Monday, May 7, 2012

Avenge to the End

Hello all,

Tonight is obviously the last knight shift post ever. Tears will be shed, hopeless sobs will be shared, but most of all hugs and kisses will be dished out.

But first, I want to talk about The Avengers. I got to watch this movie this afternoon, and for a rainy day in Chicago that's kind of perfect. Let me first say this movie was fucking awesome, I'm dropping the F-Bomb because it was so cool that it was vulgar.

I've been calling it an appetizer to the Dark Knight Rises, but truth is that movie is a 7-course meal, and I am full if you catch my drift. That movie oozed insane SFX, epic battle scenes, hot ladies, hilarious one-liners, and above all some good "old-fashion" ass-kicking, with a sprinkle of an overwhelming amount of inspiration. Let's not forget to mention the amount of Cleveland in that movie, there was a lot.

Mark Ruffalo as the Bruce Banner, was essential, perfect casting after the whole Ed Norton debacle (who I also like very much). RDJ always gets it, and in this movie he kills it, which is not different from any other movie he is in. Tom Hiddleston freaks me out, well played sir. Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans are the roles they play. Samuel L. no one comes better.

That all-star cast all tied together by the very talented Joss Whedon, there is no chance that movie was a flop. It was epic, and the Dark Knight Rises will be just as good if not better. Therefore making this summer the greatest movie block-buster summer in the past 92 years (There is little to no evidence supporting that claim, so please don't look that up).

Still the Avengers brought in over 200 million this weekend which shatters Harry Potter's record. These guys come together to fight a evil that threatens the planet Earth. They inspire others to help, and stand up to those who vow to do evil. That is something that I want everyone to know, if there's one message I can get through to people, and if you never take anything else away from this blog or me, please let it be this.

I've spoken before about how I want people to be Batman and Superheroes, but all I really want is people to be good. Just stop being such cynical assholes, and stop being so god damn mean to one another. In the words of Frank from God Bless America "Why have civilization anymore if we no longer are interested in being civilized?"

We created superheros for a reason, because we wanted to believe that there could be someone out there who was better than all of us. Fuck religion, put that aside for right now. We wanted someone like us, someone we could relate to. Unfortunately, that gave us an excuse for being shitty, if someone else was great to pick up the scraps and do what was right we didn't have to. We've been shitty for far too long, and we need to stop, because that's why so many people get killed. Too many of us are being shitty, and you want to know how shitty we are.

We all think if a zombie apocalypse comes, we're gonna be the exception that fights off zombies. Probably not, I'll probably be a zombie first day. I'll just get too tired of zombie and let one of those bastards bite me. We're not that special, but it's alright. As long as we strive to be special I think we got something going for us, just don't stop trying because then we get people like Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton, and that crazy leathered woman who took her kid to the tanning booth. If I try for the rest of my life, I'm okay with that. Be better than the people we think we can be. Be better than the people we already know we are.

I'm going to leave you with this clip from God Bless America, and if you don't want to see it after this that's fine, but take something from it.

I don't know what I will do with my life now, but I know I don't want to be shitty anymore. I think in cliches all the time, I just try and verbalize them in a more realistic way. I probably don't succeed, but as long as the point gets across I'm okay with it. 

I appreciate all of you that read this, and I hope in so many ways that I somehow made a moment in any of your lives better. If I haven't then I'm sorry for wasting your time, but I appreciate you sticking in there til the end.

Thank you,
For one last time...

Night, Nite, Knight
Jarrad A. Quadir

Friday, May 4, 2012

Bouncing Ideas

Hello all,

Tonight is my second to last post, in many show finales this would be the time where the characters sat around possibly in an area where the power went out, or there was a storm warning, pretty much anything that prevented them from leaving where they were at, and had to only each other to talk to which would then lead to a night reminiscing about the best times of past days or in their case episodes.

There are no characters, this is not a show, and I don't remember have the stuff I talk about. Mainly because I'm pretty sure I've put every "kosher" thought I've ever had up on this blog, no wonder I repeat myself so damn much. I think a grand total of like 13 things, and all of those have come out in some way or another.

All 13 are extremely important to me though, and so I chose to share them with you, also I'm a extremely awkward and embarrassing person as well as charming and happen to be decently fond of my hair, so I felt the need to share all of these things with you as well, because I hope that you get some enjoyment from my moments of pain, but truth is I've fallen so much I've become pretty good at it. I'm kind of awesome at falling, so I may try to be a stunt man.

