Friday, December 16, 2011

Tis the Season

Season Greetings to all,

Tonight is my final knight shift post of the semester and year.  Seasonal spirits and a new year rapidly approaching, we must remember that a whole lot of shit happened in 2011 and for me to try and summarize it would be sort of like a history lecture. Also, I'm sure VH1, MTV, E!, and Comedy Central will all do a great job of catching you up on the year when new years actually gets close. Still, I think I can capitalize on some of the years bigger events.

First of, "Godsling" was just voted by TIME magazine as "Coolest Person of the Year"...This makes way too much sense to me, if you don't agree feel free to no longer exist. Sandusky definitely touched little kids and showered with them, and contrary to recent statements I'm pretty sure it wasn't to "teach them about hygiene." Osama Bin Laden took a bullet in the face and Obama got to give America it's first ever live-on-air-verbal orgasm. There was a dece amount of protesting, I'm pretty sure it had something to do with Wall Street and percentages, although I can't be sure what has happened because all I know is when celebrities get involved, these protests usually lose some credibility. Packers won the bowl, Cardinals won the series, Bruins won the cup, Mavs won the finals and the NBA is full of babies. The Dark Knight Rises was filmed, and could be the most anticipated movie since the 1895 release of The Lumiere Brothers "Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat". That's a film major refrence, so cool! This dude in Libya was pretty insane and is now pretty dead. Egypt had some shit going on. Fear Factor, for some god awful reason has made a come back. If it wasn't for Joe Rogan, I would completely hate that show. Lady Gaga sang for the underdogs of life, and will probably continue into 2012. And Kim Kardashian still sucks.

And more importantly, apparently America just declared the end to the Iraq War, just yesterday. So let's see if that means anything in these next few weeks.

This year has been an interesting one personally as well, but as I start to think of it I sort of feel like voming super hard, so I won't bore any of you with that. The end of year marks the time for new beginnings and a lot of other hallmark sayings. New Year's resolutions are often made like the start of a semester at college, you are first really excited quickly followed by losing interest at the first sign of any effort having to be put into it. I think more so instead of resolutions, you just make mental notes to yourself as to what you're going to try and do less of. For example, "In this new year I am going to try and do less homework and still graduate on time." Don't set the bar very high for yourself, keep it low, try to make minimums for life not maximums. That way if you over succeed your goals, you look pretty effin awesome. Also, I think if everyone just made the resolution "I'm going to try and be less of a piece of shit, asshole, douchebag, dick." I feel this could also do wonders for the world. However, we have a lot of people out there that make it hard to fulfill this resolution, because they make ad campaigns called "Strong."

I also want to touch briefly on Santa...hehehe. I mean Christmas. I enjoy Christmas, regardless of my religious affiliation. I find it to be a wonderful holiday full of cheer, joy, and overall sense of nostalgia. I find it funny though, that I will see and hear these Christmas themed pictures, paintings, music, and movies and they always make me feel nostalgic and joyful. Yet, I just realized how none of these things have ever once described one of my Christmas's. Not one! I look forward to Christmas every year, and it's always the biggest disappointment ever, but I know once again I'm going to go ahead and do the same thing the next year. Look forward to holiday that will most likely disappoint me.

I think the reason I do this though, isn't because I'm cruel to myself (which I definitely am, go back and read some of my posts if you don't believe me) but because I think I'm a hopeful person. I like to like things, and regardless of the shit, I'm going to continue to long for the next Christmas to be that Norman Rockwell painting or that Chirstmas Story or that O' Holiest of Nights. I'm fine with that. If you're like me and realize that Christmas sort of blows pass a certain age, just keep on hoping for next year.

Also, if you're Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Catholic, Buddhist, Hindu, Atheist, Jehovah's Witness, Scientologist, Gary Buseyian, whatever. I honestly hope you have some happy holidays doing whatever it is that you do during this time of year and a fantastic new years. But I ask if you don't care about it then please don't go around dickin' it up for everyone else that does love this time of year. Even the Grinch changed assholes, don't shit on other people's parades because you don't believe what they do, and vice versa. I know Christmas is sort of force fed down people's throats so if you don't like it, I'm sorry that really blows, but none of us are gonna change that, so just try to be a good person anyway.

