For those of you who think this is going to be about that early 2000's "rock" band "The Calling," who sang that song about "Our Lives," then just stop reading now. That post will happen much later.
I'm Jarrad, a senior at Loyola University Chicago. I work the night shift (1:45 AM-7:00AM) a few days a week at our school's Information Commons aka our giant glass computer lab. I got my calling, after applying for this job, out of desperation due to lack of money. It's a nice job, because believe it or not the IC isn't that high in demand in the wee hours of the morning. Regardless, someone has to sit here and make sure that our students/my fellow peers are protected from any crazed homeless man, or possible drunk brosef looking for a warm place to start a ruckus and defecate on some campus computers. Well, I'm that guy, not flying solo, but definitely flying high!
I have given us (late night workers) a name, a name that I birthed during my awkward middle school days after thinking I was cool because I walked to Chipotle after school. They are some, they are mediocre, they are the Eastgate Night Hawks!!! I am no Night Hawk, I kid myself not. I believe in myself and all, but I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that I have what it takes to be a Night Hawk. People give shit to these "Mall Cops," but truth is I don't think I can do that job. I don't have the guts to walk around like that, knowing that people think down on me, because I'm a "fake" cop. Well, I want any Night Hawks out there who may read this know, that you've got one supporter. I have full faith in you guys, and at times model my own nightly shift duties after you. Anyway, we will be known as... The Knight Rangers- protecting people without them even knowing it. Sort of like the end of the Dark Knight when Gordon is going off on that long monologue of how Batman is the "watchful protector," it also combines four of my favorite childhood/ young adult memories. 1.)Walker Texas Ranger 2.) The Power Rangers 3.) The Dark Knight and of course 4.) Black Knight.
On occasion I like to walk over to kids, and maybe make a joke their way about their late night study habits, just trying to put them at ease, "Hey, this guy's got a sense of 4 in the morning, and how clever, witty, yet demanding and authoritative, and OH! how much he looks like John Stamos really makes my heart race." What a wonderful feeling that must be for them. I also like to walk around the first floor like I own the place. Regardless, of the 3 weeks I've been here, I demand order on my floor of the IC.
I decided to write this blog, not out of pure exciting happenings of the late night IC, but more so out of sheer unrelenting boredom. It's nice to chronicle your thoughts, and actions of any given time. Something that's more personal and goes beyond the shallow walls of Twitter or Facebook, although those are nice too.
I have to admit, I wouldn't have the courage to do such a thing without the selfless acts and fearless efforts of one my loved and admired friends and roommates, Chris DiNello aka Nello D. His first Chronicled action was when he started the Pulitzer Prize winning blog the Fintel Diaries. He went out and simply put his thoughts into words, and may I say he did it eloquently and beautifully never once sacrificing himself for anything or anyone who told him other wise. Check it out, it's hot as hell, even though he hasn't updated it in a while.
GOSSIP UPDATE: Word is around the old apartment, that the Fintel Diaries will be having it's first official update after almost 11 months of being on hiatus.
Anyway, as brave as that was, it wasn't until just recently that he inspired me most. Recently, Chris has been reading personal journal entries (actual writing) out loud, not just to his roommates, but other friends and acquaintances. His deepest most personal thoughts in the world, about his life, friends, and family all tied into one. He holds almost nothing back, and leaves his heart on the table at the end of the day. I must say Bravo! to that sir. You are truly an open book, and a lesson to us all. Hold nothing back, and the world is yours...sort of.
So I would like to dedicate this blog to him, myself, and anyone else who has to sit on the internet for 5 hours and 15 minutes a night, and keep the Google safe search switched to "ON." Appropriate web surfing has never been so hard.
-Night, Nite, Knight,
We were so cool when we walked to chipotle and yours truly after school.