another person's life when your apart of the audience, but to live it is much different.
But still, there is a great feeling in just thinking that way though, imagine never fearing the disappointment in others, living according to your own rules and agenda, that's something special. It's just not realistic, at least for me.
I don't think it is a bad thing, I encourage all of you to think that way, because if anything you realize more of what you want, and appreciate more of what you already have. I'm getting a little too deep for this blog, these are the epitome of high thoughts, although I do see relevance in it for everyone.
In a lighter, more awesome note, I got the great pleasure of meeting Steve Cady (Chris "Capades" Cady's nicer twin) this weekend. I'm thinking I like "The Flow" as a nickname for him, cause he's got some great flow, I mean damn good, and as a hair enthusiast, I always appreciate some good flow.
Hope you all have a good week, and take care for now.
Night, Nite, Knight,
I've been re-watching a lot of Scrubs recently, and one of the best things about that show is the soundtrack. Those of you who are not fellow "Scrubers," first off should change that immediately, and secondly understand the greatness behind some of their song selections.
Often when it comes to movies and TV the right music can make a scene great, but it's really phenomenal, when the right scene can make a song great. Most people don't know this, but The Fray's "How to Save a Life" got its recognition in one of Scrubs best episodes of all time "My Lunch."
One of the best scene in Scrubs history...the history of the world even, involving Dr. Cox, J.D., and some sad things. I don't want to ruin it for those of you who plan on watching it. The scene was so powerful and moving along with the song complementing it perfectly, you can't ask for a better combination of passion and emotion.
Joshua Radin's "Winter," became famous in another popular (and ever so good) episode "My Screw Up." Not only launching the song, but his career as a musician.
This post isn't about Scrubs though and their great music selection, it is about one song in particular and more so what that song means. In the episode "His Story III," which revolved around the point-of-view of the Janitor, Neil Flynn, instead of JD (which is the norm). The song in that episode is Augustana "Boston."
Now, I don't know anything about this band, other than this song. Whatever else I've heard, I didn't care much for. Regardless, if you like the band/song or not is irrelevant, this song definitely brings about interesting ideas to think about it, and for me it was sort of the this appropriately unreachable dream.
The sort of dream that you'll never follow through with because it means losing so much, but you could if you really wanted to be that guy or girl, but in some ways you think it could be amazing if you ever actually went through with it. This song is that dream.
This guy talks about leaving the place he's been his whole life, where he's been established and known and go off to somewhere where "no one knows my name" (This song is the complete opposite of the "Cheers" theme song). About leaving your comfort zone and going somewhere uncomfortable, where you know no one, and you can start fresh. It's all about having no obligations to anyone or anything, and never having to worry about keeping in touch with people or visiting people, but just living your life on your own terms. It does sound sort of selfish, but incredible at the same time.
I'm not sure how deep the guy from Augustana was really going in the song, but in my mind I thought of it much like the "Into the Wild" with Chris McCandless. (Which I talked about with ANNE! on Wednesday, gotta love it when things come full circle).
If you read the book or saw that beautiful ass movie, he's sort of the extreme of that dream. He really goes out of his way so no one really knows him, and/or can contact him. He burns his social security card and all his money, and just disappears. That is some liberating shit right there. Taking yourself off the grid.
Maybe it's because graduation is approaching, and the reality of life after school is starting to sink in that I'm feeling this way, but I know that I've had this mind-set for a long time, ever since the first time I read that book, which I think was middle-school.
Like I said, it's a ridiculous dream because I never would do it. There's too many people in my life I actually care about, that did so much for me, that to disappear would only be seen as selfish. I'm lucky in a lot of ways, and when you are that lucky you can afford to think this way, but I know not everyone is. It's easy to see the glamor in another person's life when your apart of the audience, but to live it is much different.
But still, there is a great feeling in just thinking that way though, imagine never fearing the disappointment in others, living according to your own rules and agenda, that's something special. It's just not realistic, at least for me.
I don't think it is a bad thing, I encourage all of you to think that way, because if anything you realize more of what you want, and appreciate more of what you already have. I'm getting a little too deep for this blog, these are the epitome of high thoughts, although I do see relevance in it for everyone.
In a lighter, more awesome note, I got the great pleasure of meeting Steve Cady (Chris "Capades" Cady's nicer twin) this weekend. I'm thinking I like "The Flow" as a nickname for him, cause he's got some great flow, I mean damn good, and as a hair enthusiast, I always appreciate some good flow.
Hope you all have a good week, and take care for now.
Night, Nite, Knight,
Friday, March 23, 2012
Bumping of the Geese
Have you ever noticed how weird goosebumps are? Your body physically reacts to certain emotions as it does temperature change. Sometimes where you're in a situation where both come into play, you're not sure which of the two possibilities ignited them. For instance, the national anthem at a hockey game. It's cold and patriotic, which could be Nighttrain's natural environment.
Patriotic things get my geese bumpin', I'm just that guy. Call me corny, call me cliche, even call me a sap, but I do find something special in most patriotic moments, and most of the time they don't even have to be real. Pretty much every firework show I've ever been to, anytime they sing the National Anthem at some sporting event I'm probably going to bumps some geese.
That got me thinking about what else get's my geese bumpin'. Well, in order to do that, I had to go back and think about all the moments in movies and shows that I think are pretty heartfelt, beautiful, somewhat corny, somewhat special. They have to be able to tip-toe that ever so thin line between inspirational and corny, and that being said we all don't have the same line, but still we can appreciate most things for what they're worth.
Sud was here a couple weeks ago, and got me watching those soldiers coming home videos. I dare you not to get goosebumps when you watch those, they are the best, got me teary-eyed behind the desk of my job looking like an idiot. Still, I do like them and would watch them a million times again, just cause that feeling is awesome.
I've put together a group of some of my favorite moments from television shows and movies that always really get me choked up and bumpin' geese. There are many, just beware, you don't have to watch them all, and they are not just the good part, but what I could find. You know the good part when you feel those bumps creeping up on you.
Also, I understand part of the experience of these moments are the context in which they are in. In that case, I encourage to watch what you will, but take it more as a reference to a movie or show you haven't seen and may want to. These are in no particular order
American Beauty- is B-E-A-utiful
Scrubs - has many, I picked a few
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air- Great acting on Will Smith's part, always nice to see a comedy take a turn to the Drama side for a moment. Really humanizes the characters
Fresh Prince - Two Sad Scenes
Armaggeddon- Michael Bay definitely knows how to get people excited
Independence Day- Arguably the best alien v. the world speech ever
Boy Meets World- Again, so many great moments. The final moments of the show just was too sad to pass up
The Majestic- Jim Carrey proves he can give an awkward tough speech, good movie about the magic of movies.
Patch Adams and Jack- Robin Williams does a great job in both just really appealing to the heart.
Remember the Titans- One of many great sports movies, but this one just came around in my prime years
Coach Carter- Sad and beautiful
Lion King- standard animation just making me cry.
The Dark Knight- Final speech delivered by the Commissioner, just makes you realize how perfect Batman is.
A Watchful Protector...
These next two are by far my favorite out of any of these. The first one is from the West Wing which is arguably one of the best shows of all time, and although its based on a fake event, it ignites those feelings just as good as the real thing. So beautifully written by Aaron Sorkin and Acted out by Martin Sheen.
The other being Charlie Chaplin's the Great Dictator Speech, beautiful, reasonable, and passionate. Still upholds to this very day. (This version is cut with images, but the original is just as good).
I've realized that often times when we feel this way we are so engulfed in what is going on around us it overwhelms us to the point of exceedingly happiness and confusion. This is the point when someone looks at you and you strike the resemblance of a 6-year-old whose biggest dream just came true. You look like an idiot, because you're not used to being that happy. It's so special you understand it's about so much more than just you, it's about the experience you're sharing with a larger group of people. Regardless of how many or who, it's a feeling of shared experience that can't be handled by just one. That's why we love that feeling, even though it may feel awkward and unexpected it's awesome every time.
I don't get goosebumps when I get scared. They should have called those books "Pisspants" because that was more likely to happen than "Goosebumps."
I don't expect everyone to like these, but I'm sure you have your own too.
Be Safe and continue to Bump those Geese
Night, Nite, Knight,
Have you ever noticed how weird goosebumps are? Your body physically reacts to certain emotions as it does temperature change. Sometimes where you're in a situation where both come into play, you're not sure which of the two possibilities ignited them. For instance, the national anthem at a hockey game. It's cold and patriotic, which could be Nighttrain's natural environment.