I hope that you all have a great holiday and time off whatever you do, and have a safe and non-remembered new years. If you read this a lot or just sometimes, or whenever you want I honestly thank you, it's nice to share your thoughts, and I encourage more of you to do, regardless of whether it's written like a vulgar 7-year-old or not.

Also, if you are in Russia reading my blog. Thank you, I probably don't know you, but I always see that there are people from Russia who look at my blog. How cold are you? Is Stalin a touchy subject? Feel free not to answer if "Yes," or if you just don't feel like answering.

I will be back in 2012, January 16th to be exact.  My schedule is Monday and Wednesday mornings, so that is when the blog will start again. I wish I could do like a Mr. Rogers where I can change my clothes in front of you and walk out, but I can't. Anyway good luck and til we meet again...

Night, Nite, Knight

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Sad and A Happy

Good evening,

Number 4 did not prevail!

Tonight I finished my finals for the semester. I "succesfully" rocked a not-all-dirty-looking stache for the last few days as an attempt to rally myself to finish all my finals. Definitely got some weird looks, and people started to grab their kids closer to them whenever they saw me coming, but definitely did its job and now I'm done. It feels really good to relax for the next month, and not have to do anything of value or worth. This also marks my final Fall semester ever, that is if I don't end up going back to school to become a teacher or something like that. Over the past week or so I have done an immense amount of work in hopes of not failing any classes so that this really is my final fall semester. I finished my final take-home exam, which I still hate, closed my computer, and shaved off my finals stache. There are two big things that occured in the past few days that I can categorize as Happy and Sad.

This makes me Sad.

If you have spent time with me in the last week you know I've been disturbingly upset with the stupidity of one republican candidate, Rick Perry. I'm not so mad as I am stunned. If you haven't seen his recent campaign ad please feel free to watch here...

I do want to note how impressed with Rick Perry I am, and no, that is not sarcasm. I don't think anyone would make this ad without believing it 100%, I truly believe he believes what he is saying.  On the other side, I think that he is pretty dumb for doing this because clearly people told him to do it, and his comparison of gays serving in the military to children praying in school and celebrating Christmas just confused the hell out me. Those two things were not fairly comparable, nor should they have been used in the same sentence. I don't want to go on a rant about this because you know where I stand and I know I will, but why can't the Republicans find someone who doesn't seem like a complete jackass?

Also B.B. edited another campaign ad "Faith" from Perry earlier this week. Here it is. This also makes me happy.

This makes me Happy.

In lighter news, Louis CK released his new stand-up on December 10th. It's called Louis CK: Live at the Beacon Theater. He wanted to experiment by producing and creating the stand-up all on his own, and released a statement yesterday to explain how is experiment is going. I suggest you read it if you have the time, but if not I'll sum it up here. It cost him roughly $250,000 to make this stand-up happen, and he charged a measly 5 dollars for anyone to buy it off his website. In just 4 days he has sold over 110,000 copies making roughly $500,000.

Granted, Louis CK is a man of simple thoughts, he just capitalizes on them in hilarious ways. However, He just  shit on so many major media companies out there. I bought it the day it came out, 5 dollars that I probably would have wasted on something I would not have gotten as much joy out of, and I can keep it forever. I seriously think you could rummage 5 dollars out in just pennies from around your house. Take it from your roommates coin jar when they are not looking, steal it from a kid, I don't really care but you should buy this stand-up just so you can say you were apart of this experiment. The plus is that it's actually pretty damn hilarious, and I laughed out loud when I watched it by myself...that's right, I LOLed.  In the wee hours of the morning. In my room. By myself. Watching another man talk... Which for anyone has actually caught themselves laughing at something when no one else is around is a little bit of a weird feeling at first, followed by overall satisfaction, and not-at-all that overwhelming feeling of loneliness.

The simple fact that he paid for this show out of his own pocket, with the plausible reality of possible failure, for a comic that openly admits he doesn't make that much money in order to remain true to his material. Regardless of his success, to go out and sell this for the cheap ass price of 5 dollars in hopes that humanity loves him enough to buy it. That takes major balls. I have the utmost respect for this man, and if you enjoy laughing and have $5 and an hour to spare, I suggest that you go online to his website (Link above) and buy his stand-up because its funny and who doesn't like to laugh?