A stunt man would be cool, mainly because you always will have a good story to tell, and people will probably think you're a pretty interesting person, but also because Gosling was a Stunt Man... Driver, in Drive. Gosling doing anything makes it cool.

Quick pitch for a movie idea: Ryan Gosling and Ryan Reynolds star in a comedy, action, drama as brothers, who return home for one weekend to collect their dad's ashes and belongings, only to be sucked into an alternate universe where they realize what life would have been like if they hadn't had a falling out all those years back. It's called Parallel Ryans.

I'm thinking about pitching it to Mandate since they are going to waste money on a movie like LOL, why not put some towards a movie that can at least have two of fiercest guys in Hollywood in them.

I also think a good series of movies would be where we take some of the most classic romantic movies of our generation and re-cast them with two guys. Titanic, The Notebook, Dear John, Pretty Woman, etc. This could be the million dollar idea I've been waiting for. Then reverse that, We take Broke Back Mountain and make it about a man and woman who just can't quit each other, and each of them were in a gay relationship prior to that.

These are just ideas, that is all, feel free to steal them.

I finish finals today, sort of, and I hope the rest of you have a great weekend.

Monday morning will be the last post of the Knight Shift, I will be hanging up my badge and moving on worse and sadder things.

Night, Nite, Knight,

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Dark Knight is Rising

Hello all,

Due to the recent release of the newest Dark Knight Rises Trailer and the recent finding of a Ticonderoga Black Pencil (which is the pencil I imagine Batman using if he needed to use a pencil), this post will be dedicated mostly to that.

First, Let's watch. (Warning this is a trailer, but may reveal more than  you wish to know.)

That was awesome, however like I said, it revealed way more than I wished to know. However again, There's no doubt in my mind that this movie will be way beyond any thoughts that I have or think of. However once more, I feel like I may have started to understand Nolan so much, that I may in fact know what he will do which would be sad for me.

This trailer reveals a lot about what's going to happen, there are far more conclusions that I can draw just from this trailer, but like the Dark Knight, I hope it doesn't reveal all, there are like 20 story plots from the 2nd installment, and so I'm hoping there's like 40 for this one. I don't know what the run time for this movie will be, but anything short of 5 hours I will be disappointed.

Bane is a clever witty guy, not the dumb ass portrayed in the 90's movie, as Poison Ivy's crack-addicted, misfit, reject, lackey.

One thing I know, is Tom Hardy has massive, clown-like shoes to fill following the Joker, and Heath Ledger's academy award winning performance. So even if he dies, knock on wood, he'll come off more pathetic for trying to pull the sympathy card as opposed to a tragic death, like Heath Ledger's.

I have much faith in this, like I've said a million times before, and I greatly look forward to its release seeing as I'm fairly certain that I was born to watch this movie. That is my goal in life, and I'm about to fulfill in a couple of months.

Now with this trailers release, it is time I start preparing the final stages of my ceremony. A ceremony that involves a re-watching of both batman movies at least 100 times each, a batman home-made costume complete with a grapple hook and batarangs, the candle light sacrificing of a bat (stuffed animal optional, but live preferable) so as it's spirit is reincarnated into mine, and finally a re-creation of both movies, where I star in every role (I will not do Lucius Fox in black face to show I'm politically correct, and also I will prepare for the role of Rachel Dawes in the Dark Knight by punching myself in the face repeatedly).

Also, the Avengers is coming out Friday, and I'm tremendously less, but still extremely excited to see that. Superhero movies could be the greatest invention since the peanut butter.

This is completely unrelated and poorly transitioned portion to this post, but has anyone else notice that guys who look like stereotypical gym rats are always walking with a limp, and have a look on their face like their constipated.

I feel like they look cooler, I just want to know why that works so well for them, If I tried that people would ask me if I had some sort of disorder.

Just a thought, Have a good day everybody.

Night, Nite, Knight,

Monday, April 30, 2012

Nursery Rhyme


Tonight, I will completely make a nursery rhyme from scratch. I will try to rhyme a lot through this If I can, I use to do this with someone way back when, but haven't in a long time, and if they remember then that's just smile material.

So to that person, I dedicate this one to you.


In a land not to far away at all, 
lived a small child who never really knew nothing at all. 
Through the nights and days they played anyway, 
Never caring about the world that would constantly lay. 
They never knew anything about who or what they were from
 And instead didn't question for they believed it be dumb. 
They lived their lives, one day at a time, 
Never carrying the worries like the guilt of  a crime. 

The world was in peace, and forever we knew, 
That no one could ruin it, not even the blues.

