Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

As finals approach at a steady yet insanely fast pace, I can't help but think about all the work I should have done and didn't do, that is now coming back to bite me hard in the ass. This will not be a long post, because I don't think I am able to think about writing something long that isn't actually relevant to my academic career.

A few things I don't like about finals week are (in no particular order)...
  1. Making things being due the last class instead of the day of the final. I can't tell you how insanely confusing this is on a syllabus. This is pointless to me, and you are cutting my time a week short.
  2. Tests in general- any kind doesn't matter, don't want to do it. "Take Home Tests"- not as cool as people think
  3. Having projects that rely so heavily on other people, who will not suffer at all if you don't get it done. Nothing particular comes to mind...
  4. The thought of suicide trumps the thought of work by just a little.
  5. The IC and all the people you never see here throughout the year, but come just to socialize, be annoying, and create problems.
  6. People who have nothing to do, and not even because they were on top of things, but because they just don't have a lot to do (I was this person last semester and Nello every year).
  7. Red Bull, 5-Hour Energy, Coffee-Coffee grounds, Candy, and Pop.
  8. Pulling all-nighters at the IC on my nights off from work.
  9. Snakes...that's just sort of an "all the time" one though.
  10. and of course Me.
I always put myself in the situation to procrastinate to the fullest. Right now seems like one of those moments, but its amazing the lack of shit I can do on a PC as opposed to a Mac, just for my finals.  Also, I can't check out a laptop because I have a stupid fine for bringing back an external hard drive late to the DML, because I kept it an extra few hours over thanksgiving break. Sorry, I was coming back to Chicago from Cleveland, as if we already don't give this school enough of our money. Who is really checking out a hard drive the Sunday after break anyway? It wasn't missed!

I'm done, #4 is calling my number... Which is weird because 4 is a number itself, calling a number...inception. I'll leave you guys with this, it's a movie that Chris Capades made called The Funny Bunch and I'm in it. Hope you enjoy and if you've seen it watch it again.

I may see you Thursday we'll see how I'm feelin' by morning. If you don't hear from me, Thanks for the good memories....It's been real.

I will also post this. Shane Coyle said he watched my "Quiet" movie while the song "Sigh No More" by Mumford and Sons was playing and said they worked well together. I then did it out of curiosity and agreed. Above the Caps Lock and Moze from Ned's Declassified both agreed it was amazing! and that I have amazing hair! Also, I think they threw "God" somewhere in there but I can't be sure of the context. You have to dick with the volume a little bit, but make sure they start around the same time and that you can still hear the words of Dave saying the poem.

Quiet and "Sigh No More"

Night, Nite, Knight,

1 comment:

  1. "Red Bull, 5-Hour Energy, Coffee-Coffee grounds, Candy, and Pop." That shit is good all the time, shut up.

    And I'm that guy who never has anything to do, go finals week!