One last thing before I go, I finished my video documentary final and here is the result. It is called Forget the Pony and it basically shows the lifestyle of a Chicago Bike Polo player (or 3). Enjoy.

I will be back on Thursday night/ Friday morning for my last Knight Shift blog post of the semester. I hope you all have a good finals week and in the words of my father who wouldn't want people to know this about him, because these words the Queen would never use...Don't worry, his logic makes no sense to me either. "Kick Ass!" which he is referring to your "studies," not schoolwork not homework. Just "studies."

So go forth and Kick their asses!

Night, Nite, Knight,

Friday, December 9, 2011

Love thy Eachother

Hello everybody,

I have to start this post off with giving a shout out someone very dear to me, and until just recently I haven't realized how much I truly need them in my life. This is someone who, I must admit I have made fun of in the past, but usually beats me to the punch regardless. Not until just the other day did I realize just how lucky I truly am to have him in my life. Also, there was this one time we were spooning in a tent in Munich and I got up because I was so cold and had to go into the giant heated tent, and in the process of me getting ready to leave I may have gotten some sand in his eyes...I'm sorry, although it is one of my favorite stories. "Jarrad, the sand. Jarrad, the sand. The sand, Jarrad! The sand! The sand is in my eyes!"- Mr. Griffin Rawlings Rebecca.

He not only saved one my finals, but he continues to be an asset in my life constantly. Always has he follow through with promises, and is constantly willing to lend a helping hand. He is the man, and I love him.

For the people who are sacks of shit, I will make a list.
1.) Danny "Star-Grillin-Flapstar" Fortuna aka Tuna
2.) Christopher "Hoobastank-Rat" DiNello
3.) ...

That's really about it.

All this brotherly love and relationship appreciation period has made me reflect on other relationships in my life that I definitely have been lacking on recently. Some examples are my family and... Well, I don't see them that often, but when I do I'm usually only with them for the short time I'm with friends. I know I don't see my mother enough or even talk to her enough. I love her, but everytime I start to spend time with her, I regret my decision about 5 seconds in when she somehow relates our completely unreligious, unfaithful, unspiritual activity back to God. In this case, if she heard me say this she would then reply with "God is within us all and constantly apart of our lives." Then I would proceed to think about #4 on my list of hating finals, as she would go back to watching FOX news or Gun Smoke or some shit like that. ( I actually enjoy Gun Smoke, so please don't think I associate that or put it on the same level as FOX news.)

Don't get me wrong I have nothing against God, I just don't want to be reminded about him every 5 seconds. Especially when most of my activities, He would not probably approve of...

The same goes for my grandmother (The one I was talking about fighting in a cage match). Except not about God, most likely it'll be about school or something along those lines that she has known for years, but because she's older now her memory isn't what it used to be. I've had to remind both of my grandparents, every time I go home and seem them, that I go to Loyola because that always seems to fall into the line of questions. Even though, of there 4 total grand children. I am one of 2 left in college, the other being my sister.

It's hard to really appreciate the relationships in your life regardless of the circumstance. I mean I can send a box of chocolates to my brother for sweetest day, but who has the time or money for another bullshit commercial holiday? Besides it comes off a little creepy. Even here, I feel bad when I don't see a friend that I haven't seen in a long time, but it's not because I forgot about them, It's more so I have better shit to do with my life...I'm kidding, obviously. It's because I forget them, but I feel really really bad about it.

People get so mad about shit like LeBron James leaving Cleveland or Albert Pujols leaving the St. Louis, as if any of us have some real human connection with either of them  I'll admit I was pissed when LeBron left, I felt like he wronged me, forgot about me. He doesn't know me and/or give a shit about me. So why should any of us get mad when they leave? Get mad when you lose someone who is actually tangible to you, and close to you, that causes for a legitimate cry sesh.

For that I propose a heartfelt suggestion. Treat everyone you haven't seen in a while and the ones you have like you're drunk. I don't mean the physical portion of the drunk, just try to mimic the affection behind your hugs, high fives, butt bumps, manly fists pounds, or whatever you do to show that. Unless you're a violent, mean drunk, I'll tell you right now no one likes you and  they will continue to not like you unless you try to be less of that.