Until one day, the wicked drew near,
 And soon the others would petition to clear. 
Never before had so much time had passed
The wicked had begun their most evilest of tasks. 
Strangers and tide from distant sands,
 No longer remained far as they traveled the lands. 
Bringing with them little hope and cheer,
 They did nothing better than tear down the queer. 
The strange that is, the out-casted and shunned,
 For they are the ones who are forced run
Out of town, out of sight for no one can bear
 The witness to the wicked that can't seem to share.

The child weeps in all that it knows, 
Which remember is none and no one else shows. 
The child sees not of the woed and weak,
 The child sees hope when he stands on his feet. 
The child ran throughout all of the land,
 Reminding the world that it so possibly can. 
And with the words of a saint, the others returned,
 for the day was lost but the night remained theirs.

Back in the distance, The wicked retreated,
 Where it had to be saved, where it had to be treated. 
For the young child had won, but nobody cared,
 Because the young the child was stricken the strangest declared.

The small child was no boy nor girl, but a person of land
For the child knew the greatest secrets of man. 
They knew all, which was none,
 for the measure of know is simply one. 
One child, one story, one day told in time,  
One message, one song, one nursery rhyme.

I reused a lot of rhymes, but whatever, that shit's hard. I'm not even sure if that made sense, but it took me 30 minutes, and I'm happy with that.

I also want to say, that I'm honored to have Chris "Capades" Cady aka "Knight Ranger Jr." with me tonight, sharing the responsibilities. He's doing a damn, fine job.

Night, Nite, Knight,

Friday, April 27, 2012

The End is Near

Dear people,

Today was very possibly my very last day of class ever. As far as I know at this point, I will not be going back to school ever again. It was so bland, as if were like J.D.'s last day at Sacred Heart. In the words of Dr. Cox "It's just another day."

That is how it felt though, not much feeling here or there about anything in particular. It was literally just another day. When I was in my last class late at night, I was quite for a good portion of it, really trying to take it, because even though I wouldn't think it was the class part of college that I will miss, I'm sure that I will at some point.

I miss classes from Freshmen year, when it was alright to not know what you wanted to do with your life. Class in general is usually a fairly boring time, even if you are interested in the class, something about the weekly commitment to pay attention becomes a bit of hassle even on your best days.

Today was a hassle, I think if I wasn't such a memory whore and nostalgia snob, I probably would've skipped my last class. But, I wanted that memory. I wanted to know what we did, and who was there, and what it was about. Truth was, it wasn't very interesting and I knew it wouldn't be. Bruce Japsen talked about how to blog, which to any person born after 1990 would clearly know how to do. If I can do it, then it can't be that hard. It doesn't take much, but he talked to us about our finals and all other lose ends were tied up.

That's how it ended, nothing special at all. I will be continuing this blog into next week, and then my final entry of the knight shift will be on Monday, May 7th. I have a total of 4 more posts, not including this one, because I picked up another shift, before my last one. I will be shedding my armor on the battlefield that is the Information Commons, dropping my sword and shield, only to stand amongst the living of those who will continue forth without me. I'm picturing King Leonidas at the end of 300, and if that's not narcissim at its finest than I don't know what is. I should probably start working out more for that moment, and I feel like I may get some strange looks, but it will totally be worth it. I'll be standing on the first floor where that statue is, and then I'm gonna need about 60 Persians with bows and arrows to be on the second floor in aiming position, ready for my last word to release a blackout of arrows upon my body.

It will be my final post, and it will be sad, but also joyous because this has been my year, and out of everything I've done and been through in college, I would chalk this blog up there as one of the few things I'm quite proud of (mainly my consistency).

I'm sort of hoping for a Conan O'Brien end of the Late Night Show finale, but I can't expect perfection, so I'm just gonna go for the 300 cliche ending. I'm sure I will be repeating myself (like I always do) in that post, with similar things in this post, but I assure you that one will be much more different and better mainly because it has to.

Anyway, take for granted your final moments if you have them, if you are continuing on in your studies then cherish the ones you've got and hold onto them forever because well remembering is a fantastical part of being human.

Also a very shitty part, but that's not really important right now.

You all take care till next time.

Night, Nite, Knight,

Monday, April 23, 2012

Spring Cleaning

Hello all,

I don't think I can string together a thought long enough to write a well thought out post, so this is just some Spring cleaning shit of whatever I'm going to talk about.

