Friday, October 28, 2011

David Freese is a Hero and The Lohan’s are not.


Tonight, I am ridiculously tired. I'm hoping that by writing this entry tonight I will be able to kill a massive amount of time, and then by the time it gets posted I will be able to go home and cuddle up next to my picture of Lea Michele, which I truthfully have tacked above my nightstand.  

I know many of you will be excited to know that I survived this week, the lack of the world ending, and all that other not-nearly-as-important stuff. I got through this week after spending about 10 to 12 hours in the past 2 days editing this project, which our teacher told us today is now going to be due next week...I’m not mad so please don’t think that, but I would have liked to drink last night for Charlie’s birthday instead of being in the library until 1:00AM slowly losing my mind, still questioning the mechanics of the Navi’s sex junk. Can they impregnate each other through their hair thing? Does the hair thing also get a Navi girl pregnant? It was a ripple effect.

Oh, and for those of you who are wondering what is actually going on in the IC 1st floor right now...Nothing. Absolutely nothing interesting is happening right now. I think murderers and rapists just know my shift, so they know when to stay the frick away. August, Charlie, and Sud were here (which was nice), but August and Charlie bailed and Sud’s stuff is still there, but he is nowhere to be seen... He may have died.

So you see nothing at all is happening (except the possible death of Sud). I sort of want to see someone drive through the front of the IC. I don’t want anyone to get hurt, It just would look really cool. All the glass snowing down like a twinkling winter’s night, it would be pretty.

Anyway, Game 6 of the World Series was on tonight, and I didn’t watch the whole game, but I did watch from Inning 8 on. Let me say to those of you who don’t follow sports or watch TV or do anything socially connective, the Cards brought down the house tonight. They didn’t rape, they did something much worse. They teased the Rangers with the thought of a ring. Dangled the goal right in front of them, and then David Freese smacked it 429 ft. to deep center. Although, I’ve been cheering for the Rangers, I have to say that was truly a thing of beauty. I had mad respect for Mr. Freese in the past, but that just put the cherry on top. He is officially a hometown hero, and solely responsible for my renewed faith in baseball.

After a year of a horrible fantasy squad in a league that I just didn’t recognize as home anymore, David Freese blasted me out of my baseball funk. 

So Thank You David Freese, I wish you luck in tomorrow’s game. Even though, I’m still gonna root for the Rangers and Mr. Michael Young.

UPDATE: Sud is alive and has returned to his stuff.

I would also like to bring up this whole Lohan situation, and I don’t just mean Lindsey I mean that whole family. I don’t care about you guys, please stop doing things so the media will stop flocking to you. I would compare them to something usually, but they are just so depressing and crappy that they have become the extreme shitty side in a comparison. I would use them as the low-end of a comparison now like “Your friend looks like a sick infested whore, she’s starting to look like Lindsey Lohan” or  “Your family is so messed up, they are starting to be like the Lohan’s.” So there is nothing worse then them, they literally are at the bottom of the STD infested cesspool. I guess they can be proud to be the top of shittyness in life. 

I pretty much stopped caring about Lindsey Lohan after her amazing performance in The Parent Trap, which don’t laugh, I actually truly enjoy that movie. For a kid to learn two different roles, and one in a British accent. She kills it. Plus, I like that Jakandra song “Never Let You Go,” damn good song.

That’s all for tonight, and I have two hours to go. But tomorrow...later today I’m heading to Madison where the butterbeer flows like wine and insanity consumes each and every individual in a 5 mile radius. 

Night, Nite, Knight,

P.S. Major props to Lance Berkman, dude with a grey beard can still swing a bat with a hefty-load of bitch-slappery.            

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