Monday, April 16, 2012

High Expectations


I would like to start off this post to let everyone know we are within 100 days of the release of the Dark Knight Rises. My geese are bumping at the mere thought of it. For some reason or another I have recently had knightmares about the movie being bad. That scares me, because my knightmares are more likely to come true than my dreams. That does not have a double meaning, so please don't take that as a depressing shot at my life.

I have high hopes, and that's probably why I'm so scared. It's difficult for things to live up to your expectations, especially when you set them ridiculously high. The one thing I know is that if the world is to end December 21st of this year, I sure am ecstatic that the Dark Knight Rises release is before it. Because if I die, I need to die with the knowledge of what happened in that movie.

Our expectations tend to ruin some pretty awesome moments, movies, things, friends, etc. They can ruin just about anything if they get carried away.

Disney Channel original movies for example. In the late 90's and early 2000's, some of the best DCOM's were made. Luck of the Irish, Brink, Smart House, Johnny Tsunami, Horse Sense, etc. They were so good, I'm insanely stunned that they weren't academy-worthy. Then they started to suck, and you could see it, because they weren't released as often. It went from once a month, to once every few. Then that stupid High School Musical happened, and I knew that it was the end of quality family viewing as I had known it.

It was what I looked forward to most in life at that point, which in retrospect is insanely pathetic to admit, also starting to question many life choices after that. That's for another time.

Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century taught me what it would like to be a teenage girl who lived in space and had a thirst for adventure. I would have no idea without that movie! These are important lessons in our life that I dread the thought of where I would be without them today. Probably in some ditch somewhere, being a scientist with a career to look forward to or something lame like that.

I had mega-high expectations for these movies, but they always delivered and why? Because they were relevant, they made sense, they treated their audience with a certain amount of respect. As if we were intelligent viewers, watching an educational experience. Now, we have digressed to the point of idiocy. Cheap laughs from everyone, and sometimes those are great, but not always. It's making us dumb.

So I encourage you set your expectations high, because they should be. We need to expect better from others in order to push ourselves forward. I'm not saying it's always going to be great, and we're always going to succeed. You know how I feel about failing, but if we don't try then what's the point of even getting up?

Don't ever have high expectations for this blog. I need the bar set low on this, you can expect better things from me outside of this, but let's leave this at a kindergarten "color in the lines" expectation.

With that being said, Christopher Nolan, I have the utmost respect for you, and am fully confident in what this movie will be. However, my expectations along with billions...yes, billions, is set so high for this Dark Knight Rises, I expect a slightly better quality of film then any given Disney Channel Original Movie ever made. That includes Alley Cats Strike and Mom's got a date with a Vampire.

Night, Nite, Knight,

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