I mean try to see people as if you were a happy drunk. It's sort of like "Dance like nobody's watching," which translates to me "Dance like you're drunk," except in this instance love each other. Those of you who know me on a personal level, know I'm a little overly affectionate when I have drank some. I apologize if that makes you uncomfortable, but I want people to feel appreciated. I'm a big fan of the euro kiss, and do it to a lot of people...even some people I just met...which isn't always received as well as I hoped. Still, I try to love everyone because it's fun, nice, and easier than hating everyone.

If you do want to hate everyone, than dick off.

Remember even if you act like you're drunk with loving another, just know you will get A LOT of sober stares, but just remember it's not only for you it's for them.

So Griff thank you again, and Capades for leading me in the right direction with this post.

Have a solid weekend, and I will be back on Tuesday night.

Night, Nite, Knight,

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

As finals approach at a steady yet insanely fast pace, I can't help but think about all the work I should have done and didn't do, that is now coming back to bite me hard in the ass. This will not be a long post, because I don't think I am able to think about writing something long that isn't actually relevant to my academic career.

A few things I don't like about finals week are (in no particular order)...
  1. Making things being due the last class instead of the day of the final. I can't tell you how insanely confusing this is on a syllabus. This is pointless to me, and you are cutting my time a week short.
  2. Tests in general- any kind doesn't matter, don't want to do it. "Take Home Tests"- not as cool as people think
  3. Having projects that rely so heavily on other people, who will not suffer at all if you don't get it done. Nothing particular comes to mind...
  4. The thought of suicide trumps the thought of work by just a little.
  5. The IC and all the people you never see here throughout the year, but come just to socialize, be annoying, and create problems.
  6. People who have nothing to do, and not even because they were on top of things, but because they just don't have a lot to do (I was this person last semester and Nello every year).
  7. Red Bull, 5-Hour Energy, Coffee-Coffee grounds, Candy, and Pop.
  8. Pulling all-nighters at the IC on my nights off from work.
  9. Snakes...that's just sort of an "all the time" one though.
  10. and of course Me.
I always put myself in the situation to procrastinate to the fullest. Right now seems like one of those moments, but its amazing the lack of shit I can do on a PC as opposed to a Mac, just for my finals.  Also, I can't check out a laptop because I have a stupid fine for bringing back an external hard drive late to the DML, because I kept it an extra few hours over thanksgiving break. Sorry, I was coming back to Chicago from Cleveland, as if we already don't give this school enough of our money. Who is really checking out a hard drive the Sunday after break anyway? It wasn't missed!

I'm done, #4 is calling my number... Which is weird because 4 is a number itself, calling a number...inception. I'll leave you guys with this, it's a movie that Chris Capades made called The Funny Bunch and I'm in it. Hope you enjoy and if you've seen it watch it again.

I may see you Thursday we'll see how I'm feelin' by morning. If you don't hear from me, Thanks for the good memories....It's been real.

I will also post this. Shane Coyle said he watched my "Quiet" movie while the song "Sigh No More" by Mumford and Sons was playing and said they worked well together. I then did it out of curiosity and agreed. Above the Caps Lock and Moze from Ned's Declassified both agreed it was amazing! and that I have amazing hair! Also, I think they threw "God" somewhere in there but I can't be sure of the context. You have to dick with the volume a little bit, but make sure they start around the same time and that you can still hear the words of Dave saying the poem.

Quiet and "Sigh No More"

Night, Nite, Knight,

Friday, December 2, 2011

Danger: Eavesdropping may result in judgement.

Hello all,

The Knight Shift has had a makeover, as you can tell. I thought it looked cooler. Plus, stars...night...It relates.

Well, tonight on the blog'o'sphere (I sincerely hate that term) we will touch on the timeless rude act of eavesdropping and the fact that it is alright to judge, as long as you are conscious about it.

First off, I have to say that it was pretty cool being published in the Phoenix. I was glad that they went through and edited the post before publishing it, because I had some bad mistakes in there. Like the Cranberries don't sing "Time after Time" Cyndi Lauper does. In my defense, they sound similar, I love both bands equally, and I'm pretty sure neither the Cranberries nor Cyndi actually read this blog, so who did I really offend? It was cool to see someone on the shuttle the other day reading my post, that is a feeling that I hope to never forget. Because I was watching their face the whole time, which is odd because I actually support that action in the post he was reading...AH! INCEPTION! I'm using that for anything that has layers of understanding. I don't care if it makes sense (which it doesn't).

