Hello everyone,
If you watch Scrubs still, I automatically want to lick your face...in the creepy way. I'm currently working on an elaborate Scrubs fantasy, that I really don't want to tell any details because that would only ruin the surprise. I've been preparing and seeking the right opportunity for the past 5 years. I'm going to make my dream come true this semester and it will be documented. It's actually not very elaborate at all, I know I just used that word, but there was a key element missing to this dream that not until recently been introduced. When it happens you'll know.
There is too much going on around me. Not only are they doing their nightly cleaning of the IC, but these two creepier guys came in to clean the carpet. Nice Gents, just a little off putting. One of them has braces on only the right side of his teeth (and I mean both top and bottom). I don't know what is more interesting than that. Maybe this.
Watched this documentary in Video Documentary tonight, go figure. It was called Confessions of a Superhero, if you have not heard or seen this please do. Chris Capades will read this and get a smile on his face (Roooob Schneeeeider (inside joke and most of you are on the outside)). It's a movie about 4 actors and actresses that play Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and the Hulk on Hollywood Boulevard and how they got there and where they are going, some may say its "super" interesting. Oddly enough, by the end of movie I was still pretty shocked by some of the things that were happening. You may want to remove all dangerous items from around your house just as a precaution, because after watching this you will either feel amazing about yourself or want to go vert. I know those are two completely opposing ways to feel about something, but that is how good this thing is. I thoroughly enjoyed it, especially Batman aka George Clooney if he got beaten in the face with an ugly stick.
May I add, I had so nothing to do today that I decided last night I was going to skip that class because our teacher is in Arizona, and then got so bored being by myself I went anyway. I just flapped on a pre-determined skip day, I told you mental health is just as important as physical, and clearly my psyche is dicked up.
Delusional people, I think you make the world go round. Screw fat bottomed girls, it is you who make this world worth anything. This is a world that is better because of you, because it keeps all of us normal people's logic in check. I need you as a measuring stick so I know if I step out of line. They are our mental police, keeping logic and reason in check in order to have a healthier planet.
Speaking of which, Captain Planet will be a live action movie. That not only tickled me down below, but got me so excited I started looking for my Wheeler action figure and ring, only to be disappointed 2 seconds immediately following after realizing they are probably at home with the rest of my childhood stuff. I'm pretty sure some ass of a dumpster kid stole my ring in a McDonald's Play Palace when I was like 4, but I definitely still have the action figure. It use to spark out its chest because he was the fire guy, but it doesn't do that anymore after I played with him in the tub. Captain Planet is the sole reason why we don't live in garbage infested planet, he saved the earth one recycled piece of trash at a time. That show is basically the template for Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth. Captain Planet made recycling the cool thing to do, Al Gore is a honorary planeteer with the power of "Influence."
This is a very cool movie, not actually the Captain, but damn close, and gets the point across with adult talk.
That is all for tonight, because currently I can't string together a thought long enough to capitalize on anything. Oh, and Penn State, I hate you not only for what you did, but having to hear about every freaking day.
Night, Nite, Knight,
As Gary the No-Trash Cougar once said "give a larbage, pick up your garbage."