Patriotic things get my geese bumpin', I'm just that guy. Call me corny, call me cliche, even call me a sap, but I do find something special in most patriotic moments, and most of the time they don't even have to be real. Pretty much every firework show I've ever been to, anytime they sing the National Anthem at some sporting event I'm probably going to bumps some geese.
That got me thinking about what else get's my geese bumpin'. Well, in order to do that, I had to go back and think about all the moments in movies and shows that I think are pretty heartfelt, beautiful, somewhat corny, somewhat special. They have to be able to tip-toe that ever so thin line between inspirational and corny, and that being said we all don't have the same line, but still we can appreciate most things for what they're worth.
Sud was here a couple weeks ago, and got me watching those soldiers coming home videos. I dare you not to get goosebumps when you watch those, they are the best, got me teary-eyed behind the desk of my job looking like an idiot. Still, I do like them and would watch them a million times again, just cause that feeling is awesome.
I've put together a group of some of my favorite moments from television shows and movies that always really get me choked up and bumpin' geese. There are many, just beware, you don't have to watch them all, and they are not just the good part, but what I could find. You know the good part when you feel those bumps creeping up on you.
Also, I understand part of the experience of these moments are the context in which they are in. In that case, I encourage to watch what you will, but take it more as a reference to a movie or show you haven't seen and may want to. These are in no particular order
American Beauty- is B-E-A-utiful
Scrubs - has many, I picked a few
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air- Great acting on Will Smith's part, always nice to see a comedy take a turn to the Drama side for a moment. Really humanizes the characters
Fresh Prince - Two Sad Scenes
Armaggeddon- Michael Bay definitely knows how to get people excited
Independence Day- Arguably the best alien v. the world speech ever
Boy Meets World- Again, so many great moments. The final moments of the show just was too sad to pass up
The Majestic- Jim Carrey proves he can give an awkward tough speech, good movie about the magic of movies.
Patch Adams and Jack- Robin Williams does a great job in both just really appealing to the heart.
Remember the Titans- One of many great sports movies, but this one just came around in my prime years
Coach Carter- Sad and beautiful
Lion King- standard animation just making me cry.
The Dark Knight- Final speech delivered by the Commissioner, just makes you realize how perfect Batman is.
A Watchful Protector...
These next two are by far my favorite out of any of these. The first one is from the West Wing which is arguably one of the best shows of all time, and although its based on a fake event, it ignites those feelings just as good as the real thing. So beautifully written by Aaron Sorkin and Acted out by Martin Sheen.
The other being Charlie Chaplin's the Great Dictator Speech, beautiful, reasonable, and passionate. Still upholds to this very day. (This version is cut with images, but the original is just as good).
I've realized that often times when we feel this way we are so engulfed in what is going on around us it overwhelms us to the point of exceedingly happiness and confusion. This is the point when someone looks at you and you strike the resemblance of a 6-year-old whose biggest dream just came true. You look like an idiot, because you're not used to being that happy. It's so special you understand it's about so much more than just you, it's about the experience you're sharing with a larger group of people. Regardless of how many or who, it's a feeling of shared experience that can't be handled by just one. That's why we love that feeling, even though it may feel awkward and unexpected it's awesome every time.
I don't get goosebumps when I get scared. They should have called those books "Pisspants" because that was more likely to happen than "Goosebumps."
I don't expect everyone to like these, but I'm sure you have your own too.
Be Safe and continue to Bump those Geese
Night, Nite, Knight,
Monday, March 19, 2012
Smell May Cause Memory Gain
The weather has been amazing lately, and as Spring approaches during a time that doesn't make any sense to me, I'm excited for so many things.
First off being Baseball, best time of year when Baseball starts up. Especially Fantasy Baseball, and I have to continue my streak of slightly below mediocrity finishes, and the waste of money I definitely don't have. Fantasy Sports is a serious addiction, right up there with tearing down Nickleback and clearing the memory on a calculator.
The best part about Spring is by far the smell, and if you think I'm weird for saying that, Then you're damn dirty liar. After 4 months or so of not being able to smell anything, it feels great to be able to smell again. Each smell of spring is so new each year, it's like experiencing it for the first time. Which makes a lot of sense if you know anything about sense...senses, your senses, you have five of them you know? Six if your Haley Joel Osment. Seven if you're Janitor.
When I was younger I went to a camp or event or something where I was able to learn about the five senses, and I don't remember much, but what I do remember is that 1.) Smell is the closest related to sense to the triggering of memories and 2.) I got a shirt that I wore until I was a senior in high school. Odd facts aside, smell is one powerful sense.
The ability to trigger vivid memories is so powerful. To have the ability to shift our mood instantly without a second thought. The few other things that I can chalk up to triggering vivid memories are dreaming and drinking, or better yet dreaming after drinking. Seriously, I bet you're most memorable dreams were after a night of memorable drinking. The best are napping dreams after drinking, those dreams are so vivid I've woken up screaming, laughing, and worst of all crying. A crying dream is sort of like the first time you find out Santa Claus doesn't exist, at first shocking and a bit skeptical followed by the overwhelming feeling of sadness and reality that that new knowledge has brought you. I'm not saying that smell triggered that emotion, but I do remember the smell of that dream to this day, but don't remember a lot of the other details.
Smell literally trumps all other senses because of it's involvement with all other senses. If you are sick and have a stuffed up nose, you're screwed. It ruins food, which is probably the best part about life. For instance, let's say you're at a birthday party and it's time for cake. You're eyes see it which sends a message to your brain that it wants to taste it, and the idea of how that tastes is going back to all the other times you've had cake, but yet we can't repeat that experience until we taste this cake, which is so different, new, and mysterious. Still, we don't eat the cake yet, we watch other people eat the cake, we hear and see their reactions only to confirm what we believe these next few moments of eating are going to be like. Well, we finally take a bite of the cake, the texture or touch isn't the same because the taste isn't there. You're looking at this amazing piece of food art, yet nothing. All because we can't smell, our seeing, tasting, touching, and hearing all just ruin the idea of cake. Now, we have that shitty thought in our head forever, but it won't ignite again very easily because we have no remembered smell to recall it at a later date.
When we sneeze, is it not everything that is affected? We taste the spit, our ears sometime pop, we have to close our eyes or they'll pop out of their sockets, and we can't touch anything until we clean up. All because our nose had to have all the attention of the four other senses.
I'm not making it out to be a bad thing, it's great when it works in your favor. Not all memories are bad memories, I'd like to think most of them are great, even the ones we didn't think were going to be at the time. I guess there's no way to realize how much a smell is going to affect you until years later when it comes creeping up. Like the smell of summer dirt, that is a dynamite smell that ignites the memories of any kid who played outside. One being scabbed knees and crying kids...kid, really just me surrounded by normal not crying kids. Or cut grass, which reminds me of Lake Farm Park, which makes me think of the first time I got to touch an utter...so tender and beautiful. All you need to know about Lake Farm Park is the farm part, and how it never changed, yet they kept having field trips there.
These memories are what make me sane, therefore without my nose and the sense to smell, I'm lost. Therefore, I dedicate today to all noses out there the "Protectors of sanity" and "Ejectors of really disgusting bodily fluids." We need 'em.
Hope everyone survived this weekend. Have a good week.
Night, Nite, Knight,
The weather has been amazing lately, and as Spring approaches during a time that doesn't make any sense to me, I'm excited for so many things.
First off being Baseball, best time of year when Baseball starts up. Especially Fantasy Baseball, and I have to continue my streak of slightly below mediocrity finishes, and the waste of money I definitely don't have. Fantasy Sports is a serious addiction, right up there with tearing down Nickleback and clearing the memory on a calculator.
The best part about Spring is by far the smell, and if you think I'm weird for saying that, Then you're damn dirty liar. After 4 months or so of not being able to smell anything, it feels great to be able to smell again. Each smell of spring is so new each year, it's like experiencing it for the first time. Which makes a lot of sense if you know anything about sense...senses, your senses, you have five of them you know? Six if your Haley Joel Osment. Seven if you're Janitor.
When I was younger I went to a camp or event or something where I was able to learn about the five senses, and I don't remember much, but what I do remember is that 1.) Smell is the closest related to sense to the triggering of memories and 2.) I got a shirt that I wore until I was a senior in high school. Odd facts aside, smell is one powerful sense.