So I was having a conversation with codename: Above the Caps Lock the other day, and we were talking about how awesome eavesdropping is, which obviously sparked from listening to two girls conversation about a boy...which I have to tell you, is a common eavesdropped conversation. It is definitely one of rudest things that you can do because pretty much from birth you're told to mind your own damn business. Still, I feel that its fun, unavoidable at times, and most of all necessary.

I personally hate when I'm walking down the sidewalk and someone is walking just a slow enough to keep up with me the whole time. In this situation, I say that it is the person in the back that needs to either speed up and go around the person, but then you have to walk far enough ahead to create some space or fall back and create some space. Either way, create some damn space! I don't like when I feel people are listening to what I have to say, and that's mostly because I know what I think when I listen to what other people say.  That person is going to be judged for whatever they say. Not even the whole conversation, just the small part that the outsider hears is enough to judge them from the point of view of the Eavesdropper. Which is shitty, but it happens.

I'm not going to stop eavesdropping because I judge people based on these small encounters. I'm totally conscious of this decision, and right after I judge them I remind myself that I caught a 5 to 10 second moment of someone's life. That is so insignificant and tells you absolutely nothing about who they are. Who the hell am I to judge anyone on 5 to 10 seconds of a persons 20 something years of life? Even if its a slightly longer conversation 2-3 minutes you can't know a person from that. You can know elements about them, but not who they really are. Still, it is not going to stop me from doing it, and I think you should too.

Listen to other people and hear how stupid they can be sometimes. I don't care about context at all, just listen. We listen to one another all the time because its vital to not being a selfish egotistical douchebag and also because we need to train ourselves in ways of the words. We need to hear what not to say just as much as what to say. Its sort of like when someone peer reviews your paper, you may think that what you just wrote is gold, but when someone is looking at that from their own perspective it may look like a piece of shit. We don't catch these mistakes because lets face it, most of us don't critically analyze our own actions or words that often, especially in everyday situations.

This is also the reason that most only-children tend to be socially awkward to extremes of shy and barely talks or annoying because they don't filter anything they say. I think this is because all of their life, all their parents ever did was praise them or hate them. I really think it could go either way on that nurturing path, but regardless a parent is too of a extreme to train a kid for the real world they will face. They don't relate to their children's generation so how can they teach us how to talk and interact with people our own age? We need brothers and sisters and cousins to tell us to "Shut the Fuck Up!" when we make a dumb remark. Yea, it sucks, pretty embarrassing, and definitely leaves some scars, however those scars are constant reminders to not repeat the same mistakes. If you are an only child out there, I'm not saying your like this. I've met my fair share of normal only-child kids who are awesome, and they totally dick with my theory.

That's obviously not the only factor that dicks with my theory. There are certain people that tend to be louder then most, or have more douchebaggery than others. We see these people everyday, and I don't know if they're only-children and personally I don't care, but when you are having a conversation on your cellphone on the "L" and don't want people to listen then I suggest you talk at a respectable tone, tell them you will call them later, or simply shut up and don't answer it. If you do chose not to answer it, silence your ringer because no one wants to listen to it. I got rick-rolled the other day by some little asshole who didn't feel the need to silence his four missed calls.

Still, I ask you to eavesdrop with caution. There are things out there that we can't unknow... On the other end, have fun with other people. That's where the game where you make an absurd awkward statement right as a group of people are passing you.

For instance a statement like, "So, that's when I stopped showering with my Dad/Uncle..."

August logically explained to me why Uncle was creepier to shower with than your Dad, and I agree, but still don't underestimate the creepiness of either option. Sub a "Sandusky" in there if you're trying to be relevant. Don't hold yourself back to just that statement, "Long story short, the doctor said I can still have sex with it..."  get creative with it! It's all pretty fun, because it shows you that you don't give a shit what strangers think about you, and it shows the Eavesdropper not to talk in public about showering with relatives.

Anyway, that is all for tonight. I hope you guys have a good week, and I will be back on Tuesday. Listen to each other, but also listen to strangers because they're probably more interesting than you anyway.

Night, Nite, Knight,