Monday, February 6, 2012



As I sit here staring at a computer screen for the 90th straight hour, I feel as if I should warn you all my eyes have started to bleed, and I can no longer recognize the color blue. Working on a computer is pretty bad for your eyes apparently, especially when you do it in excess. Now, I spend my entire time on the computer while at work, because that is our toy to use while we work. I even read on the computer, because I'm greeneco-friendly and I find it important not to waste paper, even though I do so on many occasions in fact waste paper. I've been known to dabble with some doodles from time to time.

Regardless, the amount of time I am staring at screen that is lit and burning holes into the back of my eyes, black holes where dreams go to die, is starting to become a bit of an issue.

This weekend including right now, I spent roughly 26.5 hours just staring at computer screen doing work (its actually pretty close to that I just did the math). That is an entire day, not including at home computer usage or television. Round that up, its about 32 hours of illuminated screens blinding me slowly. This is dangerous. I have good vision...had. I can already start to feel the eye strain, and after watching 50/50 I've become an honorary hypochondriac. I say "honorary" because it makes it sound less pathetic, just throw that word in front of anything you do that makes you feel pathetic, and boom! instantaneously better.

Speaking of pathetic, do you know what its like to take 35 pictures on a film camera only to find out later, there was no film in the camera...Cause I recently was introduced to this feeling. I don't want to get into the details, but I bet you're asking "How do you forget to put the film in the camera?" Well, I didn't, I was misinformed. It was going to happen regardless, because there was no way for me to check without ruining the film or lack there of.

Anyway, back to problem at hand blinding oneself. If I do end up blinding myself it better be in a lot cooler way than staring at a screen too long. Oedipus had the right idea, although his reasons were far more disgusting for doing it and I don't condone his actions leading up to that, don't be mistaken. Still, he blinded himself using his mom/wife's brooches. Not my first weapon of choice, but I guess it does the job. I'm thinking machete or ice pick, either or, I'm not real "picky"... :-] :-) :-}. That is my gradual small smile to large smile emoticon train, I've trademarked it, so if you use it, I want credit.

I think or order to save my eyes, I need to start going outside more and looking at things that don't make my eyes want to burst into flames, things that are pretty and "easy on the eyes." I am currently having massive eye strain and can feel my heart beat in right eye, I don't think that's a good sign.

So after you read this post of course, I ask that you get off the computer and go outside. Because maybe...just maybe, we can end child obesity together! I bet you didn't think I was going there, truthfully I had no idea I was going there.

Honestly though, its sort fucked up we have child obesity problems here, where in Africa they have child malnutrition problems? My suggestion lets do the ultimate house swap, but instead we do Country Swap. Only about a month, that would probably even 'em out. Just think about it.

Anyone else catch this in the new Avengers trailer? The arrows are pointing to Progressive Field formerly known as Jacobs Field, where the Indians play, Cleveland Indians that is...Cleveland Bitches!

Now, I have to leave you so I can write a paper about the ever so interesting Heart of Darkness. Short story my ass, it's 60 pages long. Short stories should have a max of 10, and even that's pushing it.

Last but not least, Nello D. I know I may have hurt you last post but, We've been together since way back when. Sometimes I never want to see you again. But I want you to know, after all these year. You're still the one I want whisperin' in my ear .You're still the one I want to talk to in bed.
Still the one that turns my head. We're still having fun, and you're still the one

Night, Nite, Knight,

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