The ability to trigger vivid memories is so powerful. To have the ability to shift our mood instantly without a second thought. The few other things that I can chalk up to triggering vivid memories are dreaming and drinking, or better yet dreaming after drinking. Seriously, I bet you're most memorable dreams were after a night of memorable drinking. The best are napping dreams after drinking, those dreams are so vivid I've woken up screaming, laughing, and worst of all crying. A crying dream is sort of like the first time you find out Santa Claus doesn't exist, at first shocking and a bit skeptical followed by the overwhelming feeling of sadness and reality that that new knowledge has brought you. I'm not saying that smell triggered that emotion, but I do remember the smell of that dream to this day, but don't remember a lot of the other details.
Smell literally trumps all other senses because of it's involvement with all other senses. If you are sick and have a stuffed up nose, you're screwed. It ruins food, which is probably the best part about life. For instance, let's say you're at a birthday party and it's time for cake. You're eyes see it which sends a message to your brain that it wants to taste it, and the idea of how that tastes is going back to all the other times you've had cake, but yet we can't repeat that experience until we taste this cake, which is so different, new, and mysterious. Still, we don't eat the cake yet, we watch other people eat the cake, we hear and see their reactions only to confirm what we believe these next few moments of eating are going to be like. Well, we finally take a bite of the cake, the texture or touch isn't the same because the taste isn't there. You're looking at this amazing piece of food art, yet nothing. All because we can't smell, our seeing, tasting, touching, and hearing all just ruin the idea of cake. Now, we have that shitty thought in our head forever, but it won't ignite again very easily because we have no remembered smell to recall it at a later date.
When we sneeze, is it not everything that is affected? We taste the spit, our ears sometime pop, we have to close our eyes or they'll pop out of their sockets, and we can't touch anything until we clean up. All because our nose had to have all the attention of the four other senses.
I'm not making it out to be a bad thing, it's great when it works in your favor. Not all memories are bad memories, I'd like to think most of them are great, even the ones we didn't think were going to be at the time. I guess there's no way to realize how much a smell is going to affect you until years later when it comes creeping up. Like the smell of summer dirt, that is a dynamite smell that ignites the memories of any kid who played outside. One being scabbed knees and crying kids...kid, really just me surrounded by normal not crying kids. Or cut grass, which reminds me of Lake Farm Park, which makes me think of the first time I got to touch an utter...so tender and beautiful. All you need to know about Lake Farm Park is the farm part, and how it never changed, yet they kept having field trips there.
These memories are what make me sane, therefore without my nose and the sense to smell, I'm lost. Therefore, I dedicate today to all noses out there the "Protectors of sanity" and "Ejectors of really disgusting bodily fluids." We need 'em.
Hope everyone survived this weekend. Have a good week.
Night, Nite, Knight,
Friday, March 16, 2012
I went and saw the movie, Safe House, the other day. It was alright, not my favorite, but I'd probably wait for it to come to Netflix to watch it. It is tempting though because Denzel Washington and Ryan Reynolds are just two names you go out of your way to see. Looks aside, I think both did a great job acting.
Anyway, in the movie there's this part where Denzel is talking to Reynolds about something standard to the movie, and I won't ruin it, but somewhere in the talk he drops the words "...desire to believe" or "...our desire to believe." It hit me, smacked me right back into the movie. I thought about it for a while after the movie ended, and it definitely made me think of movies and television in as general of a sense that you could think (he wasn't talking about movies in the movie by the way).
It's nothing new that when we go to the movies or read a story that isn't necessarily true we "Suspend our disbelief," for the sake of understanding what's going on, getting the deeper meaning. That's got some great ideas behind it, but it doesn't do our own feelings and emotions enough justice.
Side Note: I am just now realizing that I think we talked about this in my Intro to Fiction class this week, but I'm not entirely sure cause I wasn't paying much attention.
Many people already know this, but movies were a huge part of bringing America back from the Great Depression. I think that is my single favorite moment of the history of the world. I mean everything, all parts of history, which is pretty ridiculous if you think about it, that is my favorite. Probably because it makes sense to me more than anything else.
The fact that people struggled so hard to just get by, but still went to movies is astonishing. Granted a movie ticket then was 27 cents and not 10 bucks (different times, different money situations, I understand). They wanted to be distracted from everyday life, they wanted to believe in what they were seeing, they needed that escape, even if it was worse than reality, it wasn't reality, and yet we still do this.
Movies and Television today play on this realness factor to life (I'm not talking about reality TV). Pretty much every Rom-Com ever made, the Office, Modern Family, Scrubs, Parks and Rec, all of these are suppose to be or have these realness elements to them, set in the "real world" that really make people believe that what happens would or could actually happen.
We're not idiots, we know these are movies and shows and not real life, but it places these ideas in our head to what real life could be like. It's "our desire to believe," we want these things to be true therefore we're going to continue to think they could happen. That's definitely dangerous, not to beat a dead horse with a stick here, but getting back to Inception. "...They come to be woken up," we chose which world we want to live in, and those of us not in the real world will be labeled "freaks," and those of us who chose to live in reality will be called "normal." It's not just two extremes, but a spectrum...(like in Donnie Darko, same idea, but different argument).
Before I go off on some psychoanalysis craziness, I don't want to stray from what I was saying. There's something far more shallow about movies and television. It's only a few hours long. I think a lot of the time I live too often in that distraction, but I know I come back, I have to because the movie ends... The movie will always end.
My own personal "desire to believe" is going to take what I want from that, because it's a selfish experience, and it should be. That's why I don't think you should listen to people about movies, at least at first. Go watch for yourself, and judge based on your own likes, dislikes, and desires. We are pigeon holed into what is good and bad, but really it's not that simple. As many people call them, "Guilty Pleasures," I just call them "Pleasures." I do like a lot of "bad" movies, so that could just be me justifying myself...take it for what you will.
Now, that's my distraction. Although I do think movies have that ability for everyone, I understand it's not everyone's cup of tea. I'm just saying find your own "tea" and realize it. Life's tough enough, distract yourself.
Have a great and safe St. Patty's Day everyone, be drunk and merry (as borderline racist as that may be, sorry Irish people).
Night, Nite, Knight,
I went and saw the movie, Safe House, the other day. It was alright, not my favorite, but I'd probably wait for it to come to Netflix to watch it. It is tempting though because Denzel Washington and Ryan Reynolds are just two names you go out of your way to see. Looks aside, I think both did a great job acting.
Anyway, in the movie there's this part where Denzel is talking to Reynolds about something standard to the movie, and I won't ruin it, but somewhere in the talk he drops the words "...desire to believe" or "...our desire to believe." It hit me, smacked me right back into the movie. I thought about it for a while after the movie ended, and it definitely made me think of movies and television in as general of a sense that you could think (he wasn't talking about movies in the movie by the way).
It's nothing new that when we go to the movies or read a story that isn't necessarily true we "Suspend our disbelief," for the sake of understanding what's going on, getting the deeper meaning. That's got some great ideas behind it, but it doesn't do our own feelings and emotions enough justice.
Side Note: I am just now realizing that I think we talked about this in my Intro to Fiction class this week, but I'm not entirely sure cause I wasn't paying much attention.
Many people already know this, but movies were a huge part of bringing America back from the Great Depression. I think that is my single favorite moment of the history of the world. I mean everything, all parts of history, which is pretty ridiculous if you think about it, that is my favorite. Probably because it makes sense to me more than anything else.
The fact that people struggled so hard to just get by, but still went to movies is astonishing. Granted a movie ticket then was 27 cents and not 10 bucks (different times, different money situations, I understand). They wanted to be distracted from everyday life, they wanted to believe in what they were seeing, they needed that escape, even if it was worse than reality, it wasn't reality, and yet we still do this.
Movies and Television today play on this realness factor to life (I'm not talking about reality TV). Pretty much every Rom-Com ever made, the Office, Modern Family, Scrubs, Parks and Rec, all of these are suppose to be or have these realness elements to them, set in the "real world" that really make people believe that what happens would or could actually happen.
We're not idiots, we know these are movies and shows and not real life, but it places these ideas in our head to what real life could be like. It's "our desire to believe," we want these things to be true therefore we're going to continue to think they could happen. That's definitely dangerous, not to beat a dead horse with a stick here, but getting back to Inception. "...They come to be woken up," we chose which world we want to live in, and those of us not in the real world will be labeled "freaks," and those of us who chose to live in reality will be called "normal." It's not just two extremes, but a spectrum...(like in Donnie Darko, same idea, but different argument).
Before I go off on some psychoanalysis craziness, I don't want to stray from what I was saying. There's something far more shallow about movies and television. It's only a few hours long. I think a lot of the time I live too often in that distraction, but I know I come back, I have to because the movie ends... The movie will always end.
