To update you all on my weekend, the weekend of Mardi Gras...Nothing happened. I stayed in Chicago with a few others to not celebrate Mardi Gras due to work that had to get done. Don't worry though, I got a great play by play of everyone's awesome weekend via Facebook. So thank you for that.
On a brighter note, The widely anticipated screenplay "Old Friends" is now in the early stages of production. After a long 2 days, 2/7th of the film has been shot. We look forward to popping this baby out in the next couple of weeks so stay tuned.
Another website, that I just recently found on reddit, is Retronaut if you're a fan of photography, retro styles applied to present trends, and old people when they are young then this is a pretty awesome website. I have yet to be bored by it, which is saying not much. My personal favorite was the Lesbian Pulp Fiction section, not exactly what I thought it was going to be when I first saw it, but I was pleasantly surprised. I would like to read one these.
This is also one of the cooler videos I watched.
It's amazing the shit we can do with film these days. There's a Woman one too you can watch, but I liked the Man one more just cause I thought it flowed better together. Speaking of which the Oscars are rapidly approaching and will air February 26th 7 EST./ 6 CEN.
The Oscars are usually a pretty big bust, year after year all we hear about is the Academy's attempt to bring in a younger audience, but they continue to snub good movies and then highlight great movies that aren't that interesting. After the James Franco and Anne Hathaway epic fail, they've decided to bring hosting duties back to Billy Crystal. Thank you Academy.
I like Billy Crystal, and contrary to popular belief I don't think you have to put a young face as the host of an award show to bring a younger audience. Just put someone up there who doesn't make you feel awkward reading the teleprompter, and who's every joke doesn't feel like its scripted. Billy Crystal is good at that, he makes you feel comfortable. Actors are awkward enough without hosting duties, we need someone to break that tension and not make a show that is pretty awesome so awful.
It seems like they try and overdue it every year, and now They've put ten nominees in best picture category to what? Make it more of mystery as to who is going to win? Drive suspense? No, add movies that more people have seen so that if they like that movie there's a chance it might win. In reality, everyone knows who the frontrunners are, and know the ones that don't stand a chance. Like Toy Story 3 last year, a family animation was never going to win.
I am lucky enough to have seen 6 of the 10 and hopefully before Sunday, I will have seen the other 4. It's not likely that I will do it, but I can try. The ones I have seen though have all been good, and for once I can't really disagree with any of them being in the run. This is coming from a guy who often quotes movies like Armageddon and Old School, so perhaps I'm not the best judge of movie. Still all you really need is a pulse to realize The Artist is going to most likely run away with most of the awards, just like one movie does pretty much every year. I find that to be the most boring part of the Oscars, one group winning all of the major ones. They want to make it better throw us a few curve balls.
I haven't seen The Artist by the way, but I've heard only good things. Mainly that there is no dialogue, so don't be like some people in France and go see the movie only to get pissed off and demand your money back after you realize its a silent film.
Martin Scorsese's Hugo is also a wonderful movie, and its the only movie that I can honestly say I appreciate its appropriate use of 3-D. James Cameron apparently agrees with me, which is weird cause I never met the guy. Every other movie that likes to implement 3-D into their marketing plan, I think you need to stop distracting people from your shitty movie... I'm talking to you, Piranha 3-D.
And Star Wars Episode I in 3-D. I only ask why? Out of all Star Wars movies made, why pick that one? Why not one of the good ones? I actually don't know if they can use one of the good ones, but if you can, you should, because that one is the least shitty of the three shitty movies. The only thing good about them is Natalie Portman.
Thank You Christopher Nolan, for telling his executives to shove it when asked to make The Dark Knight Rises in 3-D.
"...Ive seen work in 3D like Avatar that’s exciting. But, for me, what was most exciting about Avatar was the creation of a world, the use of visual effects, motion capture, performance capture, these kinds of things. I don’t think Avatar can be reduced to its 3D component, it had so much more innovation going on that’s extremely exciting. 3D has always been an interesting technical format, a way of showing something to the audience. But you have to look at the story you’re telling: is it right?”
That, my friends, is a respectful way of him saying, "Listen, Avatar looked cool, but the story blew. Batman already looked cool and the story was awesome. So I'm not going to treat my audience like they're 5 and distract them with pretty lights and blue people. I'm not doing 3-D and you can piss off."
That is all for tonight, I hope you all try and catch up on your movie watching before Sunday, becausethere are some great movies that are actually entertaining for all.
Also, I've been annoying with this. But this is my good friend's movie and if you already donated thank you, and if not please do. He's only got til Thursday, and this will make his movie really happen. There are kids at his school with insane budgets of $10,000 or more only because they are either filthy rich or know a lot of filthy rich people. If he makes this movie for only $4,000 and it even compares to their movies (which I have no doubt it will, and so much more) well I think that's a win for all of us little guys out there, and a giant middle finger to the 1%. So I ask once again, if you can spare the 5 dollars or so please do. He's less than 500 dollars away. I read the script, It's awesome. He won't fail you, he doesn't know how.
Click to Donate
Night, Nite, Knight,
I like movies. Have you seen frat house?