Monday, March 19, 2012

Smell May Cause Memory Gain


The weather has been amazing lately, and as Spring approaches during a time that doesn't make any sense to me, I'm excited for so many things.

First off being Baseball, best time of year when Baseball starts up. Especially Fantasy Baseball, and I have to continue my streak of slightly below mediocrity finishes, and the waste of money I definitely don't have. Fantasy Sports is a serious addiction, right up there with tearing down Nickleback and clearing the memory on a calculator.

The best part about Spring is by far the smell, and if you think I'm weird for saying that, Then you're damn dirty liar. After 4 months or so of not being able to smell anything, it feels great to be able to smell again. Each smell of spring is so new each year, it's like experiencing it for the first time. Which makes a lot of sense if you know anything about sense...senses, your senses, you have five of them you know? Six if your Haley Joel Osment. Seven if you're Janitor.

When I was younger I went to a camp or event or something where I was able to learn about the five senses, and I don't remember much, but what I do remember is that 1.) Smell is the closest related to sense to the triggering of memories and 2.) I got a shirt that I wore until I was a senior in high school. Odd facts aside, smell is one powerful sense.

The ability to trigger vivid memories is so powerful. To have the ability to shift our mood instantly without a second thought. The few other things that I can chalk up to triggering vivid memories are dreaming and drinking, or better yet dreaming after drinking. Seriously, I bet you're most memorable dreams were after a night of memorable drinking. The best are napping dreams after drinking, those dreams are so vivid I've woken up screaming, laughing, and worst of all crying. A crying dream is sort of like the first time you find out Santa Claus doesn't exist, at first shocking and a bit skeptical followed by the overwhelming feeling of sadness and reality that that new knowledge has brought you. I'm not saying that smell triggered that emotion, but I do remember the smell of that dream to this day, but don't remember a lot of the other details.

Smell literally trumps all other senses because of it's involvement with all other senses. If you are sick and have a stuffed up nose, you're screwed. It ruins food, which is probably the best part about life. For instance, let's say you're at a birthday party and it's time for cake. You're eyes see it which sends a message to your brain that it wants to taste it, and the idea of how that tastes is going back to all the other times you've had cake, but yet we can't repeat that experience until we taste this cake, which is so different, new, and mysterious. Still, we don't eat the cake yet, we watch other people eat the cake, we hear and see their reactions only to confirm what we believe these next few moments of eating are going to be like. Well, we finally take a bite of the cake, the texture or touch isn't the same because the taste isn't there. You're looking at this amazing piece of food art, yet nothing. All because we can't smell, our seeing, tasting, touching, and hearing all just ruin the idea of cake. Now, we have that shitty thought in our head forever, but it won't ignite again very easily because we have no remembered smell to recall it at a later date.

When we sneeze, is it not everything that is affected? We taste the spit, our ears sometime pop, we have to close our eyes or they'll pop out of their sockets, and we can't touch anything until we clean up. All because our nose had to have all the attention of the four other senses.

I'm not making it out to be a bad thing, it's great when it works in your favor. Not all memories are bad memories, I'd like to think most of them are great, even the ones we didn't think were going to be at the time. I guess there's no way to realize how much a smell is going to affect you until years later when it comes creeping up. Like the smell of summer dirt, that is a dynamite smell that ignites the memories of any kid who played outside. One being scabbed knees and crying kids...kid, really just me surrounded by normal not crying kids. Or cut grass, which reminds me of Lake Farm Park, which makes me think of the first time I got to touch an tender and beautiful. All you need to know about Lake Farm Park is the farm part, and how it never changed, yet they kept having field trips there.

These memories are what make me sane, therefore without my nose and the sense to smell, I'm lost. Therefore, I dedicate today to all noses out there the "Protectors of sanity" and "Ejectors of really disgusting bodily fluids." We need 'em.

Hope everyone survived this weekend. Have a good week.

Night, Nite, Knight,

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