Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Sad and A Happy

Good evening,

Number 4 did not prevail!

Tonight I finished my finals for the semester. I "succesfully" rocked a not-all-dirty-looking stache for the last few days as an attempt to rally myself to finish all my finals. Definitely got some weird looks, and people started to grab their kids closer to them whenever they saw me coming, but definitely did its job and now I'm done. It feels really good to relax for the next month, and not have to do anything of value or worth. This also marks my final Fall semester ever, that is if I don't end up going back to school to become a teacher or something like that. Over the past week or so I have done an immense amount of work in hopes of not failing any classes so that this really is my final fall semester. I finished my final take-home exam, which I still hate, closed my computer, and shaved off my finals stache. There are two big things that occured in the past few days that I can categorize as Happy and Sad.

This makes me Sad.

If you have spent time with me in the last week you know I've been disturbingly upset with the stupidity of one republican candidate, Rick Perry. I'm not so mad as I am stunned. If you haven't seen his recent campaign ad please feel free to watch here...

I do want to note how impressed with Rick Perry I am, and no, that is not sarcasm. I don't think anyone would make this ad without believing it 100%, I truly believe he believes what he is saying.  On the other side, I think that he is pretty dumb for doing this because clearly people told him to do it, and his comparison of gays serving in the military to children praying in school and celebrating Christmas just confused the hell out me. Those two things were not fairly comparable, nor should they have been used in the same sentence. I don't want to go on a rant about this because you know where I stand and I know I will, but why can't the Republicans find someone who doesn't seem like a complete jackass?

Also B.B. edited another campaign ad "Faith" from Perry earlier this week. Here it is. This also makes me happy.

This makes me Happy.

In lighter news, Louis CK released his new stand-up on December 10th. It's called Louis CK: Live at the Beacon Theater. He wanted to experiment by producing and creating the stand-up all on his own, and released a statement yesterday to explain how is experiment is going. I suggest you read it if you have the time, but if not I'll sum it up here. It cost him roughly $250,000 to make this stand-up happen, and he charged a measly 5 dollars for anyone to buy it off his website. In just 4 days he has sold over 110,000 copies making roughly $500,000.

Granted, Louis CK is a man of simple thoughts, he just capitalizes on them in hilarious ways. However, He just  shit on so many major media companies out there. I bought it the day it came out, 5 dollars that I probably would have wasted on something I would not have gotten as much joy out of, and I can keep it forever. I seriously think you could rummage 5 dollars out in just pennies from around your house. Take it from your roommates coin jar when they are not looking, steal it from a kid, I don't really care but you should buy this stand-up just so you can say you were apart of this experiment. The plus is that it's actually pretty damn hilarious, and I laughed out loud when I watched it by myself...that's right, I LOLed.  In the wee hours of the morning. In my room. By myself. Watching another man talk... Which for anyone has actually caught themselves laughing at something when no one else is around is a little bit of a weird feeling at first, followed by overall satisfaction, and not-at-all that overwhelming feeling of loneliness.

The simple fact that he paid for this show out of his own pocket, with the plausible reality of possible failure, for a comic that openly admits he doesn't make that much money in order to remain true to his material. Regardless of his success, to go out and sell this for the cheap ass price of 5 dollars in hopes that humanity loves him enough to buy it. That takes major balls. I have the utmost respect for this man, and if you enjoy laughing and have $5 and an hour to spare, I suggest that you go online to his website (Link above) and buy his stand-up because its funny and who doesn't like to laugh?

One last thing before I go, I finished my video documentary final and here is the result. It is called Forget the Pony and it basically shows the lifestyle of a Chicago Bike Polo player (or 3). Enjoy.

I will be back on Thursday night/ Friday morning for my last Knight Shift blog post of the semester. I hope you all have a good finals week and in the words of my father who wouldn't want people to know this about him, because these words the Queen would never use...Don't worry, his logic makes no sense to me either. "Kick Ass!" which he is referring to your "studies," not schoolwork not homework. Just "studies."

So go forth and Kick their asses!

Night, Nite, Knight,

1 comment:

  1. Will your next project be about the Marc floor hockey league?

    Interesting video, in equestrian polo, players may only hold the mallet in their right hand, does this hold true in bike polo?