I am currently struggling to write a paper right now, but this week will be epicly awful if I don't do it. If anyone has any scholarly thoughts on James Baldwin and lovely tale Sonny's Blues I would just love to hear it. James Baldwin is a black, possibly homosexual, writer in the 1950's, who grew up in the Harlem ghetto. The only way this man could be more oppressed would be if he were in fact a woman. The story takes place in the ghetto of Harlem, and yet I still can't make these connections. There is something clearly wrong with me. I think I just may need to power through it, and put off that paper until tomorrow...

It's not that it's not interesting, it's more so I don't care. It's not really my fault though. There is very well 2 weeks left of what is possibly the longest plan of my life. 22 years of knowing exactly what I was supposed to do next...and now what? That is one terrifying reality check.

This paper as well as many other things may prove to be the end of me, which really wouldn't be too bad. Go out right before the end of college, I couldn't think of better time. I definitely don't want to live forever, going out young would be kind of cool, as long as it would be cool and some freak accident.

Not that I want to die anytime soon, but if it was gonna happen soon, maybe it should before I do all this work. I know I'm not lucky enough to go out like Harry Stamper.... that Armageddon reference was way over due. It felt good.

In other news, I watched God Bless America tonight. I absolutely loved it. Joel Murray killed it...literally, he messed up a lot of people. There were moments during the movie I was skeptical of the message, but by the end I was fully supportive. I guess that's nothing new, because from the first time I saw the trailer I was fully behind it, except now I have legitimate reason to be.

I won't go into any details about the movie, but I strongly recommend that you watch it. I actually watched another Bobcat Goldthwaith movie the other day. The World's Greatest Dad, didn't even know he directed it til the end, but they definitely had similar feels, with very different endings. Bobcat is actually in this one, so it's sort of cool. His voice isn't very ridiculous either, which I was blown away by.

I've been playing a lot of Pokemon Red....not much more to say about that.

Hope everyone is doing well. I only have a handful of these posts left. I promise the remaining few will be much better than this shitty one. Take care, fun flights, and don't the boogie man bite bite bite.

Night, Nite, Knight,

Friday, April 20, 2012

Damnit, Hollywood


So this movie LOL is being made, don't really know why, but I do know this, if God Bless America had a gun and had to shoot down one movie in the world, it would be this one. The sad part about this, is that it is a remake. Which means it was made before, probably didn't do so well, and then made again, because Gee that seems like a good idea.

I have not seen this movie, obviously because it hasn't been regurgitated back up yet, but I really feel that this movie isn't getting much deeper than its trailer.

I don't know who or what thought this would be a good idea, but I'm fairly positive that if this the Hollywood standard these days, I'm not really sure I want to be apart of it anymore. The saddest part about this movie is that it may turn out to be the most "real" movie that is released ever.

I talked before about how movies set in real time are suppose to mirror "real life," but they don't. This may be the one exception, because I have a strong feeling this is exactly how life is. It is this shallow, overly dramatic, shitty, constantly connected via social networking, with little human connections and the ridiculous yet non-vital problems of the everyday life of a teenager.

This movie is kind of genius, because it literally is as cliche as the rest of the world. There can't be any one original line in this that you haven't heard before. I bet on your Facebook creeper feed you can find most of the dialogue from this movie, and not to be a total ass, but it's probably coming from teenage girls. It's a movie about everyday life, and just how crappy we are as human beings, and how shallow we can be about just about anything and everything.

The reason why movies make things more fantastic, is because our lives are shitty, and we don't want to watch them. They put beautiful people in the same situation as us normal shitty people, and just spit it back out to us. Its movie that's been in the making for the past ten years, we've all helped write this script, and now we have to painfully sit through its reality. That is the ultimate form of capitalism, we have been exploited to the point of where they steal our ideas from how we live and then sell them back to us. Touche Hollywood.

I don't know if sad is the write word to describe it, but I'm going to assume that Miley Cyrus when accepting this role, believed it to be earth-shattering because A.) She's going to make bank to play basically herself  B.) She is fully aware of just how accurate this script may be, and believes it to be so unoriginal in life that it is in fact original for a movie, and C.) There is possibility for a sequel called "ROFL" and a third installment call "LMFAO."

I can't honestly condone this movie, for the sole fact I don't want people spending money on something they could watch anywhere, anytime by just watching people. If you want to waste your money give it to me, and I'll go see it for you. I'll be your Jesus of this movie, I will put all your pain on me that you would have endured from watching this movie.

I just made a joke about this, so I will use it now. This movie is the Comic Sans font of all movies. That's what I leave you with.

Night, Nite, Knight,