Greetings All,
This is officially my second post, and I can already feel my hands hating me from immense amount of time they spend touching a keyboard. If you also thought that sounded a little dirty, you're not alone.
The Fintel Diaries is officially back today, Oct. 14th! hopefully by the time I post this it will be updated, but I'm not making any promises, more so because I know Chris, and his all-star flappery...and Tuna this is what I was talking about.
As this weekends festivities of little to absolutely no productiveness and a whole lot of "fading into darkness" ended, there was a small glimmer of the true beauty that we find so rarely in this world. Christopher Michael DiNello is officially 21! That actually happened 2 days ago, but we don't need to be burdened by that insignificant reality. The kid, that no one thought would ever make it past that tender age of 18, has grown into a slimmer, more confident, sexier, larger kid. Good for you Nello D. As we celebrate his last final relevant birthday this weekend, I'm sure that he will not only look back on his life and think about the vast amount of wasted time, but also about the good times, the small victories, and great memories he will forever have to cherish. In these times of self-reflecting and growing (or for some, lack there of), it's important to understand the power of nostalgia, and all of that bitch feeling, that comes along with it.
As I seamlessly and may I say beautifully transition into this idea of nostalgia, I have to first start off by telling you what I've been doing in the past few weeks. As many of you probably know, and those of you who don't I don't really care, but Netflix sort of blows. I mean that with no due respect possible. That doesn't mean that I don't use it quite often, I'm just saying they've really done a fantastic job pissing off their customers, which when you're in the business of selling a product, I feel that's sort of... in some ways...not doing what you're suppose to be doing. I don't honestly know, there is a reason I chose film to be my major, and not business. However, Netflix recently has been upping their infamous "Instant Stream," usually cluttered with straight to DVD National Lampoon comedies that middle-schoolers and I just love to watch for the amazing jokes and completely necessary nudity scenes that we never really see coming. Some recently new additions have been Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Yes, this is not a dream), The Fighter, and the one I'm about to focus heavily on, The Wonder Years.
Those of you who don't know what The Wonder Years is then please walk into on-coming traffic, and ask someone to pull over and explain it to you, because chances are if they can drive they know what it is... I sure am clever, not mean and violent. If not, then I'll break it down for you right quick. This kid, Kevin Arnold, and his two bestee's, one with testess, one without (Winnie Cooper and Paul Pfeiffer) grow up in the late 1960's early 70's as young adolescents in this coming-of-age rom-com show, as they strive to hold onto their childhood while discovering what it means to grow up.
This show makes me cry, pretty much hourly. Not every episode has got a deep message, but every show in some ways you can definitely relate to. Which, you would think would be weird, considering it takes place in the 1960's and 70's and I wasn't born until '89. Periods of life not far in time, but far in change. Regardless, I still seem to take a little something with me with each episode. Nostalgia is a pretty damn good word to use when describing the feeling of this show, It makes you think about things you may have forgotten. However, I have to say Kevin Arnold can be one of the most whiny little bitches on the face of the earth, which I don't think I realized when I was younger watching that show. Maybe, because around the time I was watching it, I was too that whiny little bitch. Still, this show makes me feel good, bad, sad, angry, depressed and I highly recommend everyone and anyone to watch it. It's sort of like anytime I watch Armageddon, I kid you not, I know Harry is going to die, and still I can't freaking believe it. Does anyone else still believe that Bruce Willis died for our sins? Cause I'm not so sure he didn't.
As I so abruptly and not beautifully transition into my next piece of nostalgic text, I just want to say that I've been reading. Weird for me, I know, but true. Last time I posted for this blog I did it between reading breaks of my favorite book, Catcher in the Rye. By favorite book, I mean that I was able to read the whole thing through without even considering Sparknoting it once. I finally get why, I don't really like Holden Caulfield, I understand him, I think he makes sense in a bullshit kind of way, but I don't really like him. I think he's the part of ourselves we love to hate though. We need that person in us, to know what's shitty, so we can eventually remember what's great. Still this book, makes me go through my "Armageddon-Mood-Swings," very similarly to the Wonder Years. Although, I don't think I'm as cynical as Holden Caulfield, and truth is he's not as cynical as he wants you to believe, but I do think I believe him, and I think in a lot of ways I was as scared as he was about his life. Obviously not for the same reasons, but I could relate in my own way. I have to say to all those phonies out there, keep on doing what you're doing because we need you just as much as the cynical assholes.
I'm not gonna dwell much more on nostalgia and the bitch of growing up, but as I fear the world that might lay in front of me, it's nice to remember. As Kevin Arnold once said, "Ours is a world to careless with its memories." or as Holden Caulfield and I usually do if we don't know what else to do, just cry.
I'm not gonna write much more. I just really want to talk briefly about Drive. Gosling or as we like to call him now "The Sling," this guy can act and be handsome at the same time, and that movie was like a finely tuned car, if ya catch my connection. This movie is mind-blowingly great. James Records told me, that he left that movie feeling different, a feeling that he said he hasn't felt in a long time after leaving a movie. I can concur with that, after just watching it the other day.
If you haven't seen it, go see it. It's worth it, there's some gore, but nothing that our desensitized minds can't handle. One scene there's boobs and gore, which is sort of cool, but I had a hard time watching that part even with the boobs, the gore is over fairly quickly though.
That soundtrack is perfect. It's been playing on the reg in the "Rat Trap"aka our apartment. This has been very long, sorry If I kept you. Hope all your days are filled with nostalgia, gore, and boobs.
Night, Nite, Knight,
P.S. UPDATE: Nello said the post should be in around 6, not sure if that's at night or morning, but check at some point today.
Tell Ryan to see drive with me.