Wednesday, October 19, 2011

This Place Blows Some Times.

Greetings all 4 of you,

Welcome back!

As I sit here at the far left (you're right from the front door) side of the IC front desk, I feel an overwhelming sense of boredom. I am currently trying to finish a wonderful Communication & Ethics paper dealing with the Ethical Question: Was Shephard Fairey ethical in taking "the AP" (really Mannie Garcia's) photo of Barack Obama and turning into that Iconic "HOPE" image that at this point we are all a little sick of. Sort of like those "I <3 NY" shirts or anything having to do with The Beatles or any piece of art Andy Warhol ever made.

The answer is: I really just don't care. Ethically or unethically it doesn't matter to me, because truthfully papers like this you end up worrying more about plagiarizing (which is unethical, by the way) then the content of the paper. This class gives me a headache in places in my head I don't think I even knew I had because there was never any feeling there. I realize this is a definite shit on myself and intelligence, but truth is I feel a lot dumber/lazier after leaving this class. It seems to be that the harder the assignment is, the more likely I am to put it off until the last minute. I jump at the chance for busy work, I get that done weeks in advance.

Now, if anyone in my family is reading this, (Linda, Amber, Dean, etc.) don't worry I'm still going to get my work done...Please don't tell Dad. All I need now, is my father, Mr. Q-U-A-D for David-I-R, calling me up and telling me that I need to focus on my studies and kick ass. I've pissed him off enough in 22 years, he can take a break for a while.

Doing this assignment has been a giant wake-up call to just how shitty people can be in this world. I was just talking to my roommate Nello (The Fintel Diaries) the other day while we were watching Liar, Liar about how crappy people are, and how screwed up our Judicial system is. Now, I know this is nothing new to anyone who's been alive for more than 5 seconds, but still I had to say it. People are pretty crappy sometimes, does anyone remember when that Wal-Mart employee was stomped to death on Black Friday a couple years ago, because a couple hundred crazy ass hicks who can't feed their kids, but want to buy a "cheap" big screen couldn't be civilized enough getting into a store with pretending it's Monster Truck season. Because God knows a flat screen is far more important than a human's life. Not only that, the dude died in a Wal-Mart as their employee, and I bet the first thing they thought of was the lawsuit that they were gonna get because he was their employee and died in their store, not that he had a family or anything or that he just gave up his life for possibly the most pathetic reason on earth. People make you sad in a lot of ways, I may be acting cynical, but I know they have to capacity to be good, so in that respect I got some empty optimism.

and yes, Liar, Liar sparks many deep thoughtful discussions. If more people took the time to analyze it, it would literally rock the frack out of their worlds. Jim Carrey in general, The movies he has been in have dealt with some pretty pressing issues: Fun with Dick and Jane- unemployment, poverty, and social hierarchy, Ace Ventura 1 & 2- animal rights, animal cruelty, Bruce Almighty- faith, spirituality, religion, and love, Liar,Liar- true interpretation of our country's legal system, family problems, and love, The Mask- self-confidence, the out-going person we all wish to be (not just drunk), Dumb and Dumber- youth, ignorance, and the innocent child in all of us, and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind- heartbreak, love, and relationships, Cable Guy-media control, family problems, and creepy friends, and I Love You, Philip Morris- gay rights, gay community, Gay all the Way!

I learned how to live from Jim Carrey movies, I suggest you start to do the same. Argue with it. I dare you.

I really just want to spend a whole post talking about this, but I feel if I don't limit myself I may go on rant that will never end, and on this topic that would probably be a good thing. To Jamey Rodemeyer and Jamie Hubley, in the words of President Josiah Bartlett (Martin Sheen) from the West Wing, "The streets of heaven are too crowded with angels tonight." I'm truly sorry that you guys couldn't take it anymore, I never could imagine what that must have been like for you, or any other gay teen out there struggling with the same thing. Life truly blows sometimes.

To the bullies out, you get my Fuck You of a lifetime, and I know that's bullying, but I honestly don't give a shit. People's lives are not trivial, just stop.

Mad kudos to Zachary Quinto for coming out of the closet to set an example.

That's all for tonight because, I actually have to do this paper enough to justify saving it until 11:45 PM Thursday night to finish before the 12 AM due date.

Night, Nite, Knight,

1 comment:

  1. I actually forgot about that, but yes you're correct. But for other more deep and insightful reasons such as, life is precious and not a trivial thing.