My own personal "desire to believe" is going to take what I want from that, because it's a selfish experience, and it should be. That's why I don't think you should listen to people about movies, at least at first. Go watch for yourself, and judge based on your own likes, dislikes, and desires. We are pigeon holed into what is good and bad, but really it's not that simple. As many people call them, "Guilty Pleasures," I just call them "Pleasures." I do like a lot of "bad" movies, so that could just be me justifying myself...take it for what you will.
Now, that's my distraction. Although I do think movies have that ability for everyone, I understand it's not everyone's cup of tea. I'm just saying find your own "tea" and realize it. Life's tough enough, distract yourself.
Have a great and safe St. Patty's Day everyone, be drunk and merry (as borderline racist as that may be, sorry Irish people).
Night, Nite, Knight,
Monday, March 12, 2012
Growing Exercise
Greetings all,
Tonight I will be speaking to you of the dangers of moto-surf, made popular by the 90's comaction (comedy-action) hit Surf Ninjas. Although moto-surf (or as it's more popularly known now as Ghost Riding) seems like a grand old time for kids of all ages, but it's actually extremely dangerous. I only know after attempting it an empty parking lot few years back. Couldn't quite do it, I think due to lack of retractable roof but others think I just wasn't good enough, untrue. Regardless, had I gotten onto that roof, God knows I probably wouldn't be here now.
If I were to tell that story to someone, I would definitely embellish the fail. Not lie, but instead spruce it up a bit, nothing wrong with that. For instance, If I were telling the tale of the failed moto-surf I wouldn't just say I tried to get on the roof and failed, I would say "As I was climbing from my seat through the front window, my foot slipped on the steering wheel making me head towards a tree at a whopping 5 mph." See its cooler because It sounded more awesome, followed by a hilarious reality that the car wasn't going that fast. Embellishing, Hollywood does it all the time. I think I should start all of my stories by saying, "This is based on a true story." What makes a good story though? People doing stupid things, better yet people doing stupid things and getting caught...or injured.
There are many stupid things I have done in my life. Most of them are more embarrassing than dangerous which as pathetic as it sounds... is actually just that, pathetic. Still they make for good stories, most of the time. That's really why I do them, My first thought isn't "Is this dangerous?" or "Will I regret this?" No, it is simply "This could sound really cool later with some added verbal flare." I like to commit to the act of getting the laugh, regardless of the cost. Unfortunately that has definitely got me into some trouble.
The moment that I regret it most, is the second I get caught. For two real reasons, the first being the instant shame that comes over me. I mean its incredible the amount of shame one could feel in one moment after feeling superior the second before, never liked disappointing people, didn't matter if I knew them or not (which is a whole other set of deep seeded issues that I plan on storing deep down and tightly locking them up, never to be dealt with in a smart, mature way). That shame is enough to make a bitch out of you, really apologize your ass off, and hope that you get some Nello luck, and pray you don't have to pay out the ass to get out of it.
Stories that I find to be the most entertaining to other people, are the ones that are the hardest to tell still, because I'm so embarrassed by them *cough St. Louis. The second being is that I know from that moment, the whole dynamic of how I tell that story goes from bad-ass super sweet amazing, stamos-Jarrad to pathetic, aww-poor baby sanjaya-Jarrad. If you don't know who that is, don't look him up. I was once called that at a Billy Joel concert, didn't appreciate that dick 4 rows behind me, I still cry a little when I think about it.
Story-telling is not easy, and although I think I have become slightly better at it, I still struggle. I've always admired people who could do it, but when the story is personal, its hard to have the same story-telling ability for all personal stories, because they're not all winners. These posts for example. Not all winners, I know that, I probably think that immediately after I post them. Then what do I think? I disappointed you. I'm sorry, but it's not going to make the posts any better, just some nights I'm more on than others.
I'm getting off topic, but I'm saying that when telling a story embellish a little bit, you will come up with things you didn't even know you had in you. It's a growing exercise, not a lying exercise.
Side-Note: exercise is a difficult word for me to spell, I just used it twice and misspelled it 3 times each. I say twice because I copied and pasted the last one into this sentence...and in the title.
I hope everyone who had a spring break this past week enjoyed it. if you're just starting or about to have a great one.
I have to mention this because I told Jim I would, but This group on Facebook is March Madness- Greatest Songs of all Time, endorsed by I, introduced to me by one of the founders Jim Razzante, close-friend with benefit, just one benefit. Guess. Anyway, they're searching for what people believe to be is the Greatest Song of all Time. Go on and like it, and just vote it's fun, easy, and maybe we can find out one of the secrets of life.
March Madness- Greatest Songs of All Time
Also, saw this kid posted these pictures of him with his horse mask all around Chicago on Reddit yesterday...this was his last pic.If you know where this is and you go to school here, good for you, if you don't...I don't know what to say to you.
Night, Nite, Knight,
Tonight I will be speaking to you of the dangers of moto-surf, made popular by the 90's comaction (comedy-action) hit Surf Ninjas. Although moto-surf (or as it's more popularly known now as Ghost Riding) seems like a grand old time for kids of all ages, but it's actually extremely dangerous. I only know after attempting it an empty parking lot few years back. Couldn't quite do it, I think due to lack of retractable roof but others think I just wasn't good enough, untrue. Regardless, had I gotten onto that roof, God knows I probably wouldn't be here now.
If I were to tell that story to someone, I would definitely embellish the fail. Not lie, but instead spruce it up a bit, nothing wrong with that. For instance, If I were telling the tale of the failed moto-surf I wouldn't just say I tried to get on the roof and failed, I would say "As I was climbing from my seat through the front window, my foot slipped on the steering wheel making me head towards a tree at a whopping 5 mph." See its cooler because It sounded more awesome, followed by a hilarious reality that the car wasn't going that fast. Embellishing, Hollywood does it all the time. I think I should start all of my stories by saying, "This is based on a true story." What makes a good story though? People doing stupid things, better yet people doing stupid things and getting caught...or injured.
There are many stupid things I have done in my life. Most of them are more embarrassing than dangerous which as pathetic as it sounds... is actually just that, pathetic. Still they make for good stories, most of the time. That's really why I do them, My first thought isn't "Is this dangerous?" or "Will I regret this?" No, it is simply "This could sound really cool later with some added verbal flare." I like to commit to the act of getting the laugh, regardless of the cost. Unfortunately that has definitely got me into some trouble.
The moment that I regret it most, is the second I get caught. For two real reasons, the first being the instant shame that comes over me. I mean its incredible the amount of shame one could feel in one moment after feeling superior the second before, never liked disappointing people, didn't matter if I knew them or not (which is a whole other set of deep seeded issues that I plan on storing deep down and tightly locking them up, never to be dealt with in a smart, mature way). That shame is enough to make a bitch out of you, really apologize your ass off, and hope that you get some Nello luck, and pray you don't have to pay out the ass to get out of it.
Stories that I find to be the most entertaining to other people, are the ones that are the hardest to tell still, because I'm so embarrassed by them *cough St. Louis. The second being is that I know from that moment, the whole dynamic of how I tell that story goes from bad-ass super sweet amazing, stamos-Jarrad to pathetic, aww-poor baby sanjaya-Jarrad. If you don't know who that is, don't look him up. I was once called that at a Billy Joel concert, didn't appreciate that dick 4 rows behind me, I still cry a little when I think about it.
Story-telling is not easy, and although I think I have become slightly better at it, I still struggle. I've always admired people who could do it, but when the story is personal, its hard to have the same story-telling ability for all personal stories, because they're not all winners. These posts for example. Not all winners, I know that, I probably think that immediately after I post them. Then what do I think? I disappointed you. I'm sorry, but it's not going to make the posts any better, just some nights I'm more on than others.
I'm getting off topic, but I'm saying that when telling a story embellish a little bit, you will come up with things you didn't even know you had in you. It's a growing exercise, not a lying exercise.
Side-Note: exercise is a difficult word for me to spell, I just used it twice and misspelled it 3 times each. I say twice because I copied and pasted the last one into this sentence...and in the title.
I hope everyone who had a spring break this past week enjoyed it. if you're just starting or about to have a great one.
I have to mention this because I told Jim I would, but This group on Facebook is March Madness- Greatest Songs of all Time, endorsed by I, introduced to me by one of the founders Jim Razzante, close-friend with benefit, just one benefit. Guess. Anyway, they're searching for what people believe to be is the Greatest Song of all Time. Go on and like it, and just vote it's fun, easy, and maybe we can find out one of the secrets of life.
March Madness- Greatest Songs of All Time
Also, saw this kid posted these pictures of him with his horse mask all around Chicago on Reddit yesterday...this was his last pic.If you know where this is and you go to school here, good for you, if you don't...I don't know what to say to you.
Night, Nite, Knight,
Friday, March 2, 2012
Just sad.
Hi everyone,
I will not be talking about much tonight. I just really wanted to touch on one thing in particular.
As most of you know on Monday was another school shooting at Chardon High School in Ohio. That high school is only 30 min. from where I went to high school, and although I'm fairly separated from that time and place in my life it was close to home.
It's sad, and been a sad week. 3 kids killed 2 injured because one kid just wanted some attention or whatever he claimed his reasons were. I'm not going to sit here and say how ridiculous that is or how much I hate that stuff, because we all already know. It's just sad.
Today it seems like high school has only gotten more difficult, you've got bullies who are pushing kids to the point of suicide, you've got crazies who want to gun down everyone, and then you get the kids in the middle who don't bother anyone and are unfortunate enough to get caught in the crossfire. That's got to be hell.
My best wishes go out to those kids and their families, as well as everyone else involved. It's easy to separate yourself from something like that, because distance does that, and I didn't know any of them, but people died, and I can't even imagine what that would be like to deal with...It's just sad.
Night, Nite, Knight,
I will not be talking about much tonight. I just really wanted to touch on one thing in particular.
As most of you know on Monday was another school shooting at Chardon High School in Ohio. That high school is only 30 min. from where I went to high school, and although I'm fairly separated from that time and place in my life it was close to home.
It's sad, and been a sad week. 3 kids killed 2 injured because one kid just wanted some attention or whatever he claimed his reasons were. I'm not going to sit here and say how ridiculous that is or how much I hate that stuff, because we all already know. It's just sad.
Today it seems like high school has only gotten more difficult, you've got bullies who are pushing kids to the point of suicide, you've got crazies who want to gun down everyone, and then you get the kids in the middle who don't bother anyone and are unfortunate enough to get caught in the crossfire. That's got to be hell.
My best wishes go out to those kids and their families, as well as everyone else involved. It's easy to separate yourself from something like that, because distance does that, and I didn't know any of them, but people died, and I can't even imagine what that would be like to deal with...It's just sad.
Night, Nite, Knight,
Monday, February 27, 2012
Attention: Awesomeness needs to be Noticed.
Hello all,
If you haven't watched the Oscars and are planning to, don't read this. Its sort of a spoiler, but its a show and it happened tonight , and I want to talk about the cool things I liked from it.
Tonight I watched the Oscars, well most of it. From the last Oscar post to this post, there have been some very cool things that happened tonight.
First off, Sacha Baron Cohen although I don't find your completely, ridiculous, over-the-top, movies that you come out with every couple of years that funny. I do have to say, that you spilling "ashes" on Ryan Seacrest, was awesome. Not only because celebrities are vain, and you know he was completely bothered by that, but also because Ryan Seacrest has to be the most powerful man in Hollywood. The man has his fingers in so many money-making pots it's not even funny. Not to mention he is like 5'4''. That is power, apparently in Hollywood you don't need to be tall.
Secondly, Brett McKenzie won the award for best original song for his work in the movie The Muppets. Kudos to him, and all Flight of the Conchords fans. I bet no one would have ever thought that he would win an Oscar. Me included.
Tonight, The Descendants won for "Best Writing, Adapted Screenplay." When this happened, it was pretty cool. I liked this movie, the Artist didn't win because well dialogue wasn't big in it, and its nice to see one movie not win everything. Even though one sort of did.
The three people that won this award were the Director: Alexander Payne, Nat Faxon, and Jim Fash. Now, Alexander Payne has some solid movie credits on his resume, About Schmidt, Sideways, Election, just to name a few. For him to win makes sense. The other two on the other hand, are somewhat of wild, non-conventional winners. Nat Faxon plays the ugly, douchey dude in many movies including Broken Lizards: Club Dread, Orange County, Bad Teacher, Zoo Keeper, and Beerfest. If any of you would have foreseen an Oscar win for this guy, I would've thought you were bat-shit crazy. But he killed it, and he won, and that is truly frickin' awesome.
The second guy to win, is Jim Fash. Who is insanely popular amongst Community fans (Which is coming back in March!). He is the dean, and an extremely hilarious yet creepy individual in the show. Once again not a conventional winner by Hollywood standards. After Angelina Jolie came out, and posed in what has to be the most obnoxious pose known to man. It was like when a woman is past her prime, but can't seem to let go of the past so tries to overcompensate by highlighting her best features with a strikingly-pathetic pose (Not to say Angelina Jolie isn't still good-looking. She's definitely still got it). I really applauded the moment when Jim Fash proceeded to mock her by striking the same pose, while she was still on the stage, watching him win an Oscar. Nothing better than A-Listers getting shit on.
The amount of Awesomness that happened this weekend can't be handled by anyone. Those not-as-well known actors got theirs tonight, and I couldn't be happier about it.
There were obviously some big names that won, and that's awesome too. But I'm chalking up this Oscars night as a win for the little guy, regardless if people don't think Billy Crystal is relevant, he did a good job.
By the way for those of you who know, I won Friday night. My night was full of winning, the only thing I remember all night was winning. That's how I'm telling that story...but really a sincere apology to the Haus and thank you for putting up with me. ;o)
Night, Nite, Knight,
If you haven't watched the Oscars and are planning to, don't read this. Its sort of a spoiler, but its a show and it happened tonight , and I want to talk about the cool things I liked from it.
Tonight I watched the Oscars, well most of it. From the last Oscar post to this post, there have been some very cool things that happened tonight.
First off, Sacha Baron Cohen although I don't find your completely, ridiculous, over-the-top, movies that you come out with every couple of years that funny. I do have to say, that you spilling "ashes" on Ryan Seacrest, was awesome. Not only because celebrities are vain, and you know he was completely bothered by that, but also because Ryan Seacrest has to be the most powerful man in Hollywood. The man has his fingers in so many money-making pots it's not even funny. Not to mention he is like 5'4''. That is power, apparently in Hollywood you don't need to be tall.
Secondly, Brett McKenzie won the award for best original song for his work in the movie The Muppets. Kudos to him, and all Flight of the Conchords fans. I bet no one would have ever thought that he would win an Oscar. Me included.
Tonight, The Descendants won for "Best Writing, Adapted Screenplay." When this happened, it was pretty cool. I liked this movie, the Artist didn't win because well dialogue wasn't big in it, and its nice to see one movie not win everything. Even though one sort of did.
The three people that won this award were the Director: Alexander Payne, Nat Faxon, and Jim Fash. Now, Alexander Payne has some solid movie credits on his resume, About Schmidt, Sideways, Election, just to name a few. For him to win makes sense. The other two on the other hand, are somewhat of wild, non-conventional winners. Nat Faxon plays the ugly, douchey dude in many movies including Broken Lizards: Club Dread, Orange County, Bad Teacher, Zoo Keeper, and Beerfest. If any of you would have foreseen an Oscar win for this guy, I would've thought you were bat-shit crazy. But he killed it, and he won, and that is truly frickin' awesome.
The second guy to win, is Jim Fash. Who is insanely popular amongst Community fans (Which is coming back in March!). He is the dean, and an extremely hilarious yet creepy individual in the show. Once again not a conventional winner by Hollywood standards. After Angelina Jolie came out, and posed in what has to be the most obnoxious pose known to man. It was like when a woman is past her prime, but can't seem to let go of the past so tries to overcompensate by highlighting her best features with a strikingly-pathetic pose (Not to say Angelina Jolie isn't still good-looking. She's definitely still got it). I really applauded the moment when Jim Fash proceeded to mock her by striking the same pose, while she was still on the stage, watching him win an Oscar. Nothing better than A-Listers getting shit on.
The amount of Awesomness that happened this weekend can't be handled by anyone. Those not-as-well known actors got theirs tonight, and I couldn't be happier about it.
There were obviously some big names that won, and that's awesome too. But I'm chalking up this Oscars night as a win for the little guy, regardless if people don't think Billy Crystal is relevant, he did a good job.
By the way for those of you who know, I won Friday night. My night was full of winning, the only thing I remember all night was winning. That's how I'm telling that story...but really a sincere apology to the Haus and thank you for putting up with me. ;o)
Night, Nite, Knight,
Friday, February 24, 2012
I Meant to?
I am now handing out free "Bump its-4-Life," It holds a life time guarantee with no expiration date. My "bumps" are like Twinkies, they're creamy, delicious, and most of all they will survive a nuclear holocaust.
I'm going to talk about this movie that I just recently watched called The Adjustment Bureau. After being directed to it's origin the short story The Adjustment Team by Philip K. Dick (heh) from friend Eric Williamson. I felt as if this movie, story waranted some attention. Now, what that attention might be, I'm not sure. But it will get some sort of attention now.
I just watched this the other day, and I was happy to actually enjoy it. I feel like these movies when you see their trailers tend to be a decorated piece of shit or more so a over compensating action-flick. These days most movies tend to sacrifice either depth or entertainment, so when one does actually come along its a pleasant surprise.
First off, this movie isn't perfect. It tends to tip-toe that fine line between emotionally uplifting and cheesy pretty steadily throughout its entirety, occasionally drunkenly stumbling to the cheesy side. Regardless, I found it to be entertaining, and somewhat thought provoking with a pretty solid acting job by Matt Damon, Emily Blunt, and Anthony Mackle.
The movie revolves around these two people who are not suppose to end up together, but somehow continue to meet up with one another. They are constantly drawn to one another without really knowing how or why, somewhat serendipitous if you will. The Adjustment Bureau is a team of what I assume is only men that walks amongst us, and keep us all on the right "path," which is predetermined by "The Chairman." These two fight to be with one another even though they are not meant to be with one another. It's a love story wrapped up in the wonders of life and death. There are many metaphorical meanings and symbols within this movie, but I really want to get into just the main idea.
I'm not going to tell you how the movie ends, because I hold true to my Non-Spoiler promise on this blog, but the way it ends really makes you think about your own "path." How much say we have in our own lives and how much time we really have. My main dude, Matt Bomer, recently appeared in the movie In Time with Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried, which has to deal with having a set clock and literally "buying time" to stay alive. I didn't see the movie, but still it has similarities that we can't deny.
This is something that we think about on a daily basis without ever really realizing it. Without thinking about it we would have no regret or doubt towards any decisions we make in our lives. If we are on a set path, then was I suppose to drink that orange juice this morning? What am I going to eat tomorrow? If I eat one thing over the other, will I be famous one day? Will I be alive long enough to see my fame come to fruition, or am I going out like Harry Stamper? (I've made sooooo many Armageddon references in this blog, it's got to be the world record for Armageddon references ever, I'm going to go back and count them all up.)
Seriously, I do find this to be a staggering topic of interest. Because if we chose to do something in order to not go with our desired plan, then that's just part of the plan. We think were four steps ahead they're 25 steps ahead of that. The Adjustment Bureau could be related to Guardian Angels, but its not as clear cut as them protecting us, they more so align us. They keep us on the path, and if we die, then that was the end of our path.
So all of you people out there who hate living by a plan, it's possible that that idea and thought process all along was apart of your plan. Irony at it's finest. I guess I'm not even sure I know what I believe. I think I want to believe in free will and our ability to make our own paths, and I want to think I'm strong enough for that responsibility, but I don't know if I am. I'm afraid I may be on my path only because I don't know how to live my own life.
So I ask you to think about that. Are you strong enough to live your life on your own, or do you need assistance of a path? Is that the sad reality I may make you realize? Possibly. If it is then it could just be...part of the plan...
Bah. Bah. Bah............INCEPTION!
It's one of those permanent rhetorical questions. I just asked about the greatest secret of life with no real hope for an honest answer, just some strong insightful debate, and our quest to understand is our stride as human beings in endless yet ridiculously epic game of duck, duck, goose.
Congratulations to Mat on hitting his mark. Thank you to all of you who donated, and to those of you who even considered.
Night, Nite, Knight,
I am now handing out free "Bump its-4-Life," It holds a life time guarantee with no expiration date. My "bumps" are like Twinkies, they're creamy, delicious, and most of all they will survive a nuclear holocaust.
I'm going to talk about this movie that I just recently watched called The Adjustment Bureau. After being directed to it's origin the short story The Adjustment Team by Philip K. Dick (heh) from friend Eric Williamson. I felt as if this movie, story waranted some attention. Now, what that attention might be, I'm not sure. But it will get some sort of attention now.
I just watched this the other day, and I was happy to actually enjoy it. I feel like these movies when you see their trailers tend to be a decorated piece of shit or more so a over compensating action-flick. These days most movies tend to sacrifice either depth or entertainment, so when one does actually come along its a pleasant surprise.
First off, this movie isn't perfect. It tends to tip-toe that fine line between emotionally uplifting and cheesy pretty steadily throughout its entirety, occasionally drunkenly stumbling to the cheesy side. Regardless, I found it to be entertaining, and somewhat thought provoking with a pretty solid acting job by Matt Damon, Emily Blunt, and Anthony Mackle.
The movie revolves around these two people who are not suppose to end up together, but somehow continue to meet up with one another. They are constantly drawn to one another without really knowing how or why, somewhat serendipitous if you will. The Adjustment Bureau is a team of what I assume is only men that walks amongst us, and keep us all on the right "path," which is predetermined by "The Chairman." These two fight to be with one another even though they are not meant to be with one another. It's a love story wrapped up in the wonders of life and death. There are many metaphorical meanings and symbols within this movie, but I really want to get into just the main idea.
I'm not going to tell you how the movie ends, because I hold true to my Non-Spoiler promise on this blog, but the way it ends really makes you think about your own "path." How much say we have in our own lives and how much time we really have. My main dude, Matt Bomer, recently appeared in the movie In Time with Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried, which has to deal with having a set clock and literally "buying time" to stay alive. I didn't see the movie, but still it has similarities that we can't deny.
This is something that we think about on a daily basis without ever really realizing it. Without thinking about it we would have no regret or doubt towards any decisions we make in our lives. If we are on a set path, then was I suppose to drink that orange juice this morning? What am I going to eat tomorrow? If I eat one thing over the other, will I be famous one day? Will I be alive long enough to see my fame come to fruition, or am I going out like Harry Stamper? (I've made sooooo many Armageddon references in this blog, it's got to be the world record for Armageddon references ever, I'm going to go back and count them all up.)
Seriously, I do find this to be a staggering topic of interest. Because if we chose to do something in order to not go with our desired plan, then that's just part of the plan. We think were four steps ahead they're 25 steps ahead of that. The Adjustment Bureau could be related to Guardian Angels, but its not as clear cut as them protecting us, they more so align us. They keep us on the path, and if we die, then that was the end of our path.
So all of you people out there who hate living by a plan, it's possible that that idea and thought process all along was apart of your plan. Irony at it's finest. I guess I'm not even sure I know what I believe. I think I want to believe in free will and our ability to make our own paths, and I want to think I'm strong enough for that responsibility, but I don't know if I am. I'm afraid I may be on my path only because I don't know how to live my own life.
So I ask you to think about that. Are you strong enough to live your life on your own, or do you need assistance of a path? Is that the sad reality I may make you realize? Possibly. If it is then it could just be...part of the plan...
Bah. Bah. Bah............INCEPTION!
It's one of those permanent rhetorical questions. I just asked about the greatest secret of life with no real hope for an honest answer, just some strong insightful debate, and our quest to understand is our stride as human beings in endless yet ridiculously epic game of duck, duck, goose.
Congratulations to Mat on hitting his mark. Thank you to all of you who donated, and to those of you who even considered.
Night, Nite, Knight,
Monday, February 20, 2012
Oscars are in the Air
Hello everyone,
To update you all on my weekend, the weekend of Mardi Gras...Nothing happened. I stayed in Chicago with a few others to not celebrate Mardi Gras due to work that had to get done. Don't worry though, I got a great play by play of everyone's awesome weekend via Facebook. So thank you for that.
On a brighter note, The widely anticipated screenplay "Old Friends" is now in the early stages of production. After a long 2 days, 2/7th of the film has been shot. We look forward to popping this baby out in the next couple of weeks so stay tuned.
Another website, that I just recently found on reddit, is Retronaut if you're a fan of photography, retro styles applied to present trends, and old people when they are young then this is a pretty awesome website. I have yet to be bored by it, which is saying not much. My personal favorite was the Lesbian Pulp Fiction section, not exactly what I thought it was going to be when I first saw it, but I was pleasantly surprised. I would like to read one these.
This is also one of the cooler videos I watched.
It's amazing the shit we can do with film these days. There's a Woman one too you can watch, but I liked the Man one more just cause I thought it flowed better together. Speaking of which the Oscars are rapidly approaching and will air February 26th 7 EST./ 6 CEN.
The Oscars are usually a pretty big bust, year after year all we hear about is the Academy's attempt to bring in a younger audience, but they continue to snub good movies and then highlight great movies that aren't that interesting. After the James Franco and Anne Hathaway epic fail, they've decided to bring hosting duties back to Billy Crystal. Thank you Academy.
I like Billy Crystal, and contrary to popular belief I don't think you have to put a young face as the host of an award show to bring a younger audience. Just put someone up there who doesn't make you feel awkward reading the teleprompter, and who's every joke doesn't feel like its scripted. Billy Crystal is good at that, he makes you feel comfortable. Actors are awkward enough without hosting duties, we need someone to break that tension and not make a show that is pretty awesome so awful.
It seems like they try and overdue it every year, and now They've put ten nominees in best picture category to what? Make it more of mystery as to who is going to win? Drive suspense? No, add movies that more people have seen so that if they like that movie there's a chance it might win. In reality, everyone knows who the frontrunners are, and know the ones that don't stand a chance. Like Toy Story 3 last year, a family animation was never going to win.
I am lucky enough to have seen 6 of the 10 and hopefully before Sunday, I will have seen the other 4. It's not likely that I will do it, but I can try. The ones I have seen though have all been good, and for once I can't really disagree with any of them being in the run. This is coming from a guy who often quotes movies like Armageddon and Old School, so perhaps I'm not the best judge of movie. Still all you really need is a pulse to realize The Artist is going to most likely run away with most of the awards, just like one movie does pretty much every year. I find that to be the most boring part of the Oscars, one group winning all of the major ones. They want to make it better throw us a few curve balls.
I haven't seen The Artist by the way, but I've heard only good things. Mainly that there is no dialogue, so don't be like some people in France and go see the movie only to get pissed off and demand your money back after you realize its a silent film.
Martin Scorsese's Hugo is also a wonderful movie, and its the only movie that I can honestly say I appreciate its appropriate use of 3-D. James Cameron apparently agrees with me, which is weird cause I never met the guy. Every other movie that likes to implement 3-D into their marketing plan, I think you need to stop distracting people from your shitty movie... I'm talking to you, Piranha 3-D.
And Star Wars Episode I in 3-D. I only ask why? Out of all Star Wars movies made, why pick that one? Why not one of the good ones? I actually don't know if they can use one of the good ones, but if you can, you should, because that one is the least shitty of the three shitty movies. The only thing good about them is Natalie Portman.
Thank You Christopher Nolan, for telling his executives to shove it when asked to make The Dark Knight Rises in 3-D.
Click to Donate
Night, Nite, Knight,
To update you all on my weekend, the weekend of Mardi Gras...Nothing happened. I stayed in Chicago with a few others to not celebrate Mardi Gras due to work that had to get done. Don't worry though, I got a great play by play of everyone's awesome weekend via Facebook. So thank you for that.
On a brighter note, The widely anticipated screenplay "Old Friends" is now in the early stages of production. After a long 2 days, 2/7th of the film has been shot. We look forward to popping this baby out in the next couple of weeks so stay tuned.
Another website, that I just recently found on reddit, is Retronaut if you're a fan of photography, retro styles applied to present trends, and old people when they are young then this is a pretty awesome website. I have yet to be bored by it, which is saying not much. My personal favorite was the Lesbian Pulp Fiction section, not exactly what I thought it was going to be when I first saw it, but I was pleasantly surprised. I would like to read one these.
This is also one of the cooler videos I watched.
It's amazing the shit we can do with film these days. There's a Woman one too you can watch, but I liked the Man one more just cause I thought it flowed better together. Speaking of which the Oscars are rapidly approaching and will air February 26th 7 EST./ 6 CEN.
The Oscars are usually a pretty big bust, year after year all we hear about is the Academy's attempt to bring in a younger audience, but they continue to snub good movies and then highlight great movies that aren't that interesting. After the James Franco and Anne Hathaway epic fail, they've decided to bring hosting duties back to Billy Crystal. Thank you Academy.
I like Billy Crystal, and contrary to popular belief I don't think you have to put a young face as the host of an award show to bring a younger audience. Just put someone up there who doesn't make you feel awkward reading the teleprompter, and who's every joke doesn't feel like its scripted. Billy Crystal is good at that, he makes you feel comfortable. Actors are awkward enough without hosting duties, we need someone to break that tension and not make a show that is pretty awesome so awful.
It seems like they try and overdue it every year, and now They've put ten nominees in best picture category to what? Make it more of mystery as to who is going to win? Drive suspense? No, add movies that more people have seen so that if they like that movie there's a chance it might win. In reality, everyone knows who the frontrunners are, and know the ones that don't stand a chance. Like Toy Story 3 last year, a family animation was never going to win.
I am lucky enough to have seen 6 of the 10 and hopefully before Sunday, I will have seen the other 4. It's not likely that I will do it, but I can try. The ones I have seen though have all been good, and for once I can't really disagree with any of them being in the run. This is coming from a guy who often quotes movies like Armageddon and Old School, so perhaps I'm not the best judge of movie. Still all you really need is a pulse to realize The Artist is going to most likely run away with most of the awards, just like one movie does pretty much every year. I find that to be the most boring part of the Oscars, one group winning all of the major ones. They want to make it better throw us a few curve balls.
I haven't seen The Artist by the way, but I've heard only good things. Mainly that there is no dialogue, so don't be like some people in France and go see the movie only to get pissed off and demand your money back after you realize its a silent film.
Martin Scorsese's Hugo is also a wonderful movie, and its the only movie that I can honestly say I appreciate its appropriate use of 3-D. James Cameron apparently agrees with me, which is weird cause I never met the guy. Every other movie that likes to implement 3-D into their marketing plan, I think you need to stop distracting people from your shitty movie... I'm talking to you, Piranha 3-D.
And Star Wars Episode I in 3-D. I only ask why? Out of all Star Wars movies made, why pick that one? Why not one of the good ones? I actually don't know if they can use one of the good ones, but if you can, you should, because that one is the least shitty of the three shitty movies. The only thing good about them is Natalie Portman.
Thank You Christopher Nolan, for telling his executives to shove it when asked to make The Dark Knight Rises in 3-D.
"...Ive seen work in 3D like Avatar that’s exciting. But, for me, what was most exciting about Avatar was the creation of a world, the use of visual effects, motion capture, performance capture, these kinds of things. I don’t think Avatar can be reduced to its 3D component, it had so much more innovation going on that’s extremely exciting. 3D has always been an interesting technical format, a way of showing something to the audience. But you have to look at the story you’re telling: is it right?”
That, my friends, is a respectful way of him saying, "Listen, Avatar looked cool, but the story blew. Batman already looked cool and the story was awesome. So I'm not going to treat my audience like they're 5 and distract them with pretty lights and blue people. I'm not doing 3-D and you can piss off."
That is all for tonight, I hope you all try and catch up on your movie watching before Sunday, becausethere are some great movies that are actually entertaining for all.
Also, I've been annoying with this. But this is my good friend's movie and if you already donated thank you, and if not please do. He's only got til Thursday, and this will make his movie really happen. There are kids at his school with insane budgets of $10,000 or more only because they are either filthy rich or know a lot of filthy rich people. If he makes this movie for only $4,000 and it even compares to their movies (which I have no doubt it will, and so much more) well I think that's a win for all of us little guys out there, and a giant middle finger to the 1%. So I ask once again, if you can spare the 5 dollars or so please do. He's less than 500 dollars away. I read the script, It's awesome. He won't fail you, he doesn't know how.
Click to Donate
Night, Nite, Knight,
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Interracial Duos
After reading into the Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man for class tomorrow, I feel as if this is one of the more interesting things I have read. An invisible man not because of any actual super human ability to be invisible, but because he is a black man and goes unnoticed. I'm not going to sit here and layout all that I read about it, but it definitely is a racially heavy text that anyone living in America could appreciate for the sole fact that we deal with race on a daily basis.
Today, its treated much differently than when this books take place, interracial and in Hollywood's attempt to make it alright to be "black or white," they have heavily placed upon us viewers numerous interracial duos that will forever be a important part to our pop culture history.
In honor of that and a month that celebrates black history, I applaud the media's attempt to make interracial duos that somewhat like to leave race at the door, and show us that we can work together, no matter our color. Positive messages! If you think these duos are a racist depiction of how Hollywood sees people like this, then just know you're not alone, but I'm going to ignore that for the sake of doing this list.
I have comprised a list of 10 interracial duos that I see to be awesome. It does not mean that there aren't more, but these are the ones that have had the most impact on my life.
10.) Alex and Kelly Robinson (Owen Wilson and Eddie Murphy) - I Spy
8.) Shawn and Gus (James Roday and Dule Hill) - Psych
7.) Boone and Yoast & Campbell and Bertier (Denzel Washington and Will Patton & Wood Harris and Ryan Hurst) - Remember the Titans
This is somewhat cheating, but I wanted to combine them because its the same movie, and I couldn't pick which one duo I liked better. This movie is one of my favorite sports movies. Like its characters it shows heart throughout the entire thing. A great movie about interracial intolerance and the long strides it took to get to where it is today. This is my "Peace Train" Pick. (If you don't understand, re-watch the movie).

6.) Harold and Kumar (John Cho and Kal Penn) - Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle
This movie became the half baked of the new generation. Highlighting stereotypes, race, and dumb americans these two were ordinary people thrown into an extraordinary journey. These two together work for the same reasons so many others on this list do, one is the rock and the other is the free spirit, but they embody that relationship better than anyone else. They were some of the first to poke fun at the ignorance of people post 9/11,They are the "Post 9/11" Pick.
5.) Troy and Abed ( Donald Glover and Danny Pudi) - Community
Troy and Abed are amazing, that's pretty much it. Each line is amazing between the two, and they tend to understand each other better than anyone else can understand either of them. They are hilariously weird. They are the "Gotta Love 'Em" Pick.
4.) Vega and Winnfield (John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson) - Pulp Fiction
These two are forever iconic. The chemistry between these two is undoubtablely the most interesting dynamic of characters ever. They work together, but don't really know each other. It's not until Vega doesn't have Winnfield anymore that he gets mowed down. Ruthless yet poetic, these two know how to control a scene. They are my "Bad Ass Mother Fuckers" Pick.
3.) Murtaugh and Riggs (Danny Glover and Mel Gibson) - Lethal Weapon
These two fell into this situation, and blossomed from it. Put into the most extreme of situations, they grew to trust one another out of need for one another. These two killed it together, and those movies as ridiculous as they may be, are probably going to happen. They are my "Partners-4-Life" Pick.
2.) Carter and Lee (Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan) - Rush Hour
It's no secret that Rush Hour was probably my favorite movie for the better half of a decade, I have the worn out VHS to prove it. These two's cultures are what make them the most different yet most compatible. They are my "East-to-West" Pick.
1.) J.D. and Turk (Zach Braff and Donald Faison) - Scrubs
Anyone who has known me for more than 5 minutes knows this would be my number one. I want to be the missing Carmel Bear, but I don't because it would ruin their relationship that they have now. The fact I know they are great friends off screen makes it that much better. They know what a true bro-mance is all about. They are my "Guy Love" Pick.
Some Honorable Mentions
Arnold and Gerald- Hey Arnold
Red and Deufresne - Shawshank Redemption
Doug and Skeeter- Doug (Skeeter was black, let's face it)
Quinn and Yaz - Double Team
Montgomery and Lafferty- National Security
Monroe and Hodges - Cop Out
These are mine, think about yours. If you don't have any then, Wow you're incredibly weak. Michael Jackson embraced "Black and White" so much he tried them both out in his lifetime, that is showing dedication.
Also, my guy! Matt Bomer publicly came out recently. Even though we all pretty much knew, good for him and his embrace. Good for him and his family.
That is all for tonight until next week, where I will be back on my regular schedule.
Night, Nite, Knight,
After reading into the Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man for class tomorrow, I feel as if this is one of the more interesting things I have read. An invisible man not because of any actual super human ability to be invisible, but because he is a black man and goes unnoticed. I'm not going to sit here and layout all that I read about it, but it definitely is a racially heavy text that anyone living in America could appreciate for the sole fact that we deal with race on a daily basis.
Today, its treated much differently than when this books take place, interracial and in Hollywood's attempt to make it alright to be "black or white," they have heavily placed upon us viewers numerous interracial duos that will forever be a important part to our pop culture history.
In honor of that and a month that celebrates black history, I applaud the media's attempt to make interracial duos that somewhat like to leave race at the door, and show us that we can work together, no matter our color. Positive messages! If you think these duos are a racist depiction of how Hollywood sees people like this, then just know you're not alone, but I'm going to ignore that for the sake of doing this list.
I have comprised a list of 10 interracial duos that I see to be awesome. It does not mean that there aren't more, but these are the ones that have had the most impact on my life.
10.) Alex and Kelly Robinson (Owen Wilson and Eddie Murphy) - I Spy
This is a complete fan favorite of the Rat Trap. It is widely loved and admired, and for that Owen Wilson and Eddie murphy get this pick. This is a great sleeper movie and their relationship of 2nd string spy and egotistical boxer make for a sweet pairing. They are the "Guilty Pleasure" Pick.
9.) Agent K and Agent J (Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith) - Men In Black
These two don't make a lot of sense to me why they work, they're both way out of each others generations, but something about an old rough, white guy and a young smooth, black guy sure made for one hell of an alien fighting duo. They are the "Out of this World" Pick.
These two are the newest to the group seeing as I just got into this show last year. With each passing episode, I feel as if their relationship can only grow stronger. The two of them alone have gotten me hooked on this show, with their witty banter they are the Gilmore Girls of Boys. They are the "Up-and-Coming" Pick.
This is somewhat cheating, but I wanted to combine them because its the same movie, and I couldn't pick which one duo I liked better. This movie is one of my favorite sports movies. Like its characters it shows heart throughout the entire thing. A great movie about interracial intolerance and the long strides it took to get to where it is today. This is my "Peace Train" Pick. (If you don't understand, re-watch the movie).

6.) Harold and Kumar (John Cho and Kal Penn) - Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle
This movie became the half baked of the new generation. Highlighting stereotypes, race, and dumb americans these two were ordinary people thrown into an extraordinary journey. These two together work for the same reasons so many others on this list do, one is the rock and the other is the free spirit, but they embody that relationship better than anyone else. They were some of the first to poke fun at the ignorance of people post 9/11,They are the "Post 9/11" Pick.
5.) Troy and Abed ( Donald Glover and Danny Pudi) - Community
Troy and Abed are amazing, that's pretty much it. Each line is amazing between the two, and they tend to understand each other better than anyone else can understand either of them. They are hilariously weird. They are the "Gotta Love 'Em" Pick.
4.) Vega and Winnfield (John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson) - Pulp Fiction
These two are forever iconic. The chemistry between these two is undoubtablely the most interesting dynamic of characters ever. They work together, but don't really know each other. It's not until Vega doesn't have Winnfield anymore that he gets mowed down. Ruthless yet poetic, these two know how to control a scene. They are my "Bad Ass Mother Fuckers" Pick.
3.) Murtaugh and Riggs (Danny Glover and Mel Gibson) - Lethal Weapon
These two fell into this situation, and blossomed from it. Put into the most extreme of situations, they grew to trust one another out of need for one another. These two killed it together, and those movies as ridiculous as they may be, are probably going to happen. They are my "Partners-4-Life" Pick.
2.) Carter and Lee (Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan) - Rush Hour
It's no secret that Rush Hour was probably my favorite movie for the better half of a decade, I have the worn out VHS to prove it. These two's cultures are what make them the most different yet most compatible. They are my "East-to-West" Pick.
1.) J.D. and Turk (Zach Braff and Donald Faison) - Scrubs
Anyone who has known me for more than 5 minutes knows this would be my number one. I want to be the missing Carmel Bear, but I don't because it would ruin their relationship that they have now. The fact I know they are great friends off screen makes it that much better. They know what a true bro-mance is all about. They are my "Guy Love" Pick.
Some Honorable Mentions
Arnold and Gerald- Hey Arnold
Red and Deufresne - Shawshank Redemption
Doug and Skeeter- Doug (Skeeter was black, let's face it)
Quinn and Yaz - Double Team
Montgomery and Lafferty- National Security
Monroe and Hodges - Cop Out
These are mine, think about yours. If you don't have any then, Wow you're incredibly weak. Michael Jackson embraced "Black and White" so much he tried them both out in his lifetime, that is showing dedication.
Also, my guy! Matt Bomer publicly came out recently. Even though we all pretty much knew, good for him and his embrace. Good for him and his family.
That is all for tonight until next week, where I will be back on my regular schedule.
Night, Nite, Knight,
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