Wednesday, November 16, 2011

We Think and Do.


I would like to start off this post by giving uber thanks to Bitz and Caleb, who brought me pancakes at 3:30 this morning. You truly are the best damn people I know, and I don't deserve your care. They were still hot when I got them as well as the syrup and butter. I am so appreciative, that the next shower I take I will dedicate whatever song I sing,to them. Which I'm thinking is going to be "Time after Time" by the Cranberries or "How to Save a Life" by the Fray. Because they clearly do know.

Now, I decided to eat those pancakes facing the lake, which at night isn't the best idea because the inside of the IC is better lit than the outside, so I ended up just staring at myself while I ate those delicious little cakes soaked in syrup and butter. On the sidewalk between the lake and the building were three little birds. No, I'm not going there... One was definitely dead, and I'm fairly sure the other two didn't want to try and fly away because the wind was too strong and they were afraid they may be destined to the same fate as their unfortunate friend.

It did look pretty weird because the two were huddled up pretty closely to the dead one, like they using him to block the wind or something. Either way, windows seem to be the sad demise of many birds these days. I've been in the IC numerous times when I happen to look out at the sidewalk and see a bird who just wasn't bright enough to figure out the concept of a window.

What is the golden rule though about the light: Never go towards it, unless ya know it's metaphorical or some shit like that. How many mosquitoes have died because they didn't follow that rule? I'm waiting for the day one stops, turns, and runs the opposite direction, but I know it will never come.

Truth is, I can't really blame them either. God knows, I've ran into those glass sliding doors, screen doors, windows, other transparent things. I'm just to excited to go from the outside in or inside out to think that there's a chance that something clear enough is going to stand in my way. I personally blame Windex. That shit makes a great looking house, but it's breaking the visibility of barriers to the point where I think it's becoming a legitimate health concern.

Also, the embarrassment factor. Try and walk into a glass door while surrounded by a group of people, and then try and shake that off. Afterwards, I sort of regret not going fast enough to snap my neck or at least shatter the glass so it cuts me all over my body. At least then people will feel sorry for me, instead of simply laughing at me.

Animals in general can be just as dumb as they are smart (and I'm including Humans, which are also animals). However, at times of panic or excitement were not always on top of our game. A deer in the headlights for example, they just stand there. Even though every instinct they have is telling them to get the hell out of the way, all they can really hope is you didn't cheap out and decide to wait another year to replace your brakes. The same goes for you, you have to make a quick decision, do you swerve out of the way, do you break, do you do both, or do you gun it and hope to God that you're going fast enough so he explodes on impact into even smaller particles that will do as little damage as possible (even though the science of it all doesn't really back up that theory). More often than not they're gonna get plowed over, and there's gonna be a shit load of deer guts all over your car and probably a significant amount of damage. I know there are those awesome heroic stories of someone jumping to action at a moments notice, but there are far more idiot stories where someone failed to do so.

Our eye is an amazing tool that many of us take for granted each and every single day, much like our hands, feet, brain, body, nervous system, etc. The second one of those things start to fail on us, we start to see things in a whole different way. I'm not really going anywhere with this, I just know I've made a point to take a good long look at my hands (drinking was probably involved), and think just how amazing they are. How thinking has become so second nature to me, I don't even realize I'm doing it. Right now, in this moment for example. I am typing this out because of all the things I've learned about words, typing, grammar (not that it shows), and the use of my hands to type out a post. It's quite marvelous when you really sit and think about it.

I ask you to sit and think about every part of your body, become conscious of your movements, from blinking to hand movements to jaw clenching to eye wandering to lip puckering to posture. Look at it in certain settings of your life, when you're sitting in class, in the bathroom, at a party, at a bar, in a crowd of people. How you act depending on the situation and how your body illustrates that with its movements. Its all fairly fascinating shit, when analyzed from a personal perspective. Then when you want to compare watch someone else... but don't let them know you're watching because 1.) then they'll act for you giving false notions and 2.) that would just be creepy. I guarantee though that they "move" quite differently from you.

Tip: Although I don't condone it, drinking and/or the use of narcotics may or may not enhance this exercise if done in respectable, but "acceptable" amounts.

That is all for tonight. I sincerely ask that you acknowledge yourself and others, as it will give you a new self-satisfaction and make you feel lucky that you're not a bird with a broken neck or a deer carcass scattered all over I-90.

Night, Nite, Knight,

1 comment:

  1. If you hit an animal while driving you can take it home. You technically hunted